I think I found it back 🙂

Missing Spring in London
I’m now in a period where I need to guide my life for the existence of a future that I can only begin to imagine. Many...
Read More5 ways to watch #ThomasCup Finals MAS vs JPN!
Dear Malaysians, It is indeed an amazing experience for our team to be in the finals for Thomas Cup 2014! Team Malaysia will be...
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Now LIVE At https://spinzer.us !!!!
Welcome everybody to my humble abode! As you can see, everything’s still the same but ONE thing… I am now known as...
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#IHeartBorneo with @FlyFirefly Day 1 Part 1 – The Arrival
Alright, the following posts are waaaaay overdue, and I haven’t even started on my orgasmic food tour with the gang and our...
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Bored to death
Man. I’m so bored. Too bored. I took a good long look at my blog, and what do I see? Same ol’ design. So not me...
Read MoreThanks to KY and Heineken, me and Mr.Thomas Yap were priviledge to receive special grandstand invitations to the Chelsea vs Malaysia in our very own soil!
This was what I wore for the event. See KY, my jeans also nice, and BUTTON also ok so stop eksyening it is not working! (and btw Robb is the BEST person I’d give the jeans to anyway *bluek*)
Oh and spot the ang mohs supporting Malaysia while the Malaysians support Chelsea *and everybody goes BooOOoOoooooooo!!*
Thomas Yap who was my saviour as a navigator, thanks to him we arrived pretty much on time, and we bought snacks somemore, w00t!
Wait, we aren’t allowed to bring in snacks, right?
If getting to the Shah Alam Stadium was one heck of a drama (we pulled over on a highway and stopped cars from moving just to go 90 degrees into the correct road lolol) then the actual part of entering the stadium is a big bloody MAYHEM!!!!
But there’s always time to camwhore like a true campimp ;D
The sea of blue waves sitting together like a bunch of ***** lolol. At this point we gave up trying to contact anyone cause all phones are in jam-mode. It was just me and Thomas from now on. Just me. and Thomas. *licks lips*
A breathtakingly beautiful shot of the stadium… I heart my camera so much!
And we were close enough to spot the player’s balls! Like, football balls la =P
Another angle we sat at after second half. This time we were at Heineken’s reserved area, but we still failed to locate anyone familiar except a few faces but they had their own gang la. Like Wen Yen. Though Wen Yen didn’t end up happy for some reason hehe…
Oh wait, what’s this??
KACANG GORENG CAP TANGAN BAGUS! But but but I thought cannot bring food in one? I thought all throw outside when chop tickets wan?!!
That’s right. I smuggled it in. USING MY STOMACH OK WOO HOOO!
Ok la Thomas Yap also quite keng. He smuggled in some ciplak Oreos. By his back pocket. He’s so damn tall, nobody noticed anything la! (now nobody WILL insinuate anything regarding me keeping them nuts at my stomache area or suffer the wrath of a Tockie scorn!)
What’s funny about this picture?
ITS SO FUNNY WAHAHAHAHHA (but i dunno why :/)
Ah but spotted Joyce of KinkyBlueFairy! So tanned, lol. Okla saw Kenny the Sia also but he disappeared soon after, and only met the rest of them at McDonalds, neh you can see at Cheeserland, but me and Tom had more serious things to discuss than to meet up with some celeb bloggers wahahaa 😛
Guess all in all it was an experience to behold. Having used to stay 20 minutes away from the Chelsea Stadium, at Fulham, London, it gave me a sense of nostalgicism and made me miss my London more.. I guess I’m not really done with London at the end of the day, so watch out London, the Tockism may return to you! 😀
what a scenery, what splendour, and the game ends with 2-0 to Chelsea, with Malaysia doing pretty well with some great attempts at scoring and defending too 😀 Till next time babes! (haha!)
In celebration of something sweet to come, the nuffies invited me over to have lunch with them, in this new pizzeria located just nearby their office!
It’s called Yellow Cab.
For a place so new, I was shocked to see it packed downstairs so they had to usher us upstairs into an empty room, a place yet to be ready. The staff were very accomodative and I have to say, they can be quite funny at times too! Best!
What happens when a bunch of bloggers and nuffies meet up? Well, you just need to start with KY, as always, pulling off something silly lol. (Oh btw next up you’ll see pictures of the Chelsea match vs Malaysia courtesy of winning KY’s challenge! Thanks KY :D)
Yee Hou then couldn’t resist joining in the fun, So what were all of them doing, you ask? Well… Let’s all ask Timothy, who’s watching it all, to explain…
Yes, it’s a game of invisible mahjong complete with invisible seatS!! and look at Suet Li there trying to take a peek at KY’s mahjong tiles wtfwtf
Then the food arrived. Oh, wait, did I leave out the adjectives “sumptious”, “gorgeous” and “orgasmic”?
