Category - Food Galore

Codo @ Gardens, Midvalley

Last week I wanted to attend Daniel Cerventus’s Startup Camp, something I’ve been looking forward to as part of an initiative to push for entrepreneurship development in Malaysia. As the event was located at Gardens, Midvalley, I...

Zain and you @ Kampachi

The world is very small indeed. Who would’ve thought my Valentine sweetheart Chloe would be friends with another friend who’s also a friend’s of Zain HD, of But that’s what exactly happened. A night...

Firdy, with Love

I was there, at his room. Didn’t like the sofa that much. Floor was cooling. Guess the wind blowing from the high-rise windows helped. Then it occured to me that maybe, just maybe, that telescope from some science store neatly tucked in...

Yishenshu @ 1 Utama

Another vegetarian experience came when Zoe and I decided to locate for gooooood vegetarian food! I guess that happens when we have a self-claim vegetarian and another vegetarian food lover within ourselves 😛 So we headed to my favourite and...