A week ago I got a surprise package from @NandosMalaysia, and was pleasantly surprised when I was reminded that Mother’s Day was coming. Not only that, they even prepared a gift for her, too :))))))
However I was ever so busy with EYE Project‘s big project in partnership with SEC called the GradMalaysia Graduate Careers Fair (which was a success by the way, with DS @IdrisJala_ giving one of the best speech I ever heard & DS @HishammuddinH2O & family visiting the student leaders in between their packed schedule) that I could not plan anything for my mom.
Luckily for us though, mom saw the gift from Nandos and was smiling from end to end even in her tiredness :)))
The reason? She loved the quirky notes that were on the satchets and thought I was the one who came up with it! It really was all @NandosMalaysia‘s efforts but nevertheless she appreciated it that it came through me and told me that we have to pay them a visit together as a family.
I told her that we would, because they would be ready to have us. Won’t you now, @NandosMalaysia? 😉
I just wanted to show you what made my Mother’s Day for my mom work… The quirky punchlines! This says “Forever Your ‘Ah Boy'” hahaha too cute! Yes I bet all moms wish for that too, regardless of what their sons think :p
This one says “I won’t ignore you on purpose, I promise.” and mom, I will do my very best to uphold this promise *crosses fingers behind :p*
Finally the most epic win of the epics! “I love you more than daddy. Don’t tell him.” Hahahahahaha! Guess this one really won her heart eh? You guys at @NandosMalaysia really know how to win them hearts! But now father will be furious since this has been shared on my blog- so whatcha gonna do? :p
All in all, it was a great reunion again with mom as we missed her presence, especially for me since I normally rely on her to dress me up real good for any of my big events… I can’t begin to count the number of stuff I depend on her to do for me. Can you? Come share with me.. After all, sharing is caring right? 🙂
Anyway I don’t wanna get too sentimental on my blog haha.. Whatever it is I owe @NandosMalaysia big time for this wonderful effort, for getting my mom fired up after an exhausting trip. God bless her for making it back safely into our arms… The only thing to do now is to go makan some good ol’ flame grilled peri-peri chicken!
PS – Will be making a little something special for mom soon… Can you guess what it is from the picture below? 😉