Hiatus with an excuse

The Malaysian Datuk Bond was last seen being shot at the ball by a pretty laydee in red. Though he may be seen in a few places at a few times, you may generally assume him to be at the office till late until his baby project has been taken care of.

Until then do expect a sparse number of posts unless he finds himself a PA to help. Some Bond love, anyone?

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Mist Club Exclusive Grand Launch vs Zouk's 5th Anniversary Blast!

Okay I admit the title for this post is a little on the long side, but no matter! Let’s not procrastinate anymore since, well, I’m featured in Junk’s magazine as the featured Nuffnang blogger of the month alongside Anne Marie, and we’ve gotta prove that we are what we said we would be (wtf).

Firstly, I’m a die hard harmonic trance cum electronica person. NOTHING tops this genre in my list of to-listen. It’s only natural that I went for the Freedom Fest ’08 where I got Tiestofied from DJ Tiesto himself! Among the few he spinned was Elements of Life (my fav!) and Everything 😀 😀

And of course, it’s only natural to use “you make me feel alive” by DJ Encore to show off some l33T shisha skills 😛

Secondly, before I forget to explain to some of you who may wonder what the black thing is in the picture found inside the magazine (left)… well, go check it out for yourself. Absolutely undodgy okay, ABSOLUTELY!

Okay this has got to be the longest side-tracked post I ever did. damn

and while doing it I also realized I haven’t posted about a lot of things. double damn

Back to the point here! Okay so there I was having invites to both Mist Club’s Exclusive Grand Launch (from Chingy, thanks!) and  Zouk’s 5th year Anniversary (from CLEO bachelor no. 40 himself, David De Jong!) and decided that I’ll go for both, taking Katherine along with me. Now let us let the picture do all the talking, shall we? 😉


Katherine and I did great by reaching from work on time to Mist Club at Bangsar Avenue!」


「Then we got our tickets from Chingy herself! we lup lup you :D」


「It was pretty grand, and local celebrities like DJ Pietro was there to spin some Mambo」


「But of course we got into some camwhoring action first. This is me, the cyclops wtf」


「And this is Katherine. Here I will show a tri-angle techique of camwhoring that I created myself. Nifty, no? ;)」


「As with all other Katherine-sized post, we shall put her emo face online wtf.」


「Which turned into a happy smile when we got in as VIPs woots!」


「A masquerade party it is! Here Kat is showing how to put on her purrty mask ;)」


The ambience was a little quiet, music a little so so but at least they had house alcohol for just Rm1. Apart from that it didn’t quite live up to expectation, but I guess it’s because they didn’t realise Zouk was having their 5th anniversary on the same day, which is in a completely different ground altogether. Why, you shall see in a minute.



We stayed for a few hours at Mist before heading down town to Zouk where CLEO Bachelor no. 40 David de Jong was waiting for us with the Zouk Membership card! As soon as we arrived we saw the reason why Zouk’s 5th Anniversary wasn’t to be taken lightly off.


「Fortunately for us we have enough contacts to be able to go through the queue and straight into the action ;)」


「There were weird people.」


「Like, really weird. High on mushrooms even.」


「and even weirder people dressed to cosplay! Speaking of which, I’m going for the Daicon Fest to see jap anime stars w00tz!」


「Too wierd but the Kat likes it hence she went to hug everything in sight」


「Like I said, magic mushrooms were everywhere. I had some from Bali last year and it felt something like this!」


「There were the usual party peeps I always meet- Kelster, Hsu Jen and Soon Seng


「The Everywhere people of course- JoshuaOng and His Royal Shortness!」


「Finally met DavidLai as well, whom I recently got to know… yes the amazing magician himself!」


「Obviously the Kat is having soooo much fun 😀


David de Jong and me, buddies for life!」

P1140184 P1140185

「Last but not least, how can we miss out the ever present Simon Seow and featured blogger at NN, Jenkin Yatz!」


I know this is a little too long to digest in one post, but if I don’t start doing it now (writing about my experience) I’ll never get the chance to again, with all the backlogs and all!


Hope you enjoyed the pictures, and as for me, the following are my plans:

I’ll be missing out on TEDxKualaLumpur which will be happening from 2.30pm to 6pm today (look at their list of speakers!) thanks to it being held during working hours, sigh.


But I’ll be attending a forum entitled “New America, One Malaysia:Young Leaders And The Global Agenda for Change at 8pm, JW Marriott, details here, so it’s not too bad.

See you there if I see you, otherwise look out for me at the Stand Out event with Nuffnang and Tiger this Saturday!

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End of May, June come hither


Just a short update, I ended up in the Terminator premier screening, and it was awesome. Don’t forget Monsters vs Alien 3D as well, suitable for all ages and guaranteed to die of laughter. The best thing of all?



I actually took a pic of us wearing the cool Dolby Digital 3D glasses. lol!



