Category - Living Life

Marcian Days…

Just the other day I was feeling a tad bit melancholy. Fortunately, I’ve got a colleague (who I will refer to as Hamtaro) who’s the sweetest understanding person who never fails to slap me back into reality. What reality you say...


My new love. A new life. I anticipate this with full force. Nothing can stop me now. Thank you, neighbours, for Marshie. Or something. Haven’t fix name yet. Thank you sisters, for the lame birthday song. Thank you, you, who came all the...

Fast in, fast out.

This entry marks both achievement and failure of a plan that went out of my jurisdiction. It was amazing while it lasted, and it’s also a lost now that it ended. Uncontrollable elements were, after all, too much to handle I guess. But...

You know it's Haloween Day when…

you see Baby Firdy is dressed in Baju Melayu!!! SO CUTE OMG CAN DIE hahahhaa!! Love you man. Long time. 😛   Oh, and Happy Haloween to all of you. Party tonight, and party tomorrow. As Gillian. You know Gillian? You’ll find out soons...