My Generasi & The advent of Youtubers Community in Malaysia

A long time ago I was already eyeing on the build up of the Youtube community here in Malaysia. I had no doubt that we Malaysians were most suited to jump onto the Youtube bandwagon, at least in South East Asia, after it became a big hit globally. Why? Because we’re a bunch of super creative, super talented people who, frankly speaking, have too much time in the world. That, AND coupled with the fact that we’re surrounded by hi-tech devices and very much improved internet connectivity (thanks UNIFI). All that was needed, are a couple of hardworking people, a lot of stuff to share, a little bit of video recording knowledge and lots and lots of balls and ego to break our unusually shy demeanour.

Below, is such an example of a beautifully rendered production that could come off as a rojak of Yasmin Ahmad’s familiar sentimental direction, collaboration of a few Malaysian Youtube stars ala US’s @Kevjumba and @nigahiga style, amazing cinematography with nothing less of a short feature film’s expectation and stitched together by an amazing soundtrack, if not just to give a lasting impression to the viewers. Watch.

My Generasi – JinnyBoyTV

But it didn’t always start out this way. Nope. A lot of experiments (and copying) of the different methods from the west were tested by our pioneering community, and while some got little or at best mild support by the rest of our Malaysian brothers and sisters, most got ridiculed by them. After all, aren’t Malaysians the best critics of their own nation, at all times?

I still remember, some 2 years back, stumbling across some our would-be rising stars, who were getting pretty decent hits and had so much talent to share. Some of them include Youtubers like @inianwarhadi and @themingfeed, who were some of the earliest vloggers/singers I encountered.

They were pretty good! @IniAnwarHadi was filling in voids and gaps that were existent for the Malay market, who by the way, makes up most of the online population here in Malaysia. His content, hilarious yet educational, made excellent substitutes for crappy TV shows, and the creative way he sees certain things which we can connect to as locals make it an even better watch! Ps- his videos can come up to 500k-700k hits, and that’s IMPRESSIVE!

As for @themingfeed, he had something else to offer – beneath the first few videos he created to showcase his singing prowess together with some guest singers, he showed that there was effort being made to be as good, if not better, than the other Youtubers on the net. He later went on to prove this by coming out with his own short film, which had garnered a lot of views and shares not only among Malaysians but beyond that too, using his uncanny ability to connect and reach out to you in the way he produces the video. Enjoy.

Alone, Forever? – DMingThing

Nice? Bet you it was. I had my eye on him when I first saw his old singing video, and thought hard on how to meet him so that I could help him expand on his vision. It wasn’t till @missycheerio’s birthday party that I got to see him, and boy was he surprised to know that he had a fan from all the way in the UK (I was studying in London back then). I wanted him to be a star, to be recognized for his talents. And Youtube, was the channel for him to do so.

You see, my understanding on social media, is that one’s influence, or reach, doesn’t just stop with their Facebook friends, Twitter following, or the most common denominator of all (at least to online ad agencies)- blog readership. Already various tools and platform are shared out there in the world wide web, free for us to use and thus allowing everyone to have a chance at creating content in their own preferred style, reaching out to the pockets of untapped demographics of a larger, invisible pie, thereby claiming that particular space for their own.

In the Youtube space, that is exactly what happened. The few pioneers in Youtube community are right now getting easily a 500,000 hits video, if one did everything right. That’s a HUGE number to many others!

Heck, even one vlogger by the name of Joseph Germani, or @GermaniPro on Twitter, grabbed Youtube by the balls and created a personality for himself on that channel! Starting off on humble beginnings, the guy managed to fight off haters (who hated him for his guts and his ability to be so self-absorbed in his videos) and have steadily gained an increasing number of fans who would now fight for him! Check the #LouSai out 😉

 #LikeALouSai (Like A Boss) – Germani Productions

Yeap, he allegedly started the whole “#LikeALouSai” trend on Twitter, Facebook and many other places. He also started collaborating with many other Youtubers OUTSIDE of Malaysia. This guy really dreams big, and big dreams he definitely has. He has certainly created a following for himself on Youtube 🙂

Oh and speaking of dreams, a friend that I fondly know as one of the artists in (a webcomic site) also shocked me with his ability to create short films! If it weren’t for collaboration between some of the Youtubers, I wouldn’t have found this really awesome video he did that reminded me of Counterstrike… and boy was it really well done! Check it out!

