Weird stuff: Pictaps

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This is by far the warpest thing I ever saw!

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Round n round a trolley goes

Things like this make life interesting, innit? 😀

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Renaissance – Last clubbing of the year!

I SWEAR I SWEAR I SWEAR that there will not be any more clubbing for this academic year! Well, I’ve only been to two so far but I suppose that’s my share of pleasure + socializing time done for this academic year. Sad, I know =P

Individual project is now finally on the way, what with my OpenCV implementation on the roll, although I shall be coding in C++, the least of my favourite languages, but oh well a man’s got to do what a man’s got to do…

Otherwise I’m just thinking of upgrading two of my websites, which are the Bandar Utama Residential Portal and my site… Seems that they’ve been getting some number of hits and it’s pretty embarassing as both the sites look so outdated… Maybe in the next month or so =)


Crazy people on the looose!

The cause of my sins, if not for them I would be studying my ass off =P

The King of News, XL’s my radio station for everything new :grin:

Piggy piggy I’ve got to hold you down or you’ll FLY!

Mazrah Mazrah Mazrah, we almost burnt this picture didn’t we? TOO HOT!

We’re not doing anything funny, honest!

Last picture la, I know you’re getting bored of her *grin*

Ermm… I suppose I feel loved? Haha good for you Alvin Choong bruv!

Sigh, it’s been awhile. Right now I’ve got to get back to work and get the job of my dreams here in London… Come on world, I’m here for you!


A friend of me pointed out some people in my blog appeared in another picture here, and who do I find? A certain MR TAN QI ZHEN and MAZRAH THE CAMWHORE! Haha… it’s a small world indeed, also just found out that Sherve is a friend of my cousin’s (and maybe my sister too). Holla! 😀

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New life

Growing up is a pain to some people. Alas, the pain still holds true for me too (even if I try to deny it) but in another perspective, it’s an opportunity… and I’m VERY excited on what it can hold! Quite some stuff lined up, degree now seems to be grabbable (if such a word even exist) and most importantly, the future seems not too far away now..

Firstly there’s the lectures: right now my lecture days are limited to just Mondays and Tuesdays. Which sort of provides me with an entire LOONG weekend! (to be more specific, that’s Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday worth of holiday EVERY WEEK!) I know, I know, rocks to be mua 😀 Anyhoo obviously it’s not wasted. Time management calls for a healthy mix of revision, time for my individual project dubbed “Camera Recalibration and Stereo Reconstruction”, some dosage of UKEC (which happens to be quite interesting this year, more about this later) and of course, not forgetting my “crucial link-time” which due to priving eyes, I will not be able to explain it in all honesty. 😀

I find myself mixing with people in groups that you can even put a label on! Recently found out that my groupmates who have already graduated happen to be the only ones with a 1st Degree, what smartasses! Some of them are of high-calibred nature, academicly inclined of course, in a world-class point of view! Amazing, that. Then there are those who live to create something the world will notice, I SWEAR, these people are creating impressions EVERYWHERE they go! It’s just so moral boosting to see people like this around, those who create movement for the rest of the world to follow. Big stuff, I tell you 😀 The rest of the groups are worth mentioning too, but if I go on from here it’ll probably end up like some nonsense of blabbers. LOL.

Coming up next in my LIFE agenda is actually a football friendly match between Portugal and Brazil, playing at our very own Emirates stadium! Fine, I forked out 35 pounds for the ticket, but as the saying goes, you only live once. Besides, I think I earned this ticket myself (although truth to be told my working periods this academic year is really a lot LESS compared to the last, which means less $$$). Oh and speaking of $$$ I’ll be earning £250 for 2 days worth of taking care of electronic equipments during the CareersInAsia event, by invitation! How cool is that? 😀

I suppose I’ll end this stupid post with a last moment’s thought: is my life now runned by invitations? I may be getting very big-headed about these things, like for instance, I’ve lost the will to apply to jobs that require strenuous application processes, simply because I tell myself there are so many companies who WANT to hire me, which usually are obviously smaller ones… You see, previously it was a challenge, to see where I stand and go head-on-head with whomever I was competing with! I suppose circumstances has changed, and I could very well be acting on egoistic impulse… Well, whatever it is, I will need to find the solution myself. It’s time for some ol’ reflection service *wink*

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