So what on earth is a TechHack you ask? Well, it’s like LifeHack lah, except the hacks has everything to do with technology to help you improve your life. And I’m not talking about playing games to destress, but actually using technology to help you earn a living, build your brand, grow your popularity and more!
This article is the 3rd of my #makemagiceveryday series, and unlike its first (my 6 tips on what it takes to be an entrepreneur) and second (how to select your ultimate Bond weapon) predecessors, this one will take you on a number of handy tips to help you save TIME and make MONEY. Interested? Read on…
BUT FIRST, a little bonus for you before that – Both Microsoft & Intel Malaysia are currently running a contest where users who purchase a brand new participating 2 in 1 PC can stand a chance to win RM500 shopping vouchers between 18th February to 3rd April! If you’re looking at a new machine for 2016, it’s a good time as any to use up this offer <3
Find out more by visiting!
So you’ve heard that the Edge is finally here, inbuilt with Microsoft Windows 10. It is arguably one of the best upgrades you’ll find among other Microsoft native applications that came along with it, thanks to the amount of synergy it has with each other.
Can’t believe me, can you? Don’t worry, I started with a lot of skeptism too. That’s why ever since I came on board the campaign I basically forced myself to work with the Edge in order to give it a fair evaluation and to feel the difference. Good news? Nothing changed for me except for a little layout issues with uncompatible websites. Otherwise all major functions like internet banking, working with online softwares and most importantly, playing games on Kongregate worked as normal.
In fact, I realize that I could open more than 10 tabs and still not get that overpowering memory eating ability I get from Chrome! So that’s also a plus point. So what’s the downside? To be honest I haven’t seen any really. I guess that’s a good start right? So here comes the additional time-saving feature…
Now this is one of the integration efforts that actually makes sense! With the Microsoft OneNote embedded into Edge, I can basically do this…
Then select my weapon…
Then make some important-sounding comments…
Save it on my OneNote made accessible on cloud anytime, everytime
![2016-03-11 (1)]()
Or send it to my colleagues who would understand all my instructions in super clear visual form, eliminating any room for mistakes!
![2015-12-01 (7)]()
Now how about that? Remember those days when you had to download screen capture apps, or to use the cumbersome snips tools? For me I had to use one of my browser’s widget to do the trick. Apple users out there can use shortcuts, but lack the instantaneous sharing feature. All in all, this trick has made me cut down my time spent on giving instructions etc to at least half!!! You can see why too, right? What do you think of this feature? 😀
Okay, now bring yourself back to the image I shared above. See that Mail app? Honestly although I switched to Windows 10 a few months back, I never bothered to use native apps – in fact I didn’t even know Windows had an App Store equivalent called Windows Store (A+ for originality LULZ)
![2015-11-30 (1)]()
But hey, why not give it a spin right. So the ever curious me found out that the Mail app was really easy to use, and most importantly, it’s been integrated in more ways than I could count! Actions that used to take me 5-6 clicks have now been reduced to 2, thanks to the sweet combination of predictive next action steps and the new action sidebar popping up on the right side of the screen.
![2016-03-11 (4)]()
More importantly, I can load in all my e-mail accounts now that they no longer restrict themselves to just Outlook and Hotmail. So, I could really navigate anywhere, be able to share anything including files of all types and select my choice of e-mail to send it out with, important for someone like me who is part of one too many companies and organisations haha.
All in all, I kind of forgotten how it feels to operate a native app, as opposed to web-based experience like the Gmail. I’ve lost all confidence native apps that I forgot how much more powerful and speedy it is supposed to be, and yes, I did save a lot of time thanks to Mail App!
Try giving it a spin, it’s honestly pretty amazing <3
Ever had to work in a team? At some point, you have to, even as a freelancer! Why? Because then, your client is also part of your “team” as you work alongside each other in a campaign or contract right?
That’s where the OneNote comes to play. It’s a huge upgrade from what OneNote used to be, and coupled with the OneDrive, it has become the One.
LOL. Jokes aside.
Now remember how in Point 1 I could save whatever I want to say about the web at my OneNote? Here’s the next step: imagine that particular OneNote book is shared with multiple users. Wallah, instant information transaction reducing the chances of miscommunication to NIL!
The days of new apps being built to help with collaboration started because there wasn’t enough juice coming from the OSes. With the OneNote/OneDrive/Edge combo, you can literally feel the transformation happen right in front of your eyes. Maintaining standard reports, sending changes done to the team, working with others who are miles away, or just sharing a little note of love for family members has become this easy…
This should help you create even more opportunities to take up jobs you’ve never dared before, afraid of lack of time and resources. It did the trick for me, my efficiency level has soared to greater heights ever since I found all this shortcuts, and there’s probably more yet to be uncovered haha!
Or it could be just because I love my Spectre so much to I feel motivated to work.
Yeah, that’s probably the real answer. *grin*
So what do you think of all the techhacks I’ve shared so far? I’m pretty sure this is the first time you’re reading about this because Windows 10 is really new, and most don’t find the need to explore what it can truly do. Coupled with the latest Intel 6th generation processor which does the impossible like adding to the power & speed while increasing battery life, you can truly do wonders with technology to help you in your entrepreneurial world as well as your life.
At the very least, solving a lot of your current problems in the fastest speed will allow you time to learn more skills on your own. Coding and creating websites is fast becoming a need in this connected world, and the last I checked, a good web developer on hire can cost up to RM6,000 per month! There’s truly an economy to take advantage of when you’re techsavvy, and that’s what I tell myself everyday to keep me motivated 😛
Yes, super motivated because my techhack has gotten me to be on the official Microsoft website <3
Well, feel free to share constructive comments about what I shared here and if you have any more tips and tricks you’d love to share, do comment. There’s always room for more magic 😉 Check out to find out the best Microsoft x Intel combo you’ll want to get to prepare yourself for a great year of 2016!