The Mushroom Daging Cheese Special Burger Sexperience


So, what’s the occasion when you find a large crowd of about 15 all gathering/waiting at a brightly lit van located in some dark, remote space in SS15, Subang?

The Burger Shop that is. The only one of it’s kind, especially cause it’s running on a van instead of the usual Ramli stalls.


They are the Burger / Hot Dog Specialist too, so they claim. Andrew and myself were about to begin our journey in order to find out how special their burgers are, and not just referring to the addition of eggs into the burger (to the uninitiated, that’s what they call “burger special”)



The first thing we were shocked at was the presence of some picture menu for us to survey. Seriously, I think these people mean what they say; they really have brought up the standards of the street burgers business!



Nevertheless the original menu still stays. One glance at the menu screams of “CHEAP!” and so we decided to be adventurous, especially when we overheard other customers asking for orders that are not found in this menu.

Like, Mushroom Ayam Cheese Special, Mushroom Daging Cheese Special and Mushroom Ikan Special (should have ordered double!). Yum.

(Er, the second burger was for Andrew, saved for the Championship happening that very same morning lol)



Don’t know if that burger of his managed to stay uneaten before the match though, looking at his hungry face!



While waiting for our orders to be processed along with 314244435 others, we toured around the van and noticed the large number of patties these guys have. We also wanted to try to Oblong Kambing (something unique to this store as well) but they ran out of it when we arrived (which brings us to our next trip the day after, but that’s another story altogether :P)



Waiting was no problem for us; they had a row of chairs for customers to sit waiting, along with music blasting out from their speakers located at the top the van! Seriously, this is street burger business going the right direction, how enterprising!

(though I’ve yet to figure out the purpose of the green glow below the car, why ah?)



The wait wasn’t long at all! Looking at the 3 people working there, 1 taking orders in speed of light, memorizing all our faces, 1 speed cooking the patties, eggs, mushrooms and others in the shortest time possible yet doing it so perfectly, and the last one deftly preparing the cooked ingredients to form our burgers according to specification so fast that it’s hard to keep up with his hand movements! Can you see the mushroom in the picture above? Truly a specialty to be reckoned about!

By the way, the burger is kept in a styrofoam box for a very, very good reason.



This is because, every burger they serve has been “banjired” by sauces. Or should I say, a plentiful mix of mushroom sauce, bbq sauce, cheese, runny egg (yes they leave the eggs slightly runny!) to form the bestest sauce ever to go with your burger. Just inserting your fingers inside to dig out the burger will create a wonderfully moist experience in each and every one of your fingers 😛


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Andrew’s virgin experience with his Mushroom Daging Cheese Special can only be described in pictures.



The Burger Shop proudly displays its number for bookings (017-3555040), and business times (6.00pm to 4.30am) while making sure their customers know that they are off on Sundays. Open since 1997, they have been around for 12 years and looking at their profitable business, I suspect for many years to come as well!

Look for them at SS15, Subang, located in between the market and Berry Passion (shop), shouldn’t be too hard to miss!



Oh, and as a lolcatified additional messasge, just remember while waiting, don’t bully the cats who stray around the area.

Or you just might get pwned. (Andrew to note)

Related posts:
The Burger Shop, SS15 – Foodlah
The Burger Shop, SS15 – Bangsar Babe
Back From Supper with the Burger … – Josm

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Grill to Perfection at Eccucino @ Prince Hotel, KL


Just the other day, I was a fortunate invitee to an exclusive closed dinner session with Big Boys Oven, along with other prominent food bloggers such as CK from, Ken from, SuperWilson from and Timothy (who’s a bloody fit salsa dancer, argh hate people who loves eating and CAN eat a lot but don’t have to worry about growing horizontally. Oh wait CK included then grrr). I tell ya, nothing beats a few rounds of saliva-inducing meals together with a bunch of food and fun lovers originating not only from different lifestyle backgrounds, but different location as well (CK flew from Penang, while Ken is, well, he’s everywhere! )

Anyway, I shan’t digress. When I found out later that it was to be at the Eccucino, located in Prince Hotel @ Residence, KL, I can’t help but feel that it was all a fated event, seeing that I have a season parking pass at Prince Hotel, too! Finally I am going to be able to try out this restaurant which I’ve been passing by almost everyday for the last 1 year lol. You cannot understand the anguish I had to go through, to breathe in the pleasant, saliva inducing aroma every morning and every night, teasing my visual sensories as well. And now, thanks to both Shirley (from Prince Hotel) and BBO(who made this possible), now I can 🙂



Arriving at the scene just before the main dining crowd arrives, I met BBO there, who immediately told me to snap some photos. Whipping out my Lumix LX2, I knew I was going to attract some attention as the other floggers were taking pictures with their respective DSLRs, making me the only one with a Point-n-shoot. Fortunately for me, people with good eyes like CK and Ken knows the power of my Lumix, so I didn’t really need to “prove” myself :P. After all, it’s all about the yummyliscious spread around us and we really couldn’t wait to eat! Even the buffet section shown in the pic above, without looking at the food content, is already preparing us for a visually stimulating experience as the restaurant cleverly arranges from where the plates go right into the nitty details.



