Category - Living Life

My Bersih 2.0 Story In Pictures...

I didn’t turn up yellow, neither did I make a whole hulaboo on Twitter or Facebook about it. I believe in the cause, but whether there’s a need for the rally or not, is for others’ to say… it is certainly not my fight...

12 reasons why you should be in Sibu...

Many, many thanks to @FlyFirefly, the Community Airline, I was on Firefly’s inaugural flight from Kuala Lumpur International Airport (Main Terminal Building, KLIA) to Sibu, Sarawak in their Boeing 737-800 aircraft. The full post will come soon...

Another milestone achieved by Young...

Last Monday was pretty historical to a lot of us. From CEOs of multinational companies as well as notable guest speakers to hosting our very own Prime Minister – was really a hallmark of success coming from a part-time initiative by some...