School of war – Dan Khoo Productions

Impressed? Well he’s not stopping there, for sure! Another wicked short film he created, this time involving my sister @SandraTock even! Ps- she’s now a celebrity appearing in almost every medium out there, from newspapers,  to websites, to people’s Facebook wall, Twitter – she’s everywhere! 😛 Check out the video below:

Memories  – Dan Khoo Productions

Seriously, thanks to Youtube, talented people like these guys get to show their stuff to the world. Here’s hoping that he’ll one day take the challenge to create a real blockbuster movie one day, a protege to some super director one day, who knows!

Of course, thanks to celebrities like @JinnyBoy, who also created his production team with some friends of him, the Malaysian Youtube scene has never seen so much light of the day. One of his very first work collaborating with @GermaniPro got so much attention that it literally went on wildfire on most Malaysian’s social media platforms – because his content was notoriously naughty and local to boot! For example, catch this typical scene at a shop in Malaysia…

Ah Wing – Malaysia’s Number 1 Salesman – JinnyBoyTV

As if that wasn’t funny enough, he and his team made another production featuring a very commonly used word among us youngsters – you’ve got to watch it.

ABUDEN?! – JinnyBoyTV

With all of that, the launch of Youtube Malaysia shouldn’t come as a surprise to Malaysians. Now that you know the community is really thriving, and much more effort is being done to help the community grow (both newcomers and existing players), we can certainly expect a lot more of our own content coming in and I really hope this will all translate to positive news for our country’s entertainment industry. 


My only hope is that Youtube Malaysia will play a larger part in contributing to the community, giving more Youtube Partnership to those who earn it, for one thing, and not just focused on the advertising side of this really beautiful platform, as we can see bigwigs like @MAS and @ETP_ROADMAP taking advantage of this new ad feature, haha. Must be good money huh? 

Rock on Malaysian Youtubers! I salute you!

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The Mystery Behind BRAND'S Essence of Chicken Revealed!

So we were invited to see what BRAND’S Essence of Chicken has to say after many, many years of success in penetrating the minds of most of our parents – quite literally. I still remember back then when I was not used to the taste of this strange black liquid my mother forced me to take every time before my exams started, but as this habit continues, it has since become a tradition in my family. Until today, BRAND’S Essence of Chicken is a MUST

Is of my radio like have pepper daughter wonderful every probably.

HAVE in the house, and sometimes I do wonder, what exactly IS in that black stuff that I’ve come to accept as the reason for my unusual brightness. Now, read on, because I am going to show you the rationale behind it.

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First there is something you have to realize: in the 21st century, our brain function start to decline as early as in our 20s proven from several scientific studies. The main reason for that is STRESS – nothing is escapable from the wears and tears of life. Every day, we face all kinds of stress in our life that while we don’t actually start to “lose hair” as per the saying goes, we actually do lose brain cells!

The degeneration of the brain cells has lead to decline in cognitive performance such as lower mental alertness and memory retention. Feel something like that before? Feeling it far too often nowadays? This low motivation to learn and bad at memorising information could be key indicators of what’s really happening with you. The trick to stay active is to be healthy, and the trick to be healthy is not just exercising for your body, but food for your brain!

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And that’s why, before we continue, it was imperative that we, that’s Linora from Red.FM and I, take our first dose of BRAND’S as it was too early in the morning and we didn’t want the information we learn today to just die and rot 😛

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… Anyway, I degress. Ahem. Okay, so the latest research reveals that consuming BRAND’S Essence of Chicken daily may help improve cognitive performance especially under stressful conditions.

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Dr. Philip Tsang, a scientist whose niche area of research is the human brain, then shared with us how ProBeptigen™ and Carnosine, the 2 amazing peptides in BRAND’S Essence of Chicken, can help nourish the brain and decelerate brain degeneration. Following from some research and based on a few experiments that was done by them, it became more apparently obvious how this black liquid could actually magically enhance our brain, like an elixir of life! In fact, BRAND’S Essence of Chicken actually able to help maintain brain health and improve brain fitness via two special peptides that was found in this elixir!

