A sudden desire to have nasi lemak for dinner just cajoled my heart, like a cat during its mating season…. or not.
I now realise why sometimes I’d rather have pictures up, then me typing up something. I think it’s got to do with my cacated style of expressing how I feel… Sigh, whatever happened to my English since coming to UK? =(
Well, so I made a quick trip to a Philipina store and bought a few items needed to produce what I wanted. Luckily goods in Earls Court are soooo cheap compared to where I was before! I guess that’s one of the plus points of living at the border of Zone 1 and 2 of London π Anyways without further ado, I present you pictures of my accomplishments!
( as you can see, I’m just trying to avoid writing any more bullshit that’ll embarass myself π₯ )

Santan, onions and ginger… No pandan leaves!! :'(

We cheapskate Malaysians use chicken wings for our everyday staple diet… LOL!!
Aubergine Sambal… My favourite dish of all!! Notice the toufu I bought, reminds me of Penang Laksa la!

Leftovers of my Aubergine Sambal… It was just too good, nice and lembek =P

My prized picture for the post! Click on it to enlarge it, and you’re given permission to edit it if you will… It’s home-made by the way, grilled to perfection π

Yes, the main dish of the day – “Triple Wing Style Red Chicken Curry” (Spot the tofu!)

There was so much, we had extras for supper! The (in)complete dish set menu!