Of course this is all thanks to the good people at Nuffnang. Nuffnang peeps, you rock! Nicholas the gangster and Jestina the newbie featured here 😉



Then of course, supper happened. The Supper Hunters did it again, this time at the famous Hokkien Mee shop at Damansara Uptown. With all their dishes laden with “chu yao cha” there is no way any of these guys, fresh from the Terminator Salvation, could escape the irresistable tasty morsels fried into every of their popular dishes.  Andrew and I, the co-founders, eventually came back again to test a few more dishes which includes the vegetable and we already have in mind the next itinerary for our members 😉



Just to recap this was our last outing for the infamous SS15 burger specialist, which you can read about here.



And of course, it was also the day I received my long awaited car after months of signing, talking and learning; and the first ride I gave it to is of course wen pink who totally deserved it! 😀



Swweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet ;D – anyhoo, Benji wants to come out and play!


I is sked, H1n1 iz here!



Why iz youz luffing at meez!


Coming up next… Yishenshu Part II


This time we headed to Klang for their banquet session!! Be sure to check out Part 1 first 😉

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Top 100 Bloggers in Malaysia – I'm a Standout in Life, NOT

This was supposed to be an entry for the “I’m a Standout in Life” by Tiger Beer and Nuffnang but I decided to put myself in a position where I DON’T standout… at least when compared to the top 100 bloggers in Malaysia which Adi Wong, a prolific blogger at RiceBlogger.com, produced through his self-written automated script (still in the works, looks to me as if he’s constantly reviewing it to get the perfect balance between Technorati and Alexa rankings for better results)

These are the top 10 along with some stats back in 2007 from Sabahan.com *click to enlarge*

The last time I done a search on this for various purposes, the only source out there that seemed reliable was found at Sabahan’s blog, which talks about the top 50 most influential blogs in Malaysia (2007). Apart from that, this is the first time a realistic effort is being done to create a dynamic ranking system in which those who are interested can improve their ranks, for whatever their reasons, all thanks to Adi.

Let’s view our current top 10 in the Malaysian blogosphere, shall we?

1. Hong Kiat — Design & Tech
2. Kenny Sia — Lifestyle
3. Paul Tan — Automotive
4. Raymond.CC — Tech
5. Anwar Ibrahim — Politics
6. Lim Kit Siang — Politics
7. Hemmy.net — Mixed
8. Jeff Ooi — Politics
9. LiewCF — Tech & Lifestyle
10. Cheeserland.com — Lifestyle

So what do you think then? The categories are not labeled in Adi’s system but I do think it’ll be an interesting addition to it, so that we can also filter the list by categories if we want to, to shortlist the top 10 for example by category. Adi, possible? If so how can we help?


One thing comes to mind after reading one of LiewCF’s commentator at his post, who said that some of these blogs are rubbish and that they gain traffic through linking their site at “blog communities” and such. I totally disagree on that, because if that were the case there will be many rubbish blogs who will have high traffic, simply by posting their URLs in every place they can find, including blogs, forums and community sites. However from the top 10 list, some of which I know personally, it is very apparent that each of them have their unique styles and content based on the category they are listed in, which is why they truly deserve to be top 10.


With a 5 digit feedburner figure, I don’t think it leaves much room for doubt *click to enlarge*

Of course sometimes we won’t know who they are, for instance, a friend of mine asked who the heck is Hong Kiat and why is he so popiuler. Geeks will all know of his site (which honestly, do make up most of the online population in Malaysia lol) because of the tips and tricks he writes, especially on WordPress-related issues (I go to his site for wordpress theme suggestions), but others who does not have interest in these things will not know of him. Maybe the commentator thinks of these as rubbish, because it does not relate to him or her, at least that’s what I think.


Cheesie herself has more than 1000 subcribers… so how many hits does she have daily? *click to enlarge*

After taking a look at the list, I pleasantly noted a few familiar names like my ex-wife Suanie (57), Timothy(19), FriedBeef (24), KY (20) and ST (22) just to name a few and well, they really deserve to be there. Of course Cheesie, Kenny and PaulTan are obviously doing quite well with what they do to be at the Top 10. As for the politicians, their names alone are enough to send shivers down your spine, so it’s no surprise we see them there.

But what about others such as Quaintly.net or FourFeetNine, Suet Li’s’ or even NicoleKiss? I know they are all lifestyle bloggers (and pretty to boot) but I’m betting their hits should be somewhere at the Top 100, so why the missing links? It’ll be interesting as more blogs get inserted into the system for review, as Adi would probably be getting many requests as he’d mentioned in his post. Who knows what it might come up with?


In any case, like I said this post was supposed to be for the I’m a Standout in Life event, but somehow or rather I got sidetracked and did this instead. Anyhoo, if you guys are going, and if I did receive invites (any offers?) I’ll see you there. If not, there’s always Terminator Salvation tomorrow *grins*

Lastly, if you guys have any thoughts on this, do let me know. Maybe I’ll pass this on to Julian Hopkins for his research, this seems like a useful tool for him. Once again check it out here and see if you are listed in the top 100 blogs in Malaysia! http://www.riceblogger.com/top-100-malaysian-blogs/

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