My Baby Tungsten W…

… is losst! Sad, I am :'( Oh well, live goes on… but without my organiser, things now seem… a little more disorganized, shall we say. Sighz…

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And it's my turn – 20!!

Pictures speak all… I really want to give my thanks to everybody who got involved, ALL the freshers and seniors who came, mainly the Beit Hall gang, who are Liwan, Jun, Suemay, Logan and Matthew, my KTJ friends, who are Cheah Wen Tao, Stefanie, Sumithra, Sui Seng, Tong How and Jennifer, the best flats ever, Flat 37, who are Wei Kiat, Conrad and Ali, and Flat 54, who are Chien Liq, Nicole, Yanti, Sherin and Qi Zhen, and also to my Nottingham bestest pal, Keat Kuang.

Special thanks go to Wen Tao, for always being there and getting me the biggest cake I’ve seen in London (was almost devastated when he lied to me that he wasn’t coming!), to Chien Liq, for being the “inviter” who was responsible for 3/4 of the people who came, both freshers and seniors, to Liwan for getting me a Harrod’s cake (with no chocolate, yeay!! But I want home-made next time kay? *hinthint* :grin:), to May for succesfully making a fool of myself and for making her specialty Mash Potatoes *juz* for me *winks* and to Nicole & Yanti, for making me a custom-made Tiramisu cake WITHOUT chocolate!! I have to mention Sherin too, as she’s responsible for me not getting hungover the next day after all those shots and 3 pint drinks and JeeKwan/Alwin combos!

Beit Hall Gang - Without Jun ;)
Beit Hall Gang – Without Jun 😉

Food from Royal China
Food from Royal China – Darn ex!!

Mmmmm more food!
Mmmmm more food! Guys I seriously think that I should pay too!!

Keat Kuang and his Panda Bear!
Keat Kuang and his Panda Bear

All trying to delay me from going back.. into the surprise party!
All trying to delay me from going back.. into the surprise party!

Caught you!
“Caught you!” – The Surprise Party ala CL’s place!

My three beautiful cakes! Love you guys! muacks!
My three beautiful cakes! Love you guys! muacks

To the Crowd!

Here's me... Fat d.. A toast to all of you who came!!
ere’s me… Fat d.. A toast to all of you who came!

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Happy Belated Burfday Sis!

I have a sister. She’s an odd one, with a tendency to follow me rather than to stay with her other sisters. The oddball, one might say 😀

Her birthday was on the 11th of November, and I stayed up to call her. This is the response I get:

Sam (my sis): Hello?
Chris (me)…(duh!): Hi may I speak to Samantha? (talks with a foreign slang)
Sam (my sis.. last reminder): Uh… Hello?
*passes the phone to mom
Mom (my mom): Hello? Who’s this?
*eventually finds out it was me
Mom: Anyway, we’re having a very nice lunch in *somewhere*.. so you want me to send it to London? (sly… very sly)
Chris: Uhhh.. no need. I can probably make the same dish better… (yessss!)
Mom: Okaylor… Okay we want to eat now. Bye bye, love you, God bless! (and she puts the phone down)

I was stunned. I paid for the call, to wish my sis a Happy Birthday, just to be closed after 10 minutes of random talk with my mom. If it were not for my father, my mom would have remain oblivious, but in the end I still managed to get through with it.. and that’s all.

So, this is a story of my sister’s birthday, Samantha Tock (from the famous Tock-ism). HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY!

Sandra(R) and Samantha (L) posing a shot for the phone camera!

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Chopstix & Flies!

Okay, if this isn’t the COOLEST game for the year, BLOW ME!! Guys, this you gotta try =)

“Man who catch flies with chopsticks can accomplish anything!” – Mr Miyagi

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