Ang Choon Seong @ Whatablog

Eh you tell me can die or not, this stupid handsome Ang Choon Seong of the fehmes He one day posted this la, I tell you I can suffer and vomit and die okay. Why? WHY?! Why you see this and tell me why!

*an excerpt from ang’s blog*
Side dish for today:

Spot the different?

Chris Tock. and…..

Steven Lim

NB: I terdiscovered that this steven lim shared the same lifelong philosophy with me as well. But he went a few steps forward. Check out his blog. And instantaneous puking warned. Hahahah..

(ala..say ppl….)


Cause hor, he himself think he’s the hensemest person in the world!

*an excerpt from ang’s blog*
The second poll (POLL B) is:

Do you think the above hansome gentleman is handsome?

1. Yes of coz, he is so hot.
2. Surela, the hottest.
3. Super duper triple nipple hansome~!!!

Okayla that picture doesn’t do justice. He actually looks like this:

“Why? Why Ang? Why are you so Smart and Hansome? Why?” <– Quoted from Ang

Okay la so saying he’s handsome maybe true, but wahrao he ownself say NO SHAME SHAME ONE! Eve can testify for me. She calls him the “buaya“. Later also I found out Shizune also feel the same way. See, I’m not the only one okay.

Or sometimes the funniest person in the world also got.

*an excerpt from ang’s blog*
Why? Why?

Why I am not funny? Why?

Why? I am confused. I thought i am funny.

I tried so hard to be funny.

But recently, i discovered that I am not funny.

Actually hor, he’s really funny one. He can even make the whole soilek action seem like a joke (ok la not that funny la but still)

Most of the time he either makes sense or nonsense. Sometimes a little of both. Sometimes he does funny adverts. Sometimes he attempts to do a food review, but sorry la bang, fail man!

Aiya but in the end hor, I will never forget him as the person who invited me to play in a football tournament in his team kat Sheffield Games 2007, without even meeting me before. WHAT TRUST!!

You know we love you Ang Choon Seong ๐Ÿ˜€
*phewiittt siapa orang hensem tu!*

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End of 2007, Dawn of 2008

As with all other New Year’s eve, I’ll be heading down to Fuad‘s place for a new year’s bash, a repeat from last year’s but nevertheless something I always look forward to for fun and excitement among closest of friends.

Why not watch the fireworks at Thames River, or go to New Year’s Eve clubbing events, I hear you ask. Well, let’s just say I’ve been there, done that and maybe this time would be the last time I celebrated New Year’s in the United Kingdom, hence I’d prefer a more personal yet wild approach to it. Personal because my closest friends left would be there, and wild because ANY party at Fuad’s is WILD!

Anyway I was reading June’s blog at I thought wow, she summarized her achievements in every month of the year 2007, and that was quite amazing. I don’t think I could, seeing that this year was my final year in Imperial College and so been studying my ass off. So it would have looked like this: (1) January – I studied hard (2) February – U studied hardER (3) and so on and so forth lolol.

I suppose I’ll just list down my achievements la. Good to read back anyway and see what I’d do in the future. I have to say though, this year’s was many a ‘first time’s ๐Ÿ™‚

Successfuly pulled off the last Careers Fair (2007) in which I was part of the organising committee, raking in a total of 37 companies, a huge improvement from the previous year. It’s awesome to see your events getting better and better each year!

2. Raked in 2 multinational-oriented jobs that earned me ยฃยฃยฃ and lots of experience here and here while watching my freelancing career earn me up to ยฃ850 per project.

3. Went to Ibiza, Spain with two beautiful ladies and had beach, sunsets, beach, wait did I already mentioned sunset too?

4. Visited cool places like the Ice Bar, Cadbury World among others.

5. Attended my first ever International Football live at the Emirates Stadium, Brazil vs Portugal (yes with both the famed Ronaldo’s and others!)

6. Pulled off the Projek Amanat Negara IV (April) for the first time since 10 years which led to the Malaysian Student Leaders Summit 2007 (August), a very big breakthrough to nation building among the younger generations. I am very proud of this one! (Recently also spearheaded the First ASEAN Roundtable Discussion)

7. Dined and wined in Jamie Oliver‘s restaurant, Imperial College’s Centenary Ball, Pearl Liang among others!

8. Managed to pull off a crazy Valentine’s Day drama! (It’s an achievement that’s not so dodgy la but to protect identities I will not elaborate :P)

9. Travelled the whole of the United Kingdom with my family, starting from London -> Cambridge -> Edinburgh (passing through York) -> St. Andrews Golf & Country Club -> Dundee -> Glasgow (passing by Sterling) -> Lake District -> Birmingham -> Bath (Stonehenge) -> Windsor Castle -> London again.

