UKEC Investment
I went shopping today with the boss cause we just had a budget for UKEC’s technical department! I won’t disclose the fee, but needless to say it was the most that I’ve spent on hardwares, and oh how wise we were at spending them, since there’s already a Technical Consultant in hand hehe… Things are starting to look good now, beginning with getting rid of the need to rent things when we need it most *wink*.

Fido scrutinizing our newly built shelves!

Fido putting the last touch on the shelves, built by myself and Marwan

Lookie our new toys!! Wheee!!

Look at the quality of the display! *click*

Don’t Layan Beggars in Tube Stations

I was at Harrods yesterday, getting some infamous Krispy Kreme donuts for Azlan when he came down for dinner, and I suddenly noticed this guys who often visits the cabins of our lovely Tubes, especially around South Kensington. They then approached these people who look like thugs and gave a high five, then proceeded to empty their pockets right into the thug’s palm, who then patted his head. The lead thug then let them scramble into his car, which you will see in the next picture. Now you know where your money went to if you donated to these “poor beggars”. Forgive my shakey pictures, it was hard trying to be less incospicuous taking pictures when you’re directly in front of them lol.

Click on the picture to see his face.. Remember him?

Take a good look at this car… That’s where it went!

Tuk Tuk @ Baywater = NO NO!!

Azlan, myself, Fazz and Serina went to have dinner at Bayswater… and since someone was late (not pointing fingers… grrrr) we couldn’t get to Four Seasons and instead, settled for Tuk Tuk, a noodle restaurant based on Thai recipe. Now if anything, I DO NOT RECOMMEND this place at all! Service was really poor, portions was meager and well, that really sums it all, doesn’t it? I’ll let the pictures do the work instead of wasting my time typing on this sorry excuse for an exotic restaurant ๐ก

Don’t let the surrounding fool you! Outside nice, inside sux!

Mr Azlan greiving over his unusually meager Duck Rice

Scenery in London

Sometimes pictures paint a thousand words. I think these are worth 10’s of thousands… Well not really, but I still love them!

Beautiful Victorian-style houses amidst the blue skies… *click*

Splendid architecture in Baker Street… *click*

Home Sweet Home

This summer holiday for me was a totally eventful one. Apart from getting me license for Open Water Diving from PADI, I also was involved with my local community project, where I was part of the team who got to work. Just in its infancy, it will definitely be something I will enjoy improving from time to time. My sincerest thanks to the committee of Precinct BU6 for presenting me such an honourable certificate!

One of the three certificates here is mine, thank you! *click*

I still miss these… Tha Karipap, the chempedak goreng.. sighs =.=

Phew! That was quite an effort there… I have so much more interesting things to talk about, unfortunately since I haven’t found a place to live yet, blogging is going to be second priority for now! I also just want to say that I have received a lot of warmth and faith to those who trusted me on the 20th of September. I’m good to go now! =D