On my first day of Post-Exams…

Exams are over.

WOO Hoo Doopyy dowaaah dooooo!!

What did I do? I went to a RANDOM dinner! Invited by someone whom I don’t even recognize (but its a nice guy hehe), I thought it’ll be cool to randomly meet new people on the very same day I end my last ever exams… and it turned out to be a bigger suprise than I thought it would be. It’s damn weird la! Come see pictures first 😛

Yummylicious!! Yeap, the nine of us had 3 Roast Ducks and assorted dishes!

Turns out they were Sri KLians, and funnily enough, I met everyone of them in separate events! Tell u later 😛

This guy is the one who invited me. Melvin Tan. Nottinghammer. Calls me gay boy lol

Half of the group that was left when the others had to go catch a train!
From left to right: Ka Shing, Hong Lee, Sonia, Me, Boon Wai, Chun Huey

Ok so this is how I met each of them.

1. Khye Jiat – Comes to my flat occasionally, close to my flatmates. Crazy guy!
2. Sonia Chiu – Met through Caryn Chua, also PWC intern, and we went to Brighton together
3. Yih Jia – First time meet, Melvin’s gf
4. Melvin Tan – The mysterious guy who apparently met me a few times during clubbing, but I have no idea who he is 😛
5. Ka Shing – First time met, Hong Lee’s cousin’s good friend from Bristol
6. Boon Wai – The coolest guy ever, knows everyone and is hardcore clubber! He’s damn rich haha
7. Hong Lee – The girl who I’m going to Ibiza with! And most recently we planned a trip to Birmingham + Paris 🙂
8. Chun Huey – Met through Sulwyn, the first time during our Hi-Sushi eatout!

Honestly, it’s a small world out there! hehe… anyway coming up next is a shisha outing (again) and Kev’s birthday party... so for now I shall sleep cause I’ll be attending Agong’s Birthday Reception today at 3pm in my Batik 😉 Here’s my invitation haha!

My Invitation!

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VLog No. 2 – FAILeD

[kml_flashembed movie="http://www.youtube.com/v/5tC4PEGDgHk" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]


Oh by the way, I will be going on an epic journey to visit a few places, most notably Ibiza, Spain, sometime mid-June! Those who visited my site before will know that I LOVE photography, and I never fail to show you the views of places I’ve visited, for example, my trip to Slovenia, then there was the Kuching trip, my Brighton trip among the few! I honestly can’t wait for it… the beaches, the raves, the nudists… lol.. Can’t wait!

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Bored to death

Man. I’m so bored. Too bored.

I took a good long look at my blog, and what do I see? Same ol’ design. So not me. Whatever happened to my ever-changing design?
Then I realised, I may have been a little too overdependent on this skin. Why? Because I spent a lot of time modding it, tweaking it, making sure it’s inch perfect, just to find it with many flaws at the end of the day.

Face it, I’m afraid to change it. I want a better looking skin, a better life, a more exciting one. But I’m afraid to fix something that, well, is not what you can call “broken” now, is it?

I’ve since wondered. A lot. About how I live my life? Excitement? Oh yeah, lots. Lots to tell. But secretive I am, and that’s what people tell me as well. I usually blog about experience, crazy things, expeditions, projects, lucky days, achievements, and the likes of these. What about my other parts of life? What about the hidden thoughts I have every few seconds? My mind is a warped thing, many of my friends should know. Ever experimenting, ever omniplacing (I just created that word, don’t bother looking it up on wikipedia. Face it, you were just about to!) on the million events that could separate now and the next second, happening in the multitudes of dimension we call the galaxy.

Why is it, then, all the same for us? One life. One way. One time. Are we not allowed to rewind time after all? Is the time-machine all but a dream? Is there truly no hope of finding out if there truly is another transient world out there, one like this current world that we’re living in but in a separate timescale and actions? I want to find out the answers, unfortunately, I’m using a wrong approach to it… and that is by playing fantasy RPGs and watching animes. Passive approach eh? How many of us are actually like that… talking about ideas, but when it comes to implementation, we shy off…

That’s most of us, I’m afraid

I remember fondly, back in the good ol’ days (I say that figuratively, because it’s still a good ol’ day right now, and in the future, it was just meant to give out the notion that we’re to take ourselves back when we were still… young) I’d have dreams and ambitions solely to satisfy my desires, knowing full well a lot of other people would love the concept of M.A.D.

What’s M.A.D. I hear you say? Frankly, even I don’t remember. It was definitely a flabbergasting concept though, one that will leave you flabbergasted! *lol*
I hope one day I’ll manage to retain that information and hopefully reveal to you the extensive imagination I was blessed with from the beginning of times. SO until then, I will have to ask you to wait, and maybe, after this post, I won’t post such randomness ever again.

The highlight of Imperial College’s Malaysian Night, Jack Pippet! Watching Pirates of Carribean two days ago reminded me of him! IT WAS SUCH A GREAT SHOW!

Our Shisha Lounge…

my room as well, which…

transformed into our little shisha crib

Come and visit us for some good shisha loving 🙂

And here’s my infamous ring 🙂

I had the best crepe with the best date… *hugs*

Orchids from the room…

…I never once forgotten the smell of it 🙂

I missed this… We reached quarterfinals and lost to eventual champions 🙂

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Charge by breathing?!

Hmm… I was thinking, what to do if my Ipod runs out of battery? Or my Nintendo DS sounded like it’s gonna die on me in a middle of a boss battle? What if I was waiting for and oh-so-important phone call, when it decided to KAPUT at the most inconvenient time ever?! Now… INTRODUCING the best gadget ever to face the world…


No, it doesn’t actually breathe silly. This amazing contraption builds up (define: generate) power by expansion and detraction of its belt, made mostly by a few old parts including an old CD-player. The power is then transfered to your device (assuming you have a USB to power jack converter, most outlets do sell them), thus charging it WHILE YOU BREATH! How cool is that? I have never seen anything so ingenius! 😀

Thing is, I think it suits fat people more. Yes, dear friends, people like ME! I’m fat, you have no idea. Ask Koyuuken. That silly boy never fails to call me fat and short, so sad 🙁 See, with my donut (or spare tire, whatever you call it), there is more EXPANSION and DETRACTION happening, thus charging your device even faster! Can you imagine how useful I’ll be as your friend? Go out with me, and whenever your mobile is running out of battery, Tock the Charger is here to help! hehehehhee…

USB Charger by Breathing

The charger itself… UBER cool 🙂 Check it out at http://uk.gizmodo.com.. Of course, the problem lies in trying to hide the device under your shirt lol!

A song for your soul. Just don’t die hehe. Thanks for your support!

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