10. Most importantly, I am now an honourable graduate from Imperial College London, a receiver of a BSc. Joint Mathematics & Computer Science degree. I was glad I took up the challenge ages ago, knowing that I couldn’t go to the United Kingdom due to financial problems I still applied to the best of Universities, received straight A’s for A-Levels and God pretty much took care of the rest. Also, I finally met someone I can trust my life with in the most dramatic way ever, someone who will never cease to make me wonder how lucky I am in this life. As they always say, the blessed are in a better circumstance to bless the more unfortunate, and that will be my aim throughout my life whether you like it nor not.

I suppose I’ll be re-editing this as I go through my life this year later when I have more time to think, cause it’s been honestly a jumble of a life! I guess I can say my 23rd year have been a very fruitful year, meeting all kinds of cool friend both online and offline who brought me to do many kinds of things. Thank you all, thank you all so much for the wonderful year. Happy New Year to you, all you readers out there who bothers to check up on me!

May 2007 leave in peace as we sing Auld Lang Syne, and welcome the year of 2008 as it dawns upon us full of renewed hopes and opportunities!

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First ever Christmas Pressie

of this year, that is. Ah, such is life now that I’m no longer a student. Wahaha.

Here’s my SPANKING NEW sweater from Animals!

So how do I look? Does it fit me?

A present from someone I never once expected from. It’s occasions like this that remind you what a queer world we live in.

Her: Come out. I need company.
Me: What? Now? So random. You need help?
Her: No I don’t need help. Just company. You free?
Me: Yeah sure, (at this point I thought there was some problem she needed to share) I’ll be out as soon as I can. Where are you right now? (half expecting her to be on some roof in some tall building in London)
Her: I’m in Regent street. Come now okay? Ok bye.

And there I went, plucking my ass from the chair I’ve been sitting on for God knows how many hours, and sending myself out into the cold, windy night in London.

And received myself a surprise Christmas gift from the most unsuspecting woman. Suddenly, you can’t help but to notice that the black and white London suddenly became bright and vibrant with every colour filling the spaces about your eyes.

It’s all thanks to Claudine Yap who turned her blog into a photography portfolio, something she has always wanted to do. Good luck Claudine, and many thanks for making this Christmas a better one for me this year ๐Ÿ™‚

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Christmas Dinner 2007

As promised, I made sure to bring in the Christmas Spirit into our house of 29 Bridgeway Street even if it means spending the whole day in the kitchen. Aimran, his sister and Ben were around to help, and the 4 of us celebrated Christmas as a family ๐Ÿ™‚

Instead of the usual Bread & Butter Pudding, we decided to use Kiwi to replace sweet sultanas and raisins (because we ain’t got them, and Aimran suggested we use it!!). This is how it looks like before being baked, kind of interesting… Let’s see what comes out.

The End Result: Didn’t quite turn out the way I wanted it to be. Needless to say, though, that the family had some of it anyway, so appreciative :'( Not sweet enough, and the Kiwi… well, let’s just say we’d stick to sultanas and raisins next time =.=;

My full-proof sweet potato pie. For the ingredients, refer to this post. Safe, savoury and sweet, potato, sweet potato and cheese ALWAYS makes a great easy snacking alternative ๐Ÿ˜€

The Assorted Steamed Vegetables in Butter Sauce is a clever mix of yellow corn, green pea pods and brown chestnut mushrooms sprinkled with home-made butter sauce to give a festive flavour to our Christmas Dinner set!

To freshen up and provide brighter festive colours, the assorted steamed baby carrots and plum tomatoes with a fluff of alfalfa on top provided the freshness in taste that wakes you up into the christmasy mood!

Normally Yuletide Turkey is meant to be WHOLE and THEN you insert the STUFFINGS into its cavity (once you remove the insides, that is). However I was faced with a problem of wanting to use the stuffings, but all I had was two huge-ass major monkey ballslarge turkey thighs. What was I supposed to do?

Then it hit me. My recollection on something called the “chi bao kai” came up, and EUREKA, I thought of putting the stuffings OUTSIDE the turkey, have that wrapped up into the aluminium foil and then oven cook it from within! Of course, I first had to let the thighs be cooked separately so that you get that amazing oven-baked turkey texture ๐Ÿ™‚

The stuffing, made of herbs, onions and cashew nuts, is then cooked OVER the 3/4 oven-baked turkey thighs and huge onion rings *click*, all within the comfort of an aluminium bag made to release steam so that the turkey doesn’t get soggy. That way, the turkey meat will also absorb the flavours from the stuffing, thereby giving it the intended aroma and taste. The last few minutes of baking was open-aired at the top to brown it, along with sauteed red onions for sweetness.

I thought it was okay, not that impressive but at least it created fun among the housemates! Overall the turkey was a little too dry, seems like more work could be done about it. Definitely will try to improve next round! Thanks to Ben for the much needed help in the kitchen, and Aimran’s sister for the delicious pesto pasta w/ roasted salmon! Aimran, erm, well, I’ll just let Ben taruh you la hor tee hee :mrgreen:

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