came a little late. But here it is! (ps I actually do have a standout post, a real one, but I don’t dare to put it out unless I’ve got requests to do so :P)
Left: Me, my bond girl and the beggar ๐ Right: Ginnie the everlasting hottie bond girl haha!
But the beggar stole my bond girl. OFF WITH HIS HEAD!
Nevermind. I found others. Ching ching the cosprayer and Jestina the gorgeous Jester
How could I miss out the ever present Penton and His Highness Ewe Tiam (who coincidently had his birthday there as well!)
but of course the girls cheated on me… to Zuadrif himself. Bastard.
So i pointed my gun at them. Nuff’ said.
Nicholas Chay Chay was there too, miss him la. He too busy to play badminton and skiing with us d ๐
The other Chris, Chris Thoo and an unidentified ghost. Does it look like a filler entry to you? Of course it is, it’s meant to be. Otherwise my friends don’t wanna visit my blog, complaining about getting hungry at the oddest of times. haha.
Anyway once again my thanks to the good peeps to Nuffnang. Without you I wouldn’t been half as happening as people say, though I doubt otherwise. And to for the beautiful shirt gift. Go buy more and choose your design here:
You may have noticed my face was quite terrible. That was months ago. Now it’s so much better thanks to Cellnique, which is quite a feat really, being able to save someone like me who have next to no sleep, plays sport everyday and come back on unearthly hours. Next up, you will see the results ๐

.-= Tan Yee Hou´s last blog ..Roller Coasters =-.
HEHE dun liddat la i lup lup
cellnique is just a very.. interesting name. :S
.-= KY´s last blog ..Cafe Italia at Lygon, Melbourne =-.
why ๐
“How could I miss out the ever present Panton and His Hightness Ewe Tiam (who coincidently had his birthday there as well!)”
Hey, my name is Penton not Panton ๐
Btw, do you mind to tell me more about the Croatian restaurant that you went b4? My friends are interested to go there… tks
.-= Penton´s last blog ..ๆถ้ดไฝฟไบบๅฟ่ฎฐ็ฑๆ =-.
Whhooooops! wah din know u will check my blog out immediately. die ๐
oh and glad you found the restaurant ๐
i found this in your blog. tks!
Hi, glad that Cellnique is working for you. Do join us on facebook and get frequent updates. You can also share your experience with other cellnique users over there.
great job you could not see a better story then that, was unfold in front of me, and the rest of the world. I was waiting for tiger woods to strike back ONCE AGAIN but that eagle on 16th was the turning point. and tiger knew it! GREAT JOB ON YOUR FRIST MAJOR WIN!
i imagine it was a bit rushed, and disregarded some options that not many people discuss about. Everyone knows that almost all new smartphones have web, so why present that primary operate at its bear minimum. Scroll up scroll down zoom in zoom out. Really? which new phone doesnt try this? How bout discuss how the textual content rearranges itsself. Also the texting, very poor review. Why didnt you mention you can use the mic and textual content together with your voice? Overlooked ALOT of different more essential options