Category - Project X

Milestone Achieved: 5th...

It turned 15th December 2015 this morning. And I was reminded by Facebook on some old tweets which went something like this: I mean, to remember the company’s birthdate is a must (much like how important your loved one’s birthday is...

#MakeMagicEveryDay Series – 6 Life...

Hi! Thanks for dropping by my humble blog, which I started since 2006, ever since the days of Geocities and Tripod. Yeap, I was one of them pioneers in using social media during those times where I shared about my experiences living life at...

An Award Above All Others, The Elusive...

I just wanted to share more about the Merdeka Award, because it truly deserves more awareness than what it has now. Each year it highlights individuals who have done some crazy amazing impact that you and I probably don’t find sexy, but...

#GoingGlobal2015: Can you teach social...

So here I am, preparing myself for my first ever talk at the United Kingdom after having graduated from Imperial College London just about 10 years ago. returning to home soil in Malaysia to build my career & contribute to solve some of her...