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ProBeptigen™ and Carnosine are the key bioactive peptides that provide stress resistance, neuro-protection and cognitive enhancement and they are naturally present in BRAND’S Essence of Chicken. In fact, I would have to add that it exists in ALL essence of chicken. The secret to BRAND’S, is that no matter how long you boil your chicken, you’ll never be able to extract the same or even close amount of those peptides thanks to BRAND’S patented extraction technology. That’s why you’re then willing to pay for good technology 🙂

Carnosine is a natural antioxidant present in both brain and muscles. In the brain, it also serves as a neuroprotectant by preventing the accumulation of damaged proteins in neurons and shields against the damaging effects of neurotoxic agents.

Meanwhile ProBeptigen™ helps to enhance both memory and motivation to learn under pressure because of its regulation of serotonin – a neurotransmitter in the brain associated with multiple brain functions – which can be affected under continuous stress.

And this is all proven true because Linora and I joined their little game on stage, and thanks to the little cheat we did that morning (by drinking our BRAND’S Essence of Chicken) we were able to masterfully win over the other team on a game of memory haha! The following pictures were taken by XiangCool – tks bro! Read his post here 🙂


The above mentioned memory game, where Linora and I went up stage to take the challenge.


Basically we had to memorise the puzzle above in a minute and match it out in given time… actually, it sounds terribly simple isn’t it?


The fact is, we gave trust to each other to memorize one side of the puzzle each, and probably thanks to BRAND’S Essence of Chicken, our minds were alert and before we know it, we managed to play the game pretty well!

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Of course, we won without any competition at all and won a pair of 14-bottle pack BRAND’S Essence of Chicken each W00T! *grin*
THANKS LINORA, YOU ROCK!! Go visit her blog here!

Anyway, the presentation continued with the unveiling of their new TV advertisement. Have you watched it?

Rynn Lim, Celebrity ambassador of BRAND’S was there to present it, unveiling it for the first time in Malaysia.

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Oh and before I forget, they brought over this cool augmented reality game! Flown all the way from Hong Kong, the BRAND’S Brain Station Augmented Reality game is kinda fun really, and I had the pleasure to watch (and laugh) at XiangCool having a go at it. After he wins (and hopefully understands why the two peptides help his brain be better :P) he can then post it over

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at his Facebook profile to share with others. Nifty!

Thanks BRAND’S for the newfound knowledge, now I know how to explain to other people when they ask me why BRAND’S® Essence of Chicken is the brand you can trust. It is, after all, the only scientifically proven product of its kind, backed by over 20 years of extensive scientific and clinical research conducted worldwide. Mom, you never go wrong do you? Thanks for feeding me this stuff ever since I was a kid!

Rynn Lim, Dr. Philip Tsang, Senior Scientist at BRAND’S Brain Science Centre, Mr Koh Joo Siang, General Manager of Cerebos Malaysia and Ms Carmen Liew, Marketing Manager of Cerebos Malaysia.

A way to end a great post is always to watch something nice. If you don’t like reading, watch this ad on Youtube 😉

What are you waiting for? Get yours right now or do visit their Facebook page at right now to find out more! :D

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Meeting Malaysia's Minister of Home Affairs DS Hishammuddin

Remember this guy? Yes, the one who got very popular (or rather, infamous) after his keris waving act was caught on a live broadcast and was circulated all over the internet? Well, what do you remember of him before that when he was heading the Ministry of Education? Or after that, and his involvement in transforming KDN’s services into the high standards that it has become right now?

This blogpost is to share with you not of my opinions about him (because some of you may not care and may even think this is a *gasp* bias post) but about my experience meeting him for the first time after following him on Twitter since he joined the social network as @HishammuddinH2O . Among the number of ministers on Twitter, he is definitely one I recommend to follow as he’s not your average stereotypical image of a Malaysian politican 😉

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It all started with a Tweet Up invitation that he started, called #H20TwtUp. This being the second one, in his attempt to invite a few guests to have a heart to heart

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session in a nice, comfortable sharing session. The truth is, we found out later, is that he’s pretty much always alone in that office of his, a stark contrast to when he was still the Minister of Education where he gets to meet people regularly, and is eager to hear what we have to say, or complain about 😛

I was invited, and hence found myself in this very nice small-city like structure that pretty much holds together the KDN, or Kementerian Dalam Negeri, structure.

