Return from Tioman Trip with Certified PADI

Getting our Open Water Scuba Diving license from PADI isn’t that hard after all! In fact, we had a hell of adventure by our 3rd dive.. Maybe because our instructor realised that we were born to dive (sea naturalist =P) Our next destination for Advanced Open Water Dive license? Scotland! Hahhaa… at least that was the plan lol… imagine, diving at less than 20 degrees celcius*brrrrr*

Instructors (thanks to Mr Lim the boss!) were great, Dive Masters (Adrian and East, wow, if all Dive Masters are as.. well.. hot as them *blushes* , I wanna be one too! :D) were superbly awesome, our new friends that we met who were doing Advanced (Max and Muk, the bombest!) were uber-friendly… What more could we ask for? Anyways, I’ll talk more about what’s been happening for the past few weeks, along with more scuba pictures (AND EVEN UNDERWATER ONES!) after my trip to Sarawak, Kuching 😉 For now, just have some sneak peaks with pictures taken with me baby, the Lumix LX1 😀

The Sealantis Dive Center which we can now call home 🙂

One of the easiest dive sites, only 10 meters in depth

Yours truly, in style 😉

And my dive buddy, Caryn :mrgreen:

Last but not least, our dive group Mukris & Max!

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More than just an issue

I’ve recently been more “outspoken” with my inner thoughts. Believe me, that’s weird.

This phenomenon certainly is a dangerous… event (for lack of better words)… because my inner thoughts have never been sane, let alone humanly sound. Heck, it should never have been birthed if I know what’s good for myself. Before, it has always been contained and controlled. Just then, even contemplating this issue caused a major buoyancy in the social department and it’s surroundings. And now

It’s going loose all of a sudden.

It’s scary. You have no idea. I’m no ordinary human. No, I’m not thinking too much.

I’m thinking aloud.

Nobody should be allowed to read one’s mind, lest raving beasts should lead to unnecessary deaths

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Exclusive Jogoya Meet 2006

I know, I know… A super-long-overdued post is indeed in line here. My reasons:

  1. I am still at lost on how I am supposed to continue writing about my Slovenia trip… there’s just so much more photos to upload, and Malaysian internet connection just SUCKS MAJOR BALLS!
  2. I keep procastinating… and I’ve been going out a lot! (contrary to what I thought I was gonna do when I reach back home… in fact, instead of trying to stay in, I’m even considering moving out of this house.. Don’t know why, but I feel like my house just doesn’t feel like home anymore…)
  3. I am doing a lot of things which I can type about, but due to reasons 1 and 2, I keep postponing my write-up and eventually the next event catches on before I can write about it, and this viscious cycle continues until today!

Pretty, pretty Star Hill Restaurants! *click pic to enlarge*

So, I must apologize for the long wait hahahha.. if anyone even bothers to come visit anyway, since the last post here is like, what, ages ago? Even so, if those people decide to stop visiting, it’s their lost cause the pictures to come are fantabulous! Featuring celeb bloggers like SmashpOp, Koyuuken and Boss Stewie, it is obviously a high-profiled meet in an even more extravagant meeting place, the famed Jogoya! Wow… I think I may still be all starry-eyed over the whole event!

Fire Lamps in the Sky | Pretty Witty In A Row

Starlight Chandeliers, Star Hill Wonders…


The Three Stoodges at Mariotte

Okay that was childish, heh. But seriously, bloggers are humans after all. What’s so special about them? I mean, so what if smashpOp has over 1000 hits a day? Or that Boss Stewie’s hits come up to 8 figures? Or the fact that Koyuuken, with his measly number of updates in this past 1 month can still attract so many shouts and comments? Sigh, so overrated, I say!