This is the area where our Chef of the day prepares his specialty, a really sought after dish as you’ve seen in the first picture above. The wrap and ingdigressredients shown above is then heated in the big oven to perfection, the cheese just lightly melted and oozing out. Dunk it into a choice of 4 different dips: avocado, cream cheese, salsa or chutney (?) and you will never go wrong. Best served with one of their selected house wines, which by the way, is on free flow!



Going around their spread, their appetisers and dessert area is of course one of their specialties. Their tantalising selection seems to really want you to forget about dieting, seductively getting you to try each and every one of them out to your hearts desire. This, is one example where even I won’t even try to resist the sinful and fatal attraction.



Let’s see if you can 😉 (oh and did I mention that they serve “teppanyaki-style” ice cream too? One banana split please!)



But of course, if you chose to go on a healthy option instead, their salad spread is as mouthwatering, if not plentiful in their choice of greens and sauces.



Of course, one can never miss out the Sashimi section, which is a must in every buffet spread nowadays. Though it may be only three main choices to pick from, I was impressed at their “choice” cuts. This time though my favourite was clearly the butter fish (white flesh at the right) and needless to say, I had quite a few rounds eating those tasty morsels with wasabi and soy sauce of course 😉



The same goes for their selection of sushi, but really, unless you want to make yourself full by filling yourself with vinegared rice (hey, some love it okay? lol) you’d better off having larger portions of sashimi instead to get the full worth of your dinner.



Talking about making full worth of the money you pay for this buffet selection, here’s one section you wouldn’t want to miss out especially if you’re into seafood. Their oysters may not be as big as the ones you find in other buffet spreads at other places, but the least I can say is that it’s sweet, not that “smelly” compared to the larger species. Fresh, and with a spoilt choice of red or green pepper tobasco sauce plus lime, I think you can’t really go wrong with this. The huge succulent prawns are very, very sweet and supple too! These are, as usual, best taken with a glass of house wine or beer which I will remind you, is on free flow with your dinner set. People with high calorie count should close an eye and skip this picture, seriously, otherwise you’d forgoe your doctor’s advice and feast on this anyway.



There were a few canapé choices to select from, and I can honestly tell you it was very hard to miss them, not when they are so creatively presented in this fashion. You just cannot resist taking a spoon and making a quick pop into your mouth just to taste the flavours each and every choice offers. If I’m not wrong, there was the exquisite sweet-sourish morsels of lamb, and the one above is bite-sized tofu in some complex fusion of sauce, lending an incredibly sexy taste to it.



And who can ever avoid taking pictures of this lovely set of Chocolate Fondue, presenting itself so well that it’s hard not to notice. The constant flow of hot, melting chocolate makes it so irresistable, and the fact that choices of dips have been prepared so nicely for you (right sided of pic) makes it all the easier to choose from, instead of wasting time in your indecisiveness in picking your bits. The fruits selection is on the limited side, but they were so creatively presented that you’d just ignore everything else lol 😉



I don’t usually talk much about the soup selection but I must add that the choice we had that day was pretty special. Here we have some kind of spanish soup whose name I’ve forgotten, and it was quite a… unique soup. I have to say the taste was uniquely Spanishy I suppose. The other one is the wild mushroom soup which can’t really go wrong, maybe something to wet your throats with.



And of course, the assortment of condiments you can have on top of your soup. I love the fact that for every dish they have, they will also prepare a large selection of sauces and condiments to go with it. You can be a little creative and try adding certain flavours here and there to get your perfect concoction (for free)!



So here comes the topic for the day: Grilled to Perfection! Every Wednesday night is Grill Day, presenting a lavish choice of meats and seafood to choose from, a myriad of marinades and sauces to select thereafter and the chefs will do the rest, creating the perfect grill for you. Here you’ll see chicken and beef patties in their interesting mix of flavours, huge succulent tiger prawns, half lobsters and huge cuts of tuna and salmon.



At the other end of the grill section you’ll find chicken thighs among other parts, skewered pieces of selected seafood, squid rings and last but not least, 2 different cuts of beef.



