It’s funny how on Valentine’s, girls who aren’t occupying themselves will complain about:
• how expensive flowers are, and the fools who bought them
• how stupid couples (or couples-to-be) can be, when they are holding hands… while their delicious-looking food steams right in front of their eyes
• how dumb it is to be going out with a “someone”, when you can be perfectly happy hanging out with your friends, etc etc…
BUT when they are suddenly
• presented with flowers
• find warm fingers enclosing theirs
• going out with a “someone”, etc etc..
– they can suddenly feel foolish from what they have said, and turn into very, VERY happy beings.. as if there wasn’t anything in the world that could make them more “high” than they already are! Amazing creatures, them 😀
Here’s my choices of not one but TWO valentine’s date! According to one of them, the date was said to be “the BEST valentine’s I’ve ever had!”. No prize for guessing who they are 😉 So yeah, it’s a double date, with a twist.. HEH! Bottom-line: Still Single =P

The Love Bread!
How can we forget the flowers? *wink*