Craft Brews, proud to be non-halal


If this doesn’t make your mouth water, I don’t know what will! Presenting you the latest ultimate bar in town, also known as Craft Brews. They are so advanced that they even have a solid working Twitter account, so do FOLLOW them for LOTS of FREEBIES and DISCOUNTS!


Crafty Craft Brews offers beer connoisseurs a whole new drinking and dining experience, starting with their international microbrewery look, yet maintaing a chic, casual and cosy setting. Looking at the place, it probably fits around 45 people comfortably, perfect for a relaxing corporate evening out!


There’s also an additional space outdoors for those who prefer to wine and dine al fresco. It’s huge capacity outside allows for up to a further 88 seats in total. All will enjoy not only scrumptious non-halal food to go with their home-brewed beers, but the variety of these rare, unique unfiltered beers makes Craft Brews something out of the ordinary, at least in Malaysia!


Utilizing microbreweries around the region, Craft Brews serves up to four draft and 10 bottled beer selections, where two coloured beers from Singapore-based Reddot Brewhouse will be the Restaurant’s signature, premium beers. They are called the Monster Green Lager and the English Ale respectively, served fresh on tap, yum! But more on that later.


Those invited to the bloggers night include our “atas” #porkgang like Horny, KY, Shaolin Tiger, Eyeris, Kim Cun and more. Suanie, Rebecca and Nicholas is pictured above 😀


The place looks awesome, take a look at the wall decorations! Talk about beer-education ;D


There, I told you they had plenty of taps. Crazy Shit.


Oh did I tell you being invited also entitles you to a set of ingredients needed to brew your very own home-brewed beer, among other perks (ie LOOK AT MY VIP CARD!!!)


Of course, the Crazy Ones are here too. How could they not? Nigelais, Kellster and Yatz, at your service.


THEN THE MEGA POP CAME IN! Look at them beautiful towers… don’t you wish you own them? I know you do 😉 Well, at least Jessica does haha!


This is when the free flow starts and everyone sings in tune together 😀


Food. OMG. NON HALAL FOOD. Let me try and decipher for you what’s in those plates:

1. Back Ribs – complete

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with three kinds of style: Honey Mustard, sweet Malt and Maple Glaze, or tangy and smoky Tex-Mex Hickory BBQ Sauce!
2. Caribbean Spice Chicken and corn cobs, served with yummy portions of home-made wedges (freaking good!!)
3. Lemongrass Butter Grilled Dory Fillet (halal, but nevertheless yummylicious!)
4. Lamb Shank. Word.


The foodies, Ah Bok, Sloppy Chic and BBO also came. It was a meat-crunching galore I tell you, nothing was safe with them around!


April Yim decided to get something different. Here’s the Scampi Aglio Olio pasta which was pretty good. Luckily we were too full otherwise we’d have their desserts which sounded pretty yummy to us! Read:

1. Chocolate-filled Banana Fritters
2. Cinnamon Apple Pie
3. Papaya and Grape Melange
4. Premium ice cream flavours~!


The aformentioned #porkgang, who wiped the servings clean. Thanks guys.


Look at the colouriffic glasses, awesome pawesome aren’t they? You’ll also get a good look at April Yim‘s lips here, now don’t go getting any thoughts hehe…


The day was later spent with some games among others, with free vouchers to give out. Here’s Shaolin Tiger doing the tasting test… and I don’t think he got it right, not with the number of beer selections that was available! I swear I could taste the Spirulina though, which is the ingredient contained in the Monster Green Lager, which is, well, green.


