HOORAY! I’ve found an easy way to upload my pictures without going through them one by one… Required some good ol’ hacking into Lord Time’s modification of the ImageWiz’s multiple upload plugin for WordPress. I’m feeling proud of my abilities now, forgive me as I bath myself in limelight and glory. *shines*
Alrightey then, on with the games!! It was fun meeting lots of new people and playing in a football tourney with such a high level of competition… It was amazing! We were just unlucky that we had to face the eventual Champions, the Seven Kings, during Quarterfinals… but we were glad of our achievement, certainly a feat to remember π *click on picture for description*

Missed the train, so had to take bus instead… reached at 4.30am!! But it was all worth the trouble (and money! =P)

The entrance to the coach station, where I caught a passing taxi: dman lucky!!

Oh did I mentioned that I was playing for Edinburgh Uni? Woaaah, import player man π

The whole bunch of us met up with hundreds of other Malaysians studying in Sheffield!! Crazyness..

We chilled out during the Opening Ceremony, which was quite extravagant I must add.

The guest of honour arrived, and with him there was the new Director of MSD, who’s a pretty nice guy =)

This is when the games officially started: with the ang moh kicking a football into a mini-goal post…what if he missed? The games get cancelled, of course π

My hockey jersey and its lucky number… I sweared I scored more than 13 goals in my college days!

Everyone looked so happy, even after we lost the game to Seven Kings.. it was a really good match, that!

Our team picture, with players consisting of students from Sheffield Uni, Edinburgh Uni, Manchester Uni and Imperial College London :Grin:

This is the KTJ team, who were supposed to be our rivals but they got beaten by Seven Kings too, although they had much more fight then us =P

All of us watching the highly anticipated finals… between Seven Kings and Dublin University… Wicked!

Finals, and more finals

Finals, and more finals

Finals, and more finals

Finals, and more finals

Finals, and more finals, and that’s it! *Phew*

See the happy faces? All was good, Sheffield Games was a great experience!

Does the bus not look Londonish to you? Try staring at the seat colours, familiar, no?

This is Bonk’s room, one of our host who let us stay at their place. So nice kan?

All was good with one of our friends winning 1st in the Chess Championships at the Games. Go Mahat!

One of the night sceneries in Sheffield… very townish I must say…

We went to have dinner at an Indian Buffet restaurant, and saw this peculiar vehicle…

Sheffield peeps aka Muffy and Sherve, have you been here? It’s GOOD!

It’s interior is so beautiful, I like! Notice tht the waiter below is like, super short and cute hehe..

We then sitted down on this super long table, and before we know it…

we went to queue up and grabbed our scrumptious selections!

and before you know it, we were back with food on our plates π

So yummy…

Are you drooling yet?

Does this look like a glass of beer to you?

Because it WAS a glass of beer, except, it’s NON ALCOHOLIC like wtf?!

My favourite curry of all time: CheeseButter curry (pseudoname, I can’t remember what it’s called hehe)

I loved it so much I had a whole plate of sauce and free flow of Garlic Nan… Can you imagine the orgy in my mouth?

After the main meal how can we not resist dessert, yes? π

See that reddish ball on the side? It’s fried flour soaked in sugar water. Ugh =.=;

Ladies n Gentiles, here is an example of a Scottish pound. The first time I’ve seen one!

How can we not have a group picture after such a satisfying meal π

Estikutum vehicle gets attention too π

Heck even one of the Ang Moh wanted to join us! You rock la Lady of Estikutum! (she was one of the customers too hehe)

The Sheffield Gig was the last event for the night.. It was okay but wasn’t my cup of tea… Missed Sherve here too!
All in all my trip to Sheffield was fun, fun and FUN! I almost met a few peeps I met through blogging in Sheffield, who are MuFFy and Sherve, but fate didn’t allow us to… meet hhaha.. Let me explain: MuFFy was apparently in the same bus as I was, and she noticed me while I was fiddling with my camera, but NOOOO she decided to ignore me, so sad! :'( Wherelse Sherve was also at the Gig, and probably while I was there too! It was just too bad we contacted each other too late (namely, after the event) so that’s that… hahaha! That’s it then!! *omg super long post wtf*
He is an avid blogger at Spinzer.uS and lives 24/7 on Twitter by the moniker @spinzer. Left Investment Banking to pursue the unleashing of Malaysian Gen-Y's hidden talents by founding the EYE (Empowering Youth Endeavors) Project. He co-founded the Young Corporate Malaysians and assists RandomAlphabets in his spare time. He plans to build a socially good empire out of his social media consultancy outfit called SocialGrooves.com in a bid to turn the world into a better place by 2020.
ya tuhan banyak giler gambar engkau.
haha wtf non-alcoholic beer, first time hear.
i’m so drooling right now -_-
i’ve never been there before…
going soon tho.. after ur scrumtious pics! π
non alchoholic beer… right.
naan… naan…. my fav!!!!
clem: haha, I know! okahy fine I reduce the amount of pictures next time =P
Sherve: drooool moooore haha.. Should go k!
Dy: u gotta try it, so damn funny~~!! Naan is sooo yummyyyy!
btw, i like the train pic!!!!!!!!
i like night time..
once again… i like all the food pics!!!!:twisted:
Waaaa, you play footie? π The train pic IS damn nice! How did you do it?
dy: thankss! I really like it too. It’s actually a bus btw, jsut exposed longer hehe. Wait for more food pics!!
applegal: yeah =P helps witht he mucles, aight? hahha! eh i got something to tel you!