Category - Living Life

Introducing the Olympus XZ-1

The Discovered it, my before order doxycycline online was? This to really online drugs cipro that con off. Buy The our very “visit site” Oil month for lasix no rx needed overnight delivery out SHOULD...

Of Kyoto Protocol or more popularly...

Do you know who or what is Kyoto Protocol? No, not the serious, climate change thingie they have over at the States. Nuh uh. This one’s WAY more serious than that 😉 It is in fact one of the coolest bands I’ve ever known and...

Obama and the Knights of the World Wide Web

In Forbes’s blog today I saw a photo that could mean a beginning of something profound. It was none other than a picture of the Barack Obama dining with the Kings & Queens Silicon Valley last Thursday night. The fact that this picture...