It was truly a fantastic evening for us, thanks to the people at @craftbrews for having us around. It was kind of the first time seeing different groups of blogosphere all congregating at the same place. I will surely visit this place again 🙂


And if you do visit it, do call me along! Why? Cause i have this pretty awesome VIP discount card that allows me 30% discount on food items! (not on drinks, sorry :P) and best of all, I’m supposedly the only one that has the card that’s valid till 31st of December 2010!! How cool is that haha… not even the REAL beer drinkers nor the #porkgang has them. *does the victory dance

In any case, you can find them at the following addresS:

G3 Podium, Ground Floor, Menara Batu Kawan,
No.1 Jalan PJU 7/6,
Mutiara Damansara, 47810 Petaling Jaya, Selangor
03 77223000

You can find them just beside Tesco’s, you can’t miss it at all. Do note that there are Happy Hours from 5pm to 8pm daily, and opened from 12 noon till late 😀

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Alamanda’s A Callin’ – Part 2: The Rock Climbing

After our sumptious breakfast and shopping session, we then headed to the Putrajaya Challenge Park at Precinct 5 for a rock climbing session at Putra Climb where we sweated it out with a morning workout. The Putra Climb is currently the largest indoor climbing gym in Asia which had been recently opened and charges really reasonable fee for equipment rental! Just to show you how excited we were…


So excited that some of us did the smashpOp jump ie MynJayz (muka fail :p), smashpOp and JonYKT himself !(all who’s blogs recently got featured in theStar2!)


The walls were super daunting, but that also depends on what level you are able to do. For instance, Purple is pretty difficult compared to the white one


The instructor will be there to give you a set of rules.. which consists of two rules really. Yes, contrary to popular belief, rock climbing is so easy that you don’t even need a license to do it!


Here you can see Honey Madu from and Belinda Chee being sporty enough to sign up. It’s going to be one hell of a time 😉


Rebecca and Bangsar-Babe all looking good before the climb, as though as they didn’t think it’ll get sweaty and all that shit. Aih, girls will be girls :p


Here’s how you climb the wall, and it took Leonard a pretty good while to reach there haha!


Here’s how you DON’T climb the wall. Rames, stop fondling Leo la :p


All of us at the top. We’re HEROES!! (and who thought I couldn’t climb cos I was fat? BOOYAH TO YOU!


All acting cool wtf.


All except for Leonard. Wei, can you look more manly or not? HAHHAHHAHAH!~

Apart from Putraclimb you can also visit the Skate Park, MTB tracks and the Dirt Jump with your BMX bikes.. so many to choose from!
More information here: You can find your way using the map here:

Sunday – Thurday : 10am – 8pm
Friday – Saturday: 10am – 10pm

I guarantee you an awesomely sweet time 😉

Coming Up Next
The Buffet Spread @ Pullman Hotel


Awesome buffet spread at Pullman Hotel, and a view of the lake from the hotel rooms.. Wicked ;D

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Longest post in Malaysian Book of Records: How Infinitesimally Small We Are

From Interested? Click on it for large picture (1.67MB file!)

Reason for this post:
when all kinds of shit is happening between opposing forces or factions, try not to take sides with the infinitismly small assumptions you have, because it’s probably not worth it and aimed to cause confusion and ruckus among the people.

Don’t seek to blame anybody in the burning of churches in Malaysia for example, or for the usage of “Allah” that caused this whole issue in the first place.

Just look to your left, and pray for forgiveness instead of reacting with violence, because we are but a speck compared to what God has planned for us.


Top leaders who came to the spot said a few words:

Marina Mahathir: “very important for all Muslim Msians to wholeheartedly condemn this attack. This is not Islam.” @netrakl


Khairy KJ: “both ‘Allah’ and church attack issue have to be approached w great wisdom” @khairykj



Lord may you lead us out of this, and grant leaders of Malaysia wisdom on how to handle what we see as a nonsensical issue serving only to make us laughing stocks of the world.


Ground zero at the Metro Tabernacle in Desa Melawati.

*Pic credits to Fahmi Fadzil

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Lumix Shutterbug December Theme: Joyful Christmas


Wraths and fireflies make for such a inspiring imagination…


Tides, like the ones at the seas, come and go with seasons…


Royalties can hardly hide their pride…


The Yuletide Log awaits no man…


Ornaments equates to self-pics…


Santa sleigh…


Yummy snow galore, fruities to melt the world…


I would love this house for Christmas…


Just cause I missed the Winter Snowflakes in Hokkaido…

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