Stuffed Pepper Review

…To Have A Healthy Mind, You Need Healthy Food…

Not unlike Jamie Oliver, both of us threw our cooking skills one notch higher and gathered what we could from the fridge to create a Truly-Yanti dish we call “The Stuffed Pepper“… Yes, so concentrated we were that there was not even room for creativity over the lavishly interesting name we have for it!

  • The Stuffed Pepper

Expecting a recipe? Nope, not over our dead bodies! If you really want it call us at 800-YANTI-CAN’T-COOK and we’ll discuss matters over a private coffee meet. Royalty prices to be expected >D

Just to show you how great it was, we present to you sample pictures of the dish! (which, honestly, really undermines how great “The Stuffed Pepper” truly is!)

The “Stuffing”

The “Containers”

When “Two” Becomes “One”

Ready For “The Oven”

The “Yellow One”

The “Green One”

The “Happy One”

Does that tingle your taste buds? Don’t live in denial, you know you want it! Gimme them views!

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Living A Branded Life

I see the world with my AcuView… (contact lenseS)

I shade my head with a Bali… (my favourite caP)

I exist to most as a Logitech… (my webcaM)

I play in my world of Sony… (my conSole)

I feed myself with Sainsbury’s… (my food resourCe)

I may occasionally have some Pizza Hut too… (my JuNk)

I protect my soles with Lonsdale… (my new shOes)

I listen to reality with my Creative… (my mp3 Player)

And the Life as it is returns to me with a Compaq Presario X1000 series.

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The Fruit Flan

Now, tell me people, what do you expect of this Fruit Flan? Isn’t it like the bestest fruit flan you’ve ever seen?! Well, homemade ones at least 😀

The only problem was that I didn’t get to try it 😥 Oh well, too bad for me I suppose… 🙄

  • The Fruit Flan… Yum Yumm!! :mrgreen:

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Weird facts…

Hmmm.. It’s weird that there’s been a lot of Bulldog connections to my blog… Have they been advertising my site? Don’t mind if they do 😀 Maybe I should start putting adverts again so that I can earn free money hehe…

Okay, let’s discuss the stats for today:

I know a few who uses Bulldog, so that makes Yi Shan (an avid blog reader but doesn’t have a blog himself) and Chien Liq a few of my visitors… I suspect a certain Tzern might be involved in this foul play as well 😉

As we run through the list, we will notice someone living in halls visiting the site.. And since we’ve learned that the post below received a comment by a certain May Tan we shall try to assume that belongs to her. However, one will learn that she’s safely tucked in in Sheffield, hence should be hers (as her counterpart, Jan, rarely visits my blog *idiot =P*). This leaves the unkown, and yet we know that it belongs to a resident in IC halls. I wonder who that is…

Now, one will notice that a certain belongs to the country of Malaysia. Now as far as I know only my father visits my site from Malaysia, and he’s certainly no TMNet customer (we support Webbit, the future of broadband in Malaysia :lol:). This leaves the one and only Suan to it, hence we shall close this case =P. ( I’m sooo smart hor =P) is definitely from Imperial, but from which department? I suspect it might be from the Computing department, but I have no idea who’s from there who visits this site… Interesting no? Might be my next great project 😉

This leaves a few more unknowns who are definitely from the UK, as their ISPs definitely belongs to the UK: Pipex and Metronet. I have every right to assume they are students in UK as well, probably my fellow second year friends! Greetings to you people!

The others are probably random bots or random people just passing through… Surprisingly very little of them, considering my average hit in a day goes to about 40++…. Not bad indeed 😉 Well, it’s not too bad an analysis for a day, is it? I enjoyed it, did you? Wish there was a subject called “Problem Analysis” cause I think I’d be very good in it hehe… Or not 🙄 =PpP It’ll be interesting to see what response you guys will have on this… 😈

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