The Return Of The Sushi-Chopper

Wanna be my SuShI?

Once again, I welcome you to my humble abode. What you see here is an impressive upgrade from WordPress 1.2 to Worpress 1.5, a considerable quantum-leap improvement. It is like hiding beneath the sands of storms, and yet you can imagine a glomping lobster teethering away at the foot of your leg balls.

It is truly an unfathomable surprise. Do not be afraid of it. As there was once a SuShI that said:

“We shall rise above! Not like a sushi, because, the rice is below…” – LamE SuShI-O

Finally a belated Valentines to you and Gong Hei Fatt Choy!!

.: A Tribute To My Valentines :.

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Overdue Posts…

Well then, hello again people! This is just a short notice to say that Picasa 2 from Google ain’t just some random Google idea made to increase Google’s popularity (as if it wasn’t popular enough)… It is, however, by far the best picture viewer I have ever seen, and it contains every single function that I would want in a photo organizer…. What more could you ask?

Tomorrow I shall brief you to the world of Picasa, in which I shall show you just a few things that can be done by it, including increasing the picture count on this blog! That, my friends, is something you can count on. For a mere sample of what to expect, please go to and have a look at its Collage tool!

By the way, you can e-mail me at for fun… It’s a cool e-mail, no? 😉

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I am told to update my blog, but since I’m a little ridiculously busy at times, this shall do for now 😉

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Chris Returns ( Thanks to Charlotte!)

The tidal waves has subsided.

The earth has long gone into deep slumber, once again.

The sun faithfully rises yet again, never feeling bored nor tired. Relentless.

Summing up everything is a beautific, yet an impartial word, spelt with a P – E – S – E – R – V – E – R – A – N – C – E .

A great big thanks go to all my friends and family, for their support throughout the ordeals, crazy funs, shouts, sex, sex, pisses, push ups and down, and many more Sushis. You all know who you are. And if you don’t, I’ll just list you one by one. Soon.

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