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As I walked past this sign board, can’t help but imagine what goes on inside this foreign structure. In fact, to a lay person like me, the Home Ministry sounded like an alien one, with little understanding about what it does. It wasn’t until I got lost around the place that I realize it was THIS ministry that runs pretty much everything in this country, things that affect you and I, citizens of Malaysia.

I begin to wonder then, what did the last Home Minister do to give me a warped view of the Ministry, like it was something untouchable, an unquestionable being.

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Entering the building, going up to the highest floor and being greeted by really friendly people and yummy food eased my caution, and I realized that a lot of my perception about this place was wrong. And to be honest, having someone like Ida, who greeted us, in the Ministry was a good start to have. She greeted us like the humans we are, not a bunch of insects that one might feel at other governmental buildings. Before we met Hishamuddin (chewah calling him by his first name!), we were taken for a tour and the picture above is sort of like a control room of sorts where they monitor people…

I wonder how many times I, or the rest of the people on Twitterjaya, has appeared there before 😛

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The place was re-done, as I was told, ever since he took over the ministry. I loved the whole feel of it. Makes people proud working in here, and there were both elements of humour, sometimes seriousness, throughout the corridors. Didn’t feel as dark as I thought it would be, with the kind of impression we had from back then, with all the mess… Here’s a photo of him and I, in case I didn’t get to have one with him haha..

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Luckily I wasn’t the only one new to this place. @Sinatra_Z aka Zaidel and @anakcelup aka Suri of SIS was also there, and that comforted me because I didn’t want to be stuck with a bunch of pro-gov maniacs who have nothing better to do but to lick boots. I was so wrong, I found out later, as I got to know the rest of the Twitteratis who were there as well.

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Soon enough, it happened. And the first thing DS did was to have us meet his generals, the top men in the country overlooking our safety and workforces. Some of them looked like they could kill (they probably can :P) though he comforted us by cracking a joke about this guy (sorry I forgot who!) who has a nickname called “comel” or something, and well, there’s absolutely nothing very “comel” about him. LOL.

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There. Some of them are really atas. Like, the ones who heads the military. Or the police forces. We even had the woman whose signature is on all our myKad in that room! How amazing is that! Now all I need to do is to meet Tan Sri Zeti, who signs the ringgits we have, to complete my to-do list before I do 😛

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Finally, we were brought to DS Hishammuddin’s office, and I thought it would be nice to take a picture of the signpiece. Sometimes, it’s truly a wonder how just by being on social networks like Facebook and Twitter, you could be experiencing things that you normally wouldn’t get. Hehe.

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So we sat down, as if we were important guests of DS Hishammuddin. Truth is, we may very well be. The kind of information shared among the room was amazing, and we were lucky to have heard it right from his mouth. A few of us got to share what we are individually doing, and I got to talk about my @eyeproject initiative, among all the other work I’ve done with amazing leaders I’ve met. The fact is, some of us want him to know that we are also very interested in contributing back to our country, and not necessarily for any political motivations. All we ask is for some power and permission to do so effectively. I hope, out of this discussion, that @HishammuddinH2O does realize the important role he has to play in order for us to help us, help him, and together we will create the Malaysia we all want to see.

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Heck, we even got some bonus information out of this twtup (see what you’ve been missing already? :P) and I now know the real story behind the keris-waving act. Whether you believe me or not, all I can say is, DS is a very, very intelligent man and should not be associated with less intelligent ministers that we may know haha. What I’m trying to say is, he ain’t stupid to have done such a mistake, intentional or not. Sorry guys, just being frank!

