The Secret preaches on the fact that “the universe” will give you what you want if you want it badly enough.
There is a much easier technique, says Nuvy Vittachi of An excerpt from his column on theSun, he talks about a technique called “Fake it Till you Make It”, which means to simply act like what you want to become, and in the end fantasy will become reality!
Just as how he’s now such a great columnist. IMHO of course 😛
So here’s how he deals with his friend’s superb ability on receiving rejection letters from his job applications; he tells him to simply REJECT the rejection the next time he receives one. The following is a suggested template for everyone, really.
“Dear Sir or Mdam, this is to acknowledge that I have received the rejection letter that was posted to me on Thursday of last week.
“I gave your letter long and careful consideration. Unfortunately I regret to inform you that I am unable to accept it at this moment.
“You will understand, I am sure, that there are always a very large number of rejection letters in circulation at the turn of the year when bonuses are paid. Furthermore, the current economic climate has increased the number of “no vacancy” slips sent out.
“I myself appear to be particularly popular in this regard, having this year received many rejection letters from extremely impressive companies. Clearly, I am unable to accept all of them. So while I thank you for sending it to me, I regretfully inform you that I have to reject it.
“Please do not take this personally. There is nothing at all wrong with your letter. But it does not coincide with my particular needs at this time.
“In this regard, I will be starting work at your office on Monday morning of next week at 9am precisely.
“I wish you every success in rejecting other candidates. Best of luck! I shall see you on Monday, first thing in the morning!”
So the biggest question is this: will this method guarantee you a job? Nuvy says that the bosses who receive it can only react in one of three ways:
1. They will toss it away simply because they don’t get the contents of this ingenious piece of literal artwork. In this case the company isn’t even worth your time.
2. They’ll be so confused that they’ll have a desk prepared for you by Monday.
3. They’ll enjoy your peculiar sense of humour, thanks you for the laugh and promises to contact you should a job specifically demanding a sharp and witty mind comes to availability.
To add to Nury’s 3rd response, it could really mean that the bosses will call you if a clown is needed for their children’s party :/ Or something similar.
But hey, it’s still a job anyhow, right? 😛
Coming up…
QOTD:” Go where you’re celebrated, not where you’re tolerated! – P.Ron ”

haha…not a good idea to get that kind of job 😛
i AM lookin’ 4 a job now; maybe i should save this as a draft!!! lolz~
yesss it’s still a job, and you still get pay check in the end of the month LOL
kyliemc: hahahha i know right!
Jade Zheng: don’t you DARE Lol! you deserve better!
michy: you crazy lol