Hi! Thanks for dropping by my humble blog, which I started since 2006, ever since the days of Geocities and Tripod. Yeap, I was one of them pioneers in using social media during those times where I shared about my experiences living life at London while studying at Imperial College London. I also shared how a student from overseas, typically Malaysia, could experience all I experienced with the little resources we have in terms of time and money, and how to maximize all of that through the little tips and tricks we now know as life-hacking.
Little did I know that my little blog could spearhead me into what I am now – one of Prestige Top 40 Under 40 2012 recipient, a nominee at the Newman Creative Pioneer Award 2014, the co-founder cum social entrepreneur of an award-winning social enterprise outfit EYE Project, founder of SocialGrooves.com a boutique social media consultancy agency working with clients such as Maybank and Domino’s, a digital branding consultant to well known personalities like Dato’ Lee Chong Wei & Harith Iskander and many other roles which you can read on my About Me section, all within 8 years!
Basically, I owe it all to social media, my passion in all things IT and of course, computers & mobile phones. And I am no one more special than you are – not as talented, not as handsome (or pretty), not super well off, basically as normal as it gets lah – a typical gamer and manga reader (I love Crayon Shin Chan, Naruto, One Piece, and recently One Punch Man!). The secret lies in my secret techniques, life hacks using technology, in order to achieve so much together with my collaborators, business partners, and partners-in-crime. In this post, I want to share with you 6 of the many tips on how you can empower yourself to do everything FASTER, with BIGGER RESULTS and most importantly, LOOK GOOD doing so 😉 Without further ado, let’s begin!
(Ps do share if you have an even better way of doing things okay?)
- Use a Windows-Intel device!
I’m not joking.
I started my journey as a highly curious boy with a PC powered by Intel. And since most PCs at that time are equipped with Windows and Intel, learning became a breeze. Every iteration of the latest Windows and Intel processor defies all odds in terms of how we integrate our lives with technology, and just recently Intel coined the best processor ever – the 6th generation intel Core Processor Family (formerly Skylake) making it an ultimate upgrade. It is so fast and seamless – doesn’t even lag as I switch between Desktop and Tablet mode! Show you proof in my next few posts under the my #makemagiceveryday series 😉
But yeah, it helps me to switch between work & play, so who needs more than one device now?! My bag now looks slimmer than ever without the need of stuffing in 1 iPad, 1 laptop and 1 tablet into it haha.
- Be Ever-Ready for anything!
Manage energy, not time. Your energy limits what you can do with your time, so manage it wisely. Being able to do many things simultaneously helps me to keep my ideas fresh, and since I don’t waste a lot of time waiting, I end up just doing awesome work! Ideas can come from anywhere, inspired by anything. However you must always remember to MAKE THAT DECISION.
Of course the problem with multitasking is that often your battery runs out. This postpones work done and you’d have to find another café to recharge. Well I basically said goodbye to that – my new HP Spectre X360 lasts up to 10 hours, it’s true! Big plans need an ultimate sidekick like a Windows-intel device to work magic!
- Make magic but still stay stylish!
The slim size of the my new laptop is a serious plus point! Talk about being sleek and stylish – especially with Doria next to me <3
Honestly I got to where I am not because I work harder than most, or because I’m smarter or anything – it’s how I brand myself. What people see me use, what I wear, it creates a lasting impression & that’s why I make sure I look good & stylish anytime, any day. Using my HP Spectre X360 daily wherever I go definitely helped 😉
- Always challenge yourself & never say ‘enough’
Know your goals and set a mental note to remind yourself every day. The only person you should be better than is the person you were yesterday. That’s how I ended up managing Dato’ Lee Chong Wei’s social media platforms & responsible for his commercial & collaborative performances!
Every year I aim for a new recognition and challenges with clients, and I’m glad my handy sidekick can keep up with me so far. By the way, that’s what Windows 10 is all about – they knew what didn’t work & made it into something awesome through innovation and more importantly, feedback!
Speaking of innovation, I’ll share about Intel Real Sense & Windows Hello technology next! It’ll be followed by some productivity apps recommendation (have you the new native apps like Mail?! Uber cool!), a few shortcuts I’ve found useful while working on the go and of course, the all-new Microsoft-exclusive browser – Microsoft Edge!
- Learn from mistakes
Every day, I make mistakes. The only difference, I’m the FIRST to make the mistake. And when you’re the first, the only person who knows it’s a mistake is YOU!
Best of all, magic truly happens usually during the process of making mistakes. You’ll find something new, something no one has ever done and creating something no one has event seen. That’s why I’m truly honoured to be able to work with two legendary brands – Microsoft and Intel, and hope they will continue to feed me with the latest technology so I can be first to experience and share it with you all.
Feel free to share constructive comments about what you love or what you don’t love!
Disagree with me? Do share, there’s always room for more magic 😉
For more information on Microsoft’s and Intel’s latest products, check out www.makemagic.my.