If you’ve been caught not reading the news on some of the best things that has happened in 2011 and do not want to be left embarrased ever again, this amazing rap by Jin Hackman (@JiniusAtWork) is your miracle solution – better yet...
Category - Random Muses

Retro Games, Revisited! Only 80’s babies will get it 😁
So I’ve got a great blast from the past recently when a friend of mine Calvin Ngai, who manages his own chain of hotels...
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Starting A New Job? Bringing your Career to the Next Level?
I just had this thought that ran through my mind not just today but many times and over of my working life (not long, but a good...
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Do the Harlem Shake meets Malaysia – Latest Viral Video that...
What does the term viral really mean? No, it’s not about a video being shared by more than millions. That’s when the...
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Celebrate my 28th with a FREE Egg McMuffin from McDonalds!
You heard that right. I thought you guys have been the awesomest friends out there for the past 27 years of my life. So I asked...
Read MoreAm just about to start this. Wait for it… just waitttt!! iHarap team.
As you may know, Steve Jobs passed away today. Yes, he’s the guy who founded Apple. The very same brand of computer who had to compete with giants Microsoft once upon a time, before the evolution that we know as the iPod came about. And...
So if you haven’t heard already, please come out of your coconut shell. This one single incident didn’t just garner attention from influential twitterers who follow @fahmi_fadzil. Yes, most of the Malaysian newspapers covered it but...