Exam period is here!!

Okay guys. I noticed the lack of hits this site is recieving. I understand.
Exam period is here, and first up is Programming II, which I have to pass. Good luck to myself.

I promise you, however, once the exam period is over, I’m giving a major haul over 3 of my sites :
1. This site (Loads of future features)
2. The ICUMS site!!! (New design/layout!)
3. The AnimeSoc’s Site as well.

For now though, it’s exam, EXAMS and ExAmS!!!

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I'm at lost for words…

Exams are coming, and yet I can’t seem to get my priorities right!! :'(
Oh well, the days goes on, and counting. Time table of my exams are as below:-

                   Title                                        Date          Time       Duration              Room
MC125:       Programming (JMC)              27-Apr      10:00 am     120              Huxley 341
MC140:       Logic (JMC)                          29-Apr       2:30 pm     90               Huxley 344/3/2/1
MC110:       Architecture                           4-May       2:30 pm     90               Huxley 308
MC141:       Reasoning about Programs    14-May    10:00 am     90                Huxley 344/3/2/1
M1GLA:                                                    10-May             am
MC1MF:                                                     11-May              am
M1P2:                                                        12-May am
M1P1:                                                        13-May              am

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A story to tell, coming soon in the BloGz near you!

I have a story to tell. It is a true story. No bullshit. Please come back later to read it!!
But before that, let me re-introduce myself!
In fact I don’t think I’ve ever introduced myself. Yeah, will have a “About Me” page, tho’ it really does sound lame!!

Here we go! :-

   Name: Christopher Tock Zhin Fei
   Birthday: 19 November 1984
   Horoscope: Scorpio
   Nationality: Malaysian
   Living in: London, United Kingdom
   Studying in: Imperial College London
   Job: Current – Beit Hall Hotel Cleaner; Permanent – Full-time Student
   Course of Study: Joint Mathematics & Computer Science
   Last College: Kolej Tuanku Ja’afar
   What next: Lazy to add any more information. Like I said, will have a “About Me” page soon, and hopefully will contain my C.V. and other details hehe ๐Ÿ˜€
   How I look like: Look at my poser picture on the right! :p ( Eeeyer, tak malu nyer!! I think I got fatter since I got here ๐Ÿ˜ฅ )

P.s – I think I’d rather get de Friendster’s Bulletin Board forward thingie and paste it here. Saves a lot of time!! ^^;

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The Eye

I’ve decided to show the world the current condition of The Eye, in hope of gathering donations
necessary for Optical Operation. Please donate 5 pounds as if I have as many hits averaging about 3 per day,
I’ll probably get 15 pounds per day, which makes about 105 pounds per week! Wait, maybe
people will get generous on the weekends, so let’s give it about 120 pounds in total per week!
Which means in one month, I’ll have 480 pounds! In a year, 5760 pounds!
It’ll probably take a few years to have enough money for the operation ^^;

Okaaay, already. I’m really serious now.
I’m seriously quite worried about my eyes. I do not know what effects it will have on me in the future.
I kind of know what is causing it… but, it simply not feasible!!!

For one, I can’t sacrifice work! It’s my money source, and money is important!! I need my weekly sushi buffet you know?
And then, I can’t sacrifice studying!! I mean, I’ve been failing and all, I just can’t expect to ditch studying just for this eye thingie!
Another is sleeping & rest… You know I can’t do it.. If there’s something to do, I have to do it. No sleep or rest for me.
I simply can’t ditch my responsibility!! I asked for it, I earned the post, and now I have to simply continue doing my job!
About improper diet…. Well, I AM trying to save money here, aren’t I?!
Obviously won’t sacrifice my computer. Na-ah. Can’t live without them!

So that’s about it. Ha. What’s a red eye to me? It’s not itching, it’s not burning. Only thing it’s doing is making me feel tired and light headed at times. Nothing to it. I am, after all, THE Christopher Tock hahaha!! ๐Ÿ˜€

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