
As Christmas dawns, and thus the coming of the new year of 2008, one inexplicably can’t help but feel daunted against the all familiar task of succeeding the previous year with an even greater ambitious one in the next.

I feel the moment now. On a Monday of Christmas eve. 24th of December 2007. Waiting around now seems foolish when the world is moving in a much faster pace than it once was. Somehow or rather, something must take place and resume its course.

I am now currently still waiting for that moment to come. If it does not, I’ll go to it.

I am not a survivor just by name.

Merry Christmas everyone, and for those who will get pissed drunk for the next 5 days after, a happy new year to you too!

On a side note, tomorrow I will be making:
1. Bread & Butter Pudding – An original English specialty
– Replacing sultanas with half-sliced white grapes
– Replacing cinnamon powder with icing sugar
2. Turkey with Onion and Sage Stuffing
– Replacing whole turkey (costing 75 pounds and above!!) with turkey thighs (huge nonetheless)
– Since stuffing is meant to be inside, but we’re using thighs only, it’s going to be on the outside
3. Christmassy Vegetable Fondue
– Mix of baby carrots, green beans, peas, red and white onions and cucumber
– Mayo-lime, turkey-roast gravy and sour cream w/ chives
4. Eggnog with Baked White and Red Potatoe (Sweet Potato) Pie

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Top Ten Viral Videos – A MUST Watch

This post is an uncommon one, but something caught my eye on TheLondonPaper just yesterday. One of the section talks about the top ten videos that are most watched for its bizarreness, or more adequately put, their awesome hillarious ratings. Here I will go through them one by one, giving them a personal verdict. I hope you’ll enjoy the videos as much as I did reviewing it! And now, the videos, from the last place is…

[kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]

10. Lolcats the phenomenon

Take a picture of a cat doing something cute. Then make up a witty caption for the cats, as if they could talk. Compile it up and you have a freaking hilarious video. My verdict: Absolutely oozing with pure kitty cuteness! A MUST watch! - 4/5
[kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]

9. Detention Centre rehearses Thriller

What do you get when you have 1500 inmates from a detention centre at Philippines rehearsing for a Micheal Jackson MTV? One super amazing play, that’s what! It’s definitely not some kind of punishment, rather more of a performance meant for some kind of event, but must have taken a lot of discipline to pull it off. Like, A LOT of it, no kidding. My verdict: You’ll find yourself so absorbed with the performance that you can never believe these guys are actually prisoners within an actual detention centre. Kudos to the amazing star “couple” and all their colleagues for this amazing performance, I’d so love to be there to watch it. – 5/5
[kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]

8. Battle at Kruger

A pride of lions, a herd of buffalo and 2 crocodiles. A story of family love, survival and battle instincts. If done properly, a natural blockbuster. My verdict: I came across this a long time ago, and watching it a second time still gave me that satifying, heart-pumping sensation as the parties battle for their lives. Amazing piece of nature thriller – 4/5
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7. Olympics logo tweaked

The 2012 logo backlashed. I couldn’t find the original video (or more accurately, the London authorities have taken it down) so the video above is sort of like a remix of what seems to be a very, very uninspiring logo of the London 2012 Olympics. My verdict: Nothing much to be seen. I suppose the complain came because a figure of 400k pounds was slapped upon the creation of this logo, which didn’t turn out as good as it was valued for. What is your take on it? – 1/5
[kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]

6. Dramatic prairie dog

A prairie dog is a hamster look-a-like. The video is a really short one, but it tells of the dramatic life of this particular prairie dog. It got world-wide attention one day, and become loved by millions of viewers. One actually liked it so much he created a one-minute video of it. Some guys are just off the tops lol. My verdict: Short-lived humour, though I must say its expression is worth a million viewers lol! – 3/5
[kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]

