Category - Raving Rants

What does MCMC stand for?

Malaysia Comot Manyak Cotor. HAHAHHA ok lousy acronym. ok la the real answer is: nothing. Yes it stands for nothing. Its neither independent, nor is it just. It is yet another tool. Just another tool. Fine, given that some have went overboard...

Insecurities of a Deja Vu

There are times when you reflect back into a snapshot of what’s happening in your life right this instant, and these times don’t just happen for the sake of happening, for one has to be actually aware, prepared and ready to face...


As Christmas dawns, and thus the coming of the new year of 2008, one inexplicably can’t help but feel daunted against the all familiar task of succeeding the previous year with an even greater ambitious one in the next. I feel the moment...

Top Ten Viral Videos – A MUST Watch

This post is an uncommon one, but something caught my eye on TheLondonPaper just yesterday. One of the section talks about the top ten videos that are most watched for its bizarreness, or more adequately put, their awesome hillarious ratings...