Category - Living Life

On Gyms & NightWalks

   The SpaCapsule in our Gym, way cool!    Outside of Ethos, the new Imperial Gym, which is free for all Imperial Students!! (for now, that is)     A walk in the night at 3.00am, a soothing night of scenes...

Testing New Plugin

* CLICK Da PIC * As you can see, from now on ALL pictures will be clickable, and I can have a lot of pictures in a post without taking up 5 posts worth of space! This is sooo interesting! *gleams* .. I know, I’m a geek. *grinz*

More Statistics

The progress of is really going better than I thought! I’ve decided just to take snapshots of the current stats, just for fun… And here they are! Look at the number of universities in just those 20 last accesses...

Valentine's Day =D

It’s funny how on Valentine’s, girls who aren’t occupying themselves will complain about: • how expensive flowers are, and the fools who bought them • how stupid couples (or couples-to-be)...