5. Sam the shoplifting seagull

Do you love cheese Doritos? I know I do. But ever heard of a seagull’s passion for it, who goes as far as to shoplifts from a newsagent in Aberdeen when nobody is around?! Ridiculous, I know, but let me introduce to you a truly Aberdonian seagull who’s name is Sam. My verdict: It’s amazing how something like this could get international fame, but I suppose nobody could help but love little Sam for his adorable antics. When a human steals he gets scorned, but when a bird steals… *shrug* haha! – 3/5
[kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]

4. Leave Britney alone!

I’m pretty sure a lot of you have heard of the infamous Chris Crocker who defended Britney Spears with unparalleled passion. Here it is again, much to my bemusement. My verdict: I’ve seen it before, I’m seeing it again. I can’t help but laugh at this poor guy! Evil I know. Come let’s watch together, popcorn, anyone? πŸ˜› – 4/5
[kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]

3. Groovy Dancing Girl

One girl with very, very eccentric but catchy moves. An amazing song by Daft Punk- “Harder Better Faster Stronger” which incidently got turned into Stronger by Kanye West, my current favourite song! What more could I ask for? My verdict: Superb value for entertainment, if fast-forwardish bone-popping wierd dance is your cuppa tea. If it’s not, just watch it for the sake of watching it. I’ll bet my arse you’ll be entertained πŸ˜€ – 4/5
[kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]

2. Chocolate Rain by Tay Zonday

I once got a friend invite on youtube, through yet another youtube friend who is an artist that I still listen to. His name is Tay Zonday, a twenty-five year old aspiring singer with a baritone voice that doesn’t quite match his baby face features. It was that very same reason that I took an interest and listened to not one, but many of his songs. It has this reeaaally irritating quality that I can’t quite adjust to, yet it sounded so unique that I couldn’t stop myself from going away. My verdict: Not something that you may be able to take, because even I find his voice a little… fake, to say the least. Ah but who knows, one man’s rubbish is another man’s treasure, so do check it out! – 2/5and last but not least…
[kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]

1. Miss Teen USA 2007

A USA beauty queen was asked to answer a question which goes along the lines of why Americans aren’t able to find their own country on the map. Miss Caitlin Upton then become infamously popular for spewing out a lengthy and garbled account of the American education system. I suppose the video speaks for itself really. My verdict: Honestly, I don’t think this one deserved the top place, and my verdict testifies to it also. I supposed maybe people like to watch something that makes a fool of another person. Still, I thought a beauty queen in an international standard SHOULD be at least have a pair of better-than-average brains, and would do better than to try and come up with an answer beyond her capabilities. I know a girl who can do better and STILL look as good as she does. bleh. – 2/5

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A Home Cooking series – *GULP*

was a sound I thought Mr Catfish had made. Awkwardly placed lying on the plate, I thought it couldn’t be possible. Nevertheless, I thought I should at least check on the poor frozen thing, just in case it was still alive.

If it was, I’d probably let it go. No, Mr Tock does not have the heart to be a guilty party of any kind of murder.

“Hi, I’m Mr Catfish. I just got thawed from being frozen in the freezer. Do I look delicious to you? I do? Thanks!”

Indeed, Mr Catfish has to be dead. And so I wasted no further second and proceeded to take him to his favourite bath of tumeric, sesame oil and black soy sauce concoction. He enjoys no other bath, because this one makes him smell especially delicious, so very yummy. Of course he needed help to move, the poor thing.

“Hmm. Something smells good. Are we going to have dinner? Yay! :D”

Mr Catfish has always been a funny child. He started playing with noodles when he was just but a tiny tadpole. In the end, I should think he would have loved to be buried together with noodles.

Buried in Indomee Instant Noodles, that is.

Am I evil? NO! I am just. My name is Tock the Just. Heck, even I can be the new CJ in Malaysia if I wanted to. At the very least I could guarantee you that Mr Catfish is safely tucked away in the darkest of chambers, never to re-emerge again…


Here’s a Tiramisu dessert made by Kah Ming the Camel, the size of a shoebox! TO know this talented guy please leave a comment in the shoutbox and I’ll put you through to him. Tankiuvelymuch.