And so Tiam, Yee Hou, Robb my man and Paupau couldn’t wait to dig in.
KY, as usual, taking pictures with his phone and Firdauz with his muka stim! btw, the pizzas are served in take away boxes inside the restaurant, so cute lolol
Food gone = start of camwhoring. So cute right the nuffies (one wonders if Yee Hou has at something with the whole Nuffnang stuff :/), and there you see Suet Li being very camera conscious, posing whenever she uses her 7th sense to detect cameras pointing at her hahahaha!
and a GROUP PICTURE is a must of course! Gorgus gorgus peeps. With Barry taking the picture of course.
Then our dear boss sympathized with shy Barry wtf and took our picture instead with Barry inside, then complained saying why we pose so naish when he’s not in the picture so funny wahaha!
The day ended with some more camwhoring with other ppl’s bike wtf but it’s ok we oredi ask for permission wtfwtf. Then there’s barry looking forlone under an umbrella-ella-ella eh eh eh why you so lonely sweatlee gone where?
There are times when you reflect back into a snapshot of what’s happening in your life right this instant, and these times don’t just happen for the sake of happening, for one has to be actually aware, prepared and ready to face decisive actions or decisions that has to be made when it actually arrives, otherwise we’ll face a “complacency period“, a term I use to describe time wasted that could otherwise be made into good use.
Today I’m found myself being in this situation, where I had my “moment” just early this morning as I got up from bed, right before moving to the toilet to wash up. It bothered me more than I thought, and continued to shadow my thoughts as I drove up to work. While proceeding to perform my daily routines, it plagued my mind more than ever and so I thought I’d give it a place in my blog. It’s about time I pin point the priorities of life in my long term goal to take over the world. Heh.
1. Serving Others
Now I’ve always been a strong believer of serving the needs of people, regardless of gender, age, background or other factors. Nevermind where you come from, or whether you are deserving or not, it’s typical me to provide help whenever I can. In fact, last Friday I had an Indian man coming up to me and requesting for monetary help, claiming to be the cost of his motorbike’s wheel replacement cost. I provided him with more than the amount given, and I wanted to see whether he’ll actually do anything to repay me back when he can, so I just gave him my card, some $$$ and turned around like a cool person would.
Yes, some might call me naive, some might say I’ve been used many times, but trust me, I’ve never been disappointed (except maybe once or twice) and most of all, I’ve always achieved pure happiness when results do show, that there IS something to be proud of to do what I did. I think I’m not assuming too much when I say I’ve many great friends whom I did as little as lending an ear to, who’d come to my help without me requesting for it. For that, I’m deeply thankful to them, and to God for blessing me with their presence in my life.
i once carried a lighter everywhere i went so that i will not disappoint random street passerby’s who may ask for a light for their ciggies
Honestly, I don’t think I deserve any of them. I’ve never claimed to be a very good friend, and deservedly so. However I still take heart from their sincerity for there are loads who do not even expect anything from me. And I can assure you, its great things like these that keeps me going strong, and that very same strength is what I return to all of you.
2. Nation Building Factor
Ever since I was roped in by Firdaus into UKEC, I never thought my “wanting to help and serve the Malaysian community” principle would come into such a good use. Being involved in projects that tackles issues such as the Brain Drain, Career Development, Nation Building awareness, MERCY aids and more has pretty much brought up my credibility among peers and others alike.
One day I will most probably write a detailed account on how we managed to get UKEC to where it is today, though right now it’s helmed by other people, I hope it will always stay true to its direction. We’ve created controversies and achievements that we’re proud of, and now we’re continuing our efforts locally here through the Young Corporate Malaysians, which we hope to launch soon.
The controversies on Jeff’s blog:
When UUCA is out-of-coverage overseas (my face here :P)
When UUCA is out-of-coverage overseas… ( 2 )
(of course my real personal happiness was fulfilled when jeff put my face on his blog :P)
and more of course!
The achievements?
The First Malaysian Student Leaders Summit held in Nikko (upcoming one here!)
UKEC Careers Fair for the last 3 years
Projek Amanat Negara for the past 2 years
and many more, which I feel contributed to the recent change of times in Malaysia.
