Category - Living Life

Excuse me for slight hiatus, I've been...

Luscious, no? Anyways. Things are getting crazy here. I guess I do owe my readers some explanation as to why I’ve been updating my blog so infrequently since a few months back. Maybe I’ll take this time to do some honest blogging to...

Just a sharing – Gossip

   "My name is Gossip. I have no respect for Justice.  I aim without killing.  I break hearts and ruin lives.  I am cunning and malicious and gather strength with age.   The more I am quoted, the more I am believed.  I flourish at every...

This Is It – His last message to us

Michael Jackson’s finest and final performance for us, literally. A must watch, see the real King of Pop for yourself. Advice: stay til even after the credits okay? Read more here: (I cannot articulate it better myself) Thanks Nigel for...