NEXT: Western Dinner

You know you’re the laziest person alive when all you eat for dinner a week in a row is just what you see above. Well, at least the sausages change. Some days Irish, some days Bramby’s Apple filling, some other kinds of sausages. Bleh, at least it’s colourful, no?

NEXT: Fried Meehoon

My housemates and I decided it would be House Cleaning Day last night. Nice what, lovely Saturday evening (fact is it’s almost 5 degrees Celcius outside, so we decided to stay within the comfort of our heaters =P ). So we cleaned. Well, they cleaned. I cooked. Love cooking. They loved it too. My cooking, that is. RIGHT GUYS?

Got the house a new Wok. Need la. A necessity. Of course all the usual sauces, herbs and spices is a must also. Kitchen is my territory. I say get new Wok, I sure get one. And wooden spatula., too.

A close up at the dish: Prawns, Fish Cakes, Chinese Mushroom, Garlic, Sweet and Light Soy Sauce, Sesame Oil, Egg, Pepper, Chicken Stock w/ Mushroom base, Chilli, Prawn Powder. Missing: Greens. Reason as stated above.

Why I will never accept nothing less than fresh prawns: Sweet and springy meat when slightly cooked, skin used to boil and produce prawn stock for further use, can absorb flavours quickly while being cooked. NEVER GOING TO USE SAINSBURYS COOKED PRAWNS EVER AGAIN!

The end.
ps. – anybody wanna send message to Mr Catfish? His family still in the freezer, can pass to them instead.

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Calvism @ Ajisen

As promised, once per day la!! Aih, miss CrysV please be patient can? hahha!


Today I’m going to talk about a certain blogger whom I had the pleasure to meet just before I left to London. This blogger has always intrigued me. We are similars in many ways, yet contrasting in some. I once thought he didn’t want to meet me if I didn’t bring girls along to be introduced to him, but later found out I was so wrong la hehe (my friend, don’t angry k *wink*). And of all days, he called me on the same day I was supposed to fly off!

Guess who’s this?

Best of all, he came to actually get himself Sushi King’s priviledge card, so it was really funny that we didn’t end up eathing there, and instead went to try Ajisen instead, which apparently originated from Singapore!

Apparently to see how good a japanese noodle restaurant is, you must try their ramen because it’s something so basic to a chef, and it tells you almost everything about the rest of the food prepared in their respectives restaurants!

All this was of course told to me by none other than Calvin of himself! It’s the first I got to see close up on how handsome he is πŸ˜› (come on, with that cool hat and baby blue t-shirt, who could resist!)

Salmon Sashimi slices topped with Lemon Mayo. Typical dish but I thought the Mayo was kinda interestingly ZESTY, thus making me crave for more!

Meanwhile, I decided to be safe and ordered the Unagi Chiroshi which was decently tasty, quite a safe dish to have πŸ™‚ Doesn’t it look tasty to you?

Now here’s the best part guys. and girls. His car is not one to be messed around with. Older than his amazingly unyouthful age (can’t say sorry :P), this car has been around for ages. It was transported all the way from East Malaysia, and pretty much survived the rough roads of PJ without taking too much damage. When I said it didn’t take too much damage, I really meant the only things aren’t working are like the winding gears of the window, the doors, the seats were off-coloured etc etc etc the list is endless hehe.

But respect man. The car SURVIVES till this very day. Take a look at the ancient thing!

>I dub it the AncientCalv. And no, it doesn’t say Calvism on the number plate silly, it’s just to protect information from being leaked to the CarGawd in case it wants to take AncientCalv’s long life!

I mean, if that happens, Calvin may as well be dead. The two live hand in hand with each other. So ladies, do remember that dear old Calv here will be using his vintage machine and take you down on a stroll. How else COOL-ER can that be?! What are you waiting for, drop me a comment and I’ll e-mail you his contact details!

Heck, he’ll even throw in his vintage karaoke machine you see below!

How irresistable, eh? Hehehhehe.. respect dude, respect!

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