My first round… Looks impressive eh?! Guess how many we had in total 😉

Both Koyuuken and SmashpOp took this… and lived to tell the tale =P

Pray tell, my fellow friends. I beg to know. Aku bukannya katak di bawah tempurung, yah? Oh wait, no no no no no, you can’t be seriously thinking that I’m jealous, are you? Or even envious at all at their figures? No no no, I beg to differ. You’ve got it all wrong… I’m not green in envy at all when people talk about THE Boss Stewie like some God of Laughter figure. Heck, maybe it’s the fact that he’s ever elusive when it comes to meeting people! Well, here’s the good news guys and girls, he’ll be making an appearance in the soon-to-be-biggest Bloggers Meet on the 29th of July. Now grab your cameras and go pose with him!

The assorted dishes we greedily grabbed with utmost kiasuness

Sweet Coconut and Refreshing Soup… YUMM!!

Or are you, somehow or rather, in super-awe with THE SmashpOp, the super-celeb blogger who never fails to “fail” his fellow readers? Great pictures + Super captions + Visually stunning design + Being handsome & tall makes him unequalled in our midst, which even THE Koyuuken agrees to. Some of his quirks are like his infamous SmashpOp Jump which even some pOpfans consider making a national event out of! Who knows, who knows, he could be the most influential person after the Prime Minister. In that case, you guys better go make a friend out of him first, and here’s the catch: you can meet him at the Bloggers Meet too!

The Fantastic King Crab… better be worth RM80 per person!

What’s Jogoya & their RM100++ price… without Fresh Sashimi?

About THE Koyuuken, needing no introduction, he’s the man who had Dim Sum buffet twice within a short period. I think that’s a Superman-inducing capability that I cannot possibly match, even with my huge stomach! No less a celeb-blogger, this man is as humble as pie (I never really get why people associate humbleness with pies, go figure) and would never harm a fly! (it just rhymes =p) I am really indebted to him, since he has already drove me around not once but twice since we met… and recall his previous experience with fetching people around, you will realize how grateful am I to this person =)

Ming, SmashpOp, Spinzer, Koyuuken & Boss Stewie in a row!

Now, what else is left to say? Ming and myself are all that’s left in the Meet, and yet, due to our small (almost tiny) existence in this blogging community (and my short-lived fame due to the innocious webcamming session with Stewie) I don’t think I want to further ridicule myself. Oh, wait, even Ming is the director of a successful online business website. Which leaves me. Stumped. Hmmm.

Bah. Whatever. *goes to sleep*

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Continuation: Slovenia #3

The Vintgar Gorge

Firstly, if you haven’t been following the set of posts of my Slovenia Trip since day one, here are Slovenia #1 and Slovenia #2 so that you can follow up in this exotic adventure. And now, let’s get back to the trip at hand…

Before we proceeded the hike towards the Vintgar Gorge, we had quite a heavy lunch in one of the famous restaurants in the area, popular for it’s wild mushroom soup, amongst other delicacies. Here are some photos of the food we thoroughly savoured before our 40 minute hike towards the Gorge. Can you imagine how they taste like? 😉

Wild Mushroom Soup: very uniquely flavoured

Cream Pork Chop, certainly not found commonly

Remember the sausages? These are it!

Scampi Risotto, freshly caught and skewed!

With our energy replenished and set to go for one of our most adventurous trip (in a trip, :P), we headed for our 40-minute hike towards the beautiful Vintgar gorge. Explaination will be after these gorgeous photos, since none of them needs any comments to convey the words they hold…

If I didn’t know better, I should mark these pictures with my watermark… But dang I can’t really be bothered 😛 No offense to you bloggers out there but it takes so much time to edit photos, wherelse I just use Picasa2 to resize them and w.bloggar to upload and publish my post… Certainly the lazy man‘s way of doing things 😀 So how was it so far? Did you enjoy them? Do you suddenly feel the urge to visit Slovenia and see the things that I saw? I really hope you enjoyed my experience, as I’ve enjoyed them… Well, there’s more to come so keep on coming back!

Coming up next…

Watch as Caryn, Alvin, YT, Sheng and myself walk through the long Slovenian roads to a path beyond imagination…

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