(again my personal achievement was fulfilled cause i was able to e-mail to around 10k of students in United Kingdom and EIRE for updates, thus extending the number of ppl i can help with, and of course, for them to know my name wahaha)
3. Residential Community Factor
As a committee of our Bandar Utama 6 Residential Association, and soon-to-be BURA as well, my contribution has been recognized and many-a-time I was able to use some of my “skills” to contribute here, where I feel so blessed to be welcomed by the committee. More to come.
4. Going forward with Corporate Style
Young Corporate Malaysians is something the seven from the previous UKEC committee came up with, cause as we found ourselves working for corporate companies back home in Malaysia, none of us felt we could leave our past behind, thus the creation of YCM.
More details to come.
5. Alma Mater Responsibilities
I’m still waiting for the AGM to materialize, as Dato’ and I have already spoken in terms, and the coming of me into the current Imperial College board of Alumni is much anticipated. Ideas are floating, planning will be interesting and the outcome would definitely spark a lot of interest… Again, something I’m looking forward to!
6. Striking into the New Media Age
When Ewe Tiam was explaining to me aeons ago regarding his Nuffnang idea, I was overwhelmed by it and I wanted to help him see it through. However thanks to a setback in my university life, I was unable to dedicate myself and so I politely got myself out of the picture. But proud I was as I saw his idea materialized and grew to what it is right now, and with it I think I melded into the situation and without realizing it, I suddenly found myself being friends with a lot of blogger celebrities so naturally.
I guess I was in a really special position to be able to make it this far in the blogosphere, a position where I could garner support from popular bloggers *coughjoshuaongcough* to get me a new laptop completely free, to travelling to Bali and Camang Waterfalls with household name bloggers like KY, Suanie, KimCun, ST, pinkpau, Kenny, IQG, FA and Cheesie. Not forgetting knowing people from the Media like Shaz of Astro, whom I’ve forged a close bond with, and Zain of the recently popular RandomActs (KL Freeze etc). Definitely a position envied by some people I know 😛
More about this soon.
7. Relationship Factor
Something that has been plagueing me, priorities between friends and family has always been one of the hardest to tackle. I should say it is exactly this factor that I’ve corrected temporarily so that my vision in life that has been clouded a little has began to dissipate, enabling me to take a good look at my life snapshot as a whole again. Sigh, I’ve come a long way in this, and I think I’ve emerged out a strong winner 🙂
More to come too.
8. Career Factor
This is by far the most important, as it is one’s life task should one want to be able to take care of their loved ones, and of course, themselves. Career wise, I’ve been in the lost for a few months now, though I’m really blessed to be where I am currently, especially for a starting graduate. This, would right now be something I need to solve in order to continue towards my greater ambition, and also would be the hardest. Effect wise, this factor could possibly change my life direction, style and aim, so I’m very careful when dealing with it.
In fact, while writing this post I feel as though it is the very same issue that has caused me to initiate this super-long entry which I’m sure is too long for a normal read, while the post style is very unlike me as well. I guess at times I do secretly want this blog to be my personal diary, and here it is, presented to you in all glory, unashamed if any one of my dreams should come to pass unfulfilled, and if it does, it is for all of you to rejoice with me and share my happiness, pride and glory (by belanjaing you, yes, that is what I most often do when I feel the sense of achievement lol).
Anyway it’s been a far too long post. I think there’s a 9 or 10 somewhere, but it’s past my time to go back for a swim now. Tonight I’ll be sleeping at home, and be mulling over what I can do, plan it, and execute it once again knowing there’ll be support wherever I go and whatever I do.
You just can’t blame me for being overly optimistic about my own life, if you know the things I’ve been blessed with… Sometimes it gets so unbelievable even… Let’s quote something from Vironia:
No I don’t think you’re naive. There’s a big difference between the words naive and being optimistic.
Naive is when a person is living happily without any feeling of worryness, thanks to being oblivious to his or her surroundings, orto put in one term, ignorance – as they say, Ignorance is bliss
Being optimistically driven, however, comes from knowing the situation, both internally and externally, and being able to identify, sort, and come up with the best of solutions to know that anything can be done, and that’s what I see in you.
This came from someone whom I just met in 2 weeks. A very risky judgement to make, seeing that we’ve not known each other for long enough a time, however she admits that she came from a not-so-fortunate background and have grown to be strong against fate, battling all kinds of issues that would have broken her otherwise, and so I accepted her words with all thoughtfulness.
Thank you Vironia, and until then ladies and gentlemen, I’ll close this post with the result of my experiment from the beginning of it all: the indian guy never came in the end, much to my dismay. lol.