When the day finally came, I sacrificed being in the Merdeka Train Project which I wanted to go for so much, to make sure that the Launch at Delicious, Marc’s Residence will go without any glitches as far as technical stuff are concerned...
Category - Events & Travels
Milestone Achieved: SocialGrooves.com 5th Anniversary & Top 10...
It turned 15th December 2015 this morning. And I was reminded by Facebook on some old tweets which went something like this: I...
Read More#GoingGlobal2015: Can you teach social enterprise in existing...
So here I am, preparing myself for my first ever talk at the United Kingdom after having graduated from Imperial College London...
Read MoreA Truly Remarkable Gem Island
Happy New Year ! It’s really been a while since any one of us (Spinzer or me) has updated the blog. We have been pretty...
Read MoreThe preparation was solid. The execution was awesome. The resulting night was the final touch to the heavens. I could write so much about it, and show you so many photos from the preparation, the execution to the finale, but I won’t...
Many moons ago I was somehow involved in a dear friend’s passion to run something by himself along with his trusted comrades. I don’t think I ever regretted: the Project Runway 101 was a great success, at least that ‘s what I...
Ah. The Royale Chulan Hotel. Just looking at it’s odd but exquisitely magnificent exterior one would wonder how could a 5 -star hotel mark its spot based on design alone. Fortunately for me, the time in between entering the hotel to...