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Of course, how could I NOT get a picture with the all-famous Keris! Called the “Panca Warisan”, this keris will be a symbol of many things, whether we like it or not. However, this is what I have to say about it: do not judge a man by his keris. Rather, I implore you to see the work he has done in his capacity as the Minister of Home Affairs. Think about your myKad system, the renewals, the features it has ie Touch&Go. Think about the deployment of police forces in areas we never saw enough polices before. In fact, it’s all documented in the Government Transformation Programme website or follow @gtp_roadmap, so whether you are anti or pro government, just check it out for the sake of getting some facts first lah. If he’s still doing something wrong, then tweet him at @HishammuddinH2O. I trust that he will reply.

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Alternatively, you can just tell me what you think can be fixed, or improved. I am, after all, sitting on the very same chair he works at haha. Like a boss somemore! I’ve to admit, he’s too cool to allow us to do this. I can’t think of any other people of this power that will allow this to happen! And do you know why he can do this? I tell you why – he’s a family man through and through. Knowing a few people around him, and some others, I’ve come to know that he places priority of his family above all others. As long as you hold on to this principle, trust me, you’ll come out quite decently 🙂

Ah… what an epic photo. I’m so going to print this out big big and paste on my wall LOL.

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And beside the fact that some of the guests celebrated their birthday right there (bet it was Ida’s idea to get the cake!) making their birthday the most memorable one ever, as well as a surprise visit by Wong Choong Hann, our national badminton player, as he is a friend of DS’s, the twtup I would say went pretty well! If not for his next meeting, which was to go watch @IdrisJala_ and kids perform at @TapisRougeMY, he’d probably go on and on answering all our questions for him, which by the way, are no simple questions, ranging from the keris waving story to his views on certain policies affecting the nation.

Very glad that something like this took place, and that it didn’t end up like an ass-kissing session. Very glad that we got to know the real Hishammuddin, so unlike how he is painted in many quarters. So, I wonder, when will the real @HishammuddinH2O stand up and allow others to see him like the way we did, on a chilled out Friday evening?

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World Bloggers & Social Media Awards 2012 #MSMW2012

But first, let me share with you a picture that was just taken today at the Kementerian Dalam Negeri office where I was invited to join the #h2otwtup!

Definitely a scene you don’t get everyday! #LIKEABOSS! Will share more in my next blogpost 😉

Aaaaaand without further ado, let’s have a VERY brief lowdown of what happened today at the The World Bloggers & Social Media Awards 2012!

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Obligatory shot with the backdrop after managing to rush from Putrajaya to PWTC and barely making it in time!

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Met up with fellow Social Media Chambers members Chris and Ibdil… and man does the entrance look awesome or what!

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Definitely a black tie event. And there I was, without any -_-

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Congratulations to the winners! When I have more time, I’ll blog the content down with the links so you can see who the winners are (or rather, their blogs, lol)

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I just have to share this dessert. It was so yums. Yums. MMmmMmMMmm!!

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@Karrotgold kissing his award… damn I want one too!

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Finally done! Congratulations to the Social Media Chambers for putting so much effort to make this happen! We rock!

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Yeh yeh @karrotgold #LANSI with me! But seriously, #OCTTWTFEST deserved to win ANYWAY, largest tweet up in the world yo!

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The ceremony ends 🙂

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And everyone started hogging the stage 😛

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Including the awesome people who pulled the October Tweet Fest together. WOOHOO!!

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Not to forget the fatherhood of Twitterjaya, @kruel74 and his @loveykatz, the two people you would want to meet.

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@Altimet the man! In TUX too! What a rare situation haha… man, too hensem lah he. Talented too. I jelly.

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Like I said, someone you need to know to know what #Twitterjaya is all about haha. Thanks @Altimet for taking this awesome picture. You da man 😛

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Nothing, NOTHING is ever complete without @klubbkiddkl. Seriously. Look at what he’s doing to the trophy for #OCTTWTFEST Campaign HAHAHA. BEST!

And it finally comes to an end! Congratulations to all the winners, though I don’t know most of you, the some of you I do know truly deserve your win today. Though the Malaysia Social Media Week for 2012 may have come to a close, a flurry of activities are sure to happen very soon, organized by the Social Media Chambers. Stay tuned for more, or visit here for more pictures on my Facebook!

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