Nasi Lemak Day

A sudden desire to have nasi lemak for dinner just cajoled my heart, like a cat during its mating season…. or not.

I now realise why sometimes I’d rather have pictures up, then me typing up something. I think it’s got to do with my cacated style of expressing how I feel… Sigh, whatever happened to my English since coming to UK? =(

Well, so I made a quick trip to a Philipina store and bought a few items needed to produce what I wanted. Luckily goods in Earls Court are soooo cheap compared to where I was before! I guess that’s one of the plus points of living at the border of Zone 1 and 2 of London πŸ˜‰ Anyways without further ado, I present you pictures of my accomplishments!
( as you can see, I’m just trying to avoid writing any more bullshit that’ll embarass myself πŸ˜₯ )

Santan, onions and ginger… No pandan leaves!! :'(

We cheapskate Malaysians use chicken wings for our everyday staple diet… LOL!!

Aubergine Sambal… My favourite dish of all!! Notice the toufu I bought, reminds me of Penang Laksa la!

Leftovers of my Aubergine Sambal… It was just too good, nice and lembek =P

My prized picture for the post! Click on it to enlarge it, and you’re given permission to edit it if you will… It’s home-made by the way, grilled to perfection πŸ˜‰

Yes, the main dish of the day – “Triple Wing Style Red Chicken Curry” (Spot the tofu!)

There was so much, we had extras for supper! The (in)complete dish set menu!

Note to self: Remember to use cucumbers and eggs next time. DAMN I KNEW I FORGOT SOMETHING!

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Inspiring Food Thoughts!

If there’s anything as inspiring as pictures of delicious food, it’s the thought of others being inspired by posts full of amazing and beautiful dishes taken by Louyau, quite the terror leh!

Here I am in the height of inspiration =P If you’re confused, just laze your eyes through my own collection!

Tong’s birthday at 4 Seasons, London… Best Duck Rice! (apparently :P)

Home made tryout, done with my dinner (from BK :P) as soon as I saw Louyau‘s site… Eeeewww damn disgusting! (I threw the straw away, FYI ~_~)

Second try, FAIL LA!! Eh Louyeh come teach me lol!

A pic I took while having Antipesto at a cafe near the Pantheon!

Pride of Roma, the Uber-Creamy Gelato!

The best food of all! If anyone is interested in trying they can come over ASAP πŸ˜‰

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I'm NOT free!! But soooo HAPPY!

There’s so much to talk about! There’s so much to think about! I haven’t the time nor the place to write about it yet, but I shall, soon! All I can give now is some pictures which I have uploaded… This isn’t anything funny, or interesting, it is yet another achievement that I am proud of. Everything is FINALLY getting to my way!

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Shit… Like, WhatTheHell?!?!

Okay, so here’s the gist… We have Stewie a.k.a Ewe Tiam ignoring me, pretending to be away whenever I want to have a go at him (he’s handsome) and now he’s feeling all guilty and trying to apologize with the bottom of his heart. Well, you can’t really apologize “with the bottom of your heart” literally, I mean, hearts can’t talk, can they? Oh wait, what’s with the “bottom of your heart” phrase anyway? Does a heart really have a bottom? Hmm… Maybe it does, lessee:

Notice with the genius intellect I have, I rotated a heart by 180 degrees, and EUREKA, you get a BOTTOM! Hence I have proved that all hearts have a bottom, Q.E.D.

Okay, anyway….. I was kidding about the top bit. No, not that he’s not handsome, but I don’t want people thinking I’m gay.

No, honestly, I’m NOT gay.


So anyway, I was just getting to the most interesting part. He says that if I don’t add his link on my blog, he was gonna do something terrible to me. THEN he proceeded to give me this link [ ]

I think I’ve said enough. Stewie dear, I salute you.

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