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Baskin Robbins Cafe @ Midvalley Gardens

Just the other day I went to Midvalley Gardens with William for the opening ceremony… We witnessed Isetan Gardens and Robinson’s classy concept within the Gardens among other shops, and I really found the place to be MUCH more better compared to the Pavilion! I was actually there too but have been too busy to update my post, though others like William and Shaz have already written about it, so I think they both summarized my experience as well 🙂

Anyhow, what happened was that we got attracted to Baskin Robbin’s Cafe concept and the good people at BR Cafe entertained us as we took pictures of what they had to offer, which I found pleasantly surprising!!

The view of the cafe, what a pretty concept!

One of the three different styles to have your favourite ice-cream in… Yummy crunch!

A sneak preview of the Strawberry Kisses... You’ll be amazed that this was actually “fried” consisting of yoghurt, strawberry syrup and assorted crunchy fillings that makes it a truly orgasmic crunchy experience! More details over here

Presenting a Cooler species: Motchas Mojito, which is really Green Tea + mint syrup… I have to say its definitely a LOOKER and after trying it, I wasn’t disappointed at all… until the Oasis came along =P

Presenting the Oasis, which is really a wonderful combination of watermelon and rainbow sherbet. Now if this doesn’t kickstart your day, I don’t know what will! Its refreshing goodness is thoroughly invigorating (not to be confused with the effects of tongkat ali!!)

Many thanks to the friendly people at Baskin Robbins for the experience! I hope there’ll be a day where we can all come back again and enjoy ourselves in the first ever Baskin Robbins Cafe @ Midvalley Gardens, which really made it big in Korea before arriving here at Malaysia’s doorstep 🙂

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Benji the Super Dog

Today I want to pretend that I’m doing a Show-n-Tell class. Yes I know it’s only popular in the US but pretend that I’m am a US citizen as well then, if you please. Wait, but then I’ll have to be obese, larger-than-life and happen to be the most conceited man you’ll ever know. Ah, but then for this I don’t have to pretend; I currently happen to be JUST all that. Sigh, woe is me!


Introducing my lovely dog that I always miss ever so much whenever I’m in the land of mash and bangers (that’s UK for you losers who don’t know =P). The Dog, as he will be refered to from now on, is probably one of the stupidest dogs I’ve ever seen, and I’m not even exaggerating! Ok firstly, let’s take a look at what the Dog is supposed to be:

My Dog, My Benji! Isn’t he the most adorablest creature you’ve ever seen? Can’t you detect the stupidity displayed all over his face? OMG how can you not love the Dog!

OKAY like wtc I’m acting like a girl now. Happy ppl? I’m gay now aren’t I? like, WHATEVER =P

Anyway one day I decided to dye mr Dog to see if he can be any retarder. This is the result:

Lolol just kidding mate, this here is his boyfriend, but he’s so ugly. Yes, I suspect he’s gay after a little incident he had with some other dog. Really!

Nah this is Benji! The Dog! Who does a “Hurricane Tail Blow” move whenever he senses pretty HUMAN girls, cheh.

Though I must say, I wish the Dog can be at least as cute as this litle fella here… Bloody cute can?!

At least the Dog doesn’t look anything like this horrible creature who’s so ugly can vomit shit I tell you! *bluuerrghh*

Okay hor, so we were in the Bandar Utama Dog Carnival thingie, and though Benji is too stupid to join in, after the event I sort of got him to do some tricks, just to show off you know, meet some new pretty girlsdogs?

Hmmm, this kinda looks easy yo. Imma gonna pass thru this in an instant, yo! You mofos out there prepare to be amazed yo, for I the Pimp Doggy-O is gonna rock the town til u drop wagstas!


Yo yo yo did you see that you wagstas! Told u I ain’t no Shits-zu can find anywhere else! Bow to me yo, bow to the Dogsta!

See what did I tell you? Damn I love him so kao kao!! 😀

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Review on Reach

Ready for some cheese fondue? I’ve got a place that will just melt you down. A restaurant owned by a friend’s mother who dreamt of opening her own Asian-Western fusion food, without leaving out the extreme ends of both sides, I thought it was the idea was pretty much accomplished, though it was never an easy ride.

Her pride and joy, Cassandra‘s mum and family can’t seem to be at peace with each others’ criticsm; whenever one family member feels that something wasn’t up to the notch, one would point it out immediately (with respect of course). I think that’s one of the secret to their success, different inputs from different age generations, making sure it caters for everyone be they couples or families!

Without further ado, let me present to you, Reach!

As you enter, to your left is the lounge area where you can sip coffee and receive free wireless internet service, perfect for businessmen who needs a cuppa

This is the dining area, decorated by the family to cater for a classier audience, and notice at the back where a separate section is blocked off for functions

One of the restaurant’s specialy was the frozen Milk Green Tea, which I found delectably tasty, not too strong yet enough to tingle your tastebuds

We started with a round of soups, all served with nicely toasted Garlic Bread. We had Pumpkin Soup, Chicken Soup and Wild Mushroom Soup. For me, the Wild Mushroom Soup deserved special mention as there was very little cream in it, as it focused instead in the variety of mushrooms that certainly gave it a distinctive taste… I later found out that Cassandra’s mom didn’t like cream hence she created her own recipe to compensate using cream with something else that delivers the exact creamy texture, now that’s the way to innovate!

Love Melted Cheese? Read On!

What makes their melted cheese special is that they combine 3 different types of cheese and infuse them with herbs to give you a mellow tasting, sweetish cheesy dip, perfect for any “liu” you’d like in their selections. Do read more!

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