Roaring My Way to Nuffnang Wild ‘Live’ Blogging

This is what happens

if I simply

touch things i shouldn’t be touching!

It grew me a pair of sexy mama udders!


Moral of the story: becareful when you decide to touch the titties of random magical goddess statues, you’ll never know it would turn you into some sexy cow! 😉


This is a community message brought to you by Nuffnang Wild ‘Live’ Blogging, coming soon to a freak fest near you <3

Incidently, here’s a video of beautiful squirrels who aren’t afraid of people, and even climbed me up to have a sniff of my delicious duck rice which i happen to bungkus that day.

And here’s what the ducks look like:

Before they get turned into this:

I know, so wrong, right? lol. Squirrels love it, what about you?
I think I lost my apetite 😛

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Intro: The Bali Casts

I guess one of the main reasons for this trip being one of the most awesomenest trip I ever had was majorly thanks to having travel buddies whom are, well, crazy in their own individualistic ways. I will introduce them first, before further Baliposts littered with pictures, pictures and MORE pictures. (u must pronounce balipost like u would for balitong, purposely one wahaha. eh actually we had a lot of puns but i dun remember them now :()


So, introducing, on the far left corner weighing no more than a hippopotamus (i’ll never get the sp right! ugh) and owner of the beautifully contorted body as per below, Kenny Sia the awkward poser cum blogger!

(that’s his professional occupation, says in his business card. really!)

woo poised like no tomorrow


Next up, weighing only X pounds and pushing up the average age in our group by a whopping 2 (that’s a big number with just 4 in our group okay!) and *gasps* having a foot size 3 is none other than IcyQueenGoddess herself!

yes kenny, we know you have an eye for her


Then we have the camouflaging Cheeso, who has no choice but to try and blend into the surroundings, otherwise we’ll get random strangers approaching us saying how pretty she is, whether she’s a japanese bla bla bla DAMN beh tahan lo, why attention not on kenny’s coconuts, or at Icy’s super small feet, or at my steven lim-ish face! growl! Some people just get all the attention sigh. Please go to her brog to find for better pictures, otherwise I know people will only come here to see her pictures. How can liddat la, won’t be true to my narcassistic self ok! Cheesus.

ok la i kid, expect to see more of her camwhoring pictures here, since my camera is practically filled with it. le sigh, who’s the biggest camwhore again?


And finally, lil’ ol me, who is proud to be the driver during the first half of the journey. Am pretty proud of it alright, Bali roads, wait, make that ALL OF INDONESIA’s, are probably one of the worst roads to drive around in! (comparable with Penang? Nay, even worse!) All those single lane roads, motorbikes that swarm like bees, super steep or extremely windy HUGE pot-filled uneven roads… just thinking about it gives me the ‘aye shiver me timbers!’ feeling ok stop being weird christopher tock


ANYWAY, and it was totally all in manual beybeh, yeah! I think I’m great with sticks, are you? 😉

our faithful avanza, may it forever rest in pieces after that damned lorry ripped off its lights


Okay, say it now or let the question be forever buried under a pile of lousy blog posts: what or who do you want to see more of out of the four casts mentioned here?

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Bebek Bengil @ Bali

During one of my trip overseas, the only thing that seemed to matter most was WHAT to eat when I do get there eventually.

Well, this time, “there” refers to Bali, and everybody knows the two most sought after dishes in Bali are:

1. Babi Guling, and
2. Bebek Bertutu (or bebek bengil)

And since we were at Ubud, famed for the best “warung“s and its vast padi fields where ducks (that’s bebek in indonesian) live, it’s only natural that we found ourselves invited into the best restaurant that served the popular duck dish, that is, at the Bebek Bengil.

Yes, directly translated it also meant “Dirty Duck Diner“. Yes you’re allowed to lolol now lol.

1st we ordered our first dish, which is like vegetables and tofu in peanut butter sauce more commonly referred to as Gado-Gado, an Indonesian specialty.

It does taste as good as it looks, I swear upon my little belly button! A little warning though, notice those little chillies at the side? I accidently bit into one of those and turned into a fire-breathing freak that Kenny and Icy couldn’t seem to get enough of… sigh, don’t think they’ll ever let me off the hook. >(

And here’s presenting the main dish of the day: The Bebek Bertutu! Just take a good look at it and do becareful where your drool lands: you don’t want to send your computer to be fixed thanks to some nonsensical drooling reasons 😛

The really crispy duck leaves nothing much to be said. Though skinny looking, the 4 of us were surprised by its tender meat and really enjoyed this dish. It came with 4 different sauces of a variety of spice levels, perfect for those enjoy spicy food and those who don’t too. Definitely met our expectations and many of us agreed it was one of the best places to eat!

The dish below is the Roasted Pork Ribs. Yes ladies and gentlemen, Indonesia maybe populated vastly by the muslim community, however, Bali itself has an ancient heritage dating all the way back to the old times, where ancestors were mostly if not all, Hindus. This is the reason why the Babi Guling (pork!) is also a speciality in Bali, if you didn’t already notice!

Not mouthwatering enough for you? Quite the impossible I should think haha… Damn, my travelog ALWAYS has to start with food first don’t it? Okay la I promise I’ll talk more about the other things we did next 🙂

But seriously, take another look at the pork ribs above, and if you can tell me with a straight face that you can actually resist them, I’m willing to be your slave for a day!

See even Cheeso here can’t keep her mouth closed lolol

What exactly is she looking at? No la its not the ball-y thing below. No no what were you thinking la!

It’s her Gnocchi which she was all crazed up about. But wth right, who in the right mind goes to an Indonesian restaurant and orders italian dishes like Gnocchi?! Okay la if she wants Gnocchi we all go Italy la okay? haha… So doods and gals, no Italian food pls when you’re in Bali. Get one of these wooden puzzle balls instead for just Rp10,000. Or was that for 4? lol


Next up: Shall we talk about the rooms now? Fabulous rooms I tell ya 😉


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Worchester Sauce

Is pronounced as “w-oo-ster” sauce, just like Gloucester, Leicester et cetera. In England that is.

And that’s where I am at the moment: Home Sweet London Sweet Home 😉

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