These were my choices (round 1 la) and don’t let the picture fool you, that half lobster is really big, making the sirloin beef look seriously puny. lol.



One of my “rounds”. I love selecting little portions of food to decorate my plate, making it visually appetizing. Selected here is a very aromatic portion of mashed potato which is rich in cheese, baked sweet potato, springy fried mee hoon, my butterfish sashimi of course, 2 different canapes and the cocktail prawn dish. Yummy. 😉


eccucino bbq

That was my personal experience in Eccucino, Prince Hotel KL. Made possible by the guys above, and of course my sincerest thanks to BBO for contacting me in such a personal manner… You guys are all so down to earth that if I were a Ostrich, I’d have to bury my head deeper underground to be in your level! (lame section, sorry) Once again it was really great meeting Ken, Wilson and CK as well (who’s food review gets circulated in corporate institutions even!) and I hope to meet you guys more often for more fun and food! 😀

The Wednesday “Grill to Perfection” dinner buffet costs RM88++ per adult for the variety of food as you saw above, together with free flow of selected house wines, draught beer and soft drinks (to make you full no doubt, giving less room for the REAL food. If you’re a buffet person, you’d know what NOT to do to make full use of the money you pay :P). Eccucino can be found at the Grand Lobby, Level 1, on the right hand side once you enter the main entrance, you can hardly miss it. Make sure you go in between 6.30pm to 10.30pm for the Grill Experience (TM) daily, otherwise there’s also the buffet breakfast and lunch (weekdays only), during morning (6am – 10.30am) and lunch time (12pm – 2.30pm) respectively.

To make a reservation, here are the following details for your convenience 😉

Tel: 03-2170 8888 ext 8119

Related post:
Eccucino @ Prince Hotel – 3 Meals
Prince Hotel Kuala Lumpur, Grill To Perfection at Eccucino –
Eccucino @ Prince Hotel –

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Jamie's Pasar Malam @ Sg Long


Jamie Liew told me that I would not regret coming to Sungai Long’s famous pasar malam. I thought to myself, hey, I’ve got nothing to lose. You just can’t go wrong with sinful hawker food, equally sinful super sweet drinks and of course, the variety of things for sale at such a discounted price. What could go wrong? So I went, and the first thing we did is to get ourselves this Taiwanese sausage, the spicy one. From then on, I think, I was prepared to blow my wallet right there and then.


Obviously knowing I was thrilled thus showing that she successfully turned me into a Sungai Long Pasar Malam enthusiast, little miss Jamie Liew was all smiles.


I got really intrigued by this “Stirred Coconut Snow Ice”. I ordered it and started drinking it, appreciating the wholesome coconut flavour with fake meat (or what it real?). Such a cooling drink at the sweltering nightly heat was nothing short of taking you to heaven.


After purchasing what looked like a 10 for 2 gifts ceremony, I stumbled upon this China Burger. Again I really wanted to taste these things but Jamie told me otherwise, and that they really suck.

Nevertheless, I still decided to give it a chance before making our way out.


Only at 1.50, no problemo! (But was a little disgusted with the lady cooking it)

So then we went back.


I also went and bought a few raw cornsticks for my own personal consumption. Jamie doesnt’ believe it can be eaten (and neither is her mom, but her grandmother does say!) And so I put her up for some really tasty, crunchy corn makan session!


And boy was she ever so scared with that huge and long thing in her hand XD


As for the China Burger, needless to say we didn’t even bother finishing at all!


I went back not soon after, and while going back I took another look at the cutest smiley in the world that reminds me of Jamie Liew. I think she

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should keep this smiley copyrighted for future official release 😛

Next update!

…On Wednesday Grill to Perfection…


The epic battle of the century between Spartan Oysters and Lycan Prawns!

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Exotic sushi at Sushi Tei @ Tropicana City

As this was my first visit to Tropicana City, I only had an inkling of the restaurants they have in there thanks to friends who live nearby and made it a frequent visit point, mostly thanks to the existence of hypermart conglomerate Carrefour. However something that tweaked my interest was a japanese restaurant there that apparently boasts of classy, luxury food while leaving the money on the tame side.

It was called Sushi Tei and so, with the availability of one of my dearest friend, we were set on a date in this restaurant which wasn’t too hard to find at the Ground Floor. We were instantly greeted, sent to our seats and we were served by what look like the manageress of Sushi Tei. Feeling a little wealthy, I was set to kill.


After making our orders, a quick glance around the area tells me that the restaurant relies on the comfy atmosphere to invite the restlessness in you to make its exit. Beautiful blend of colours and textures helped please the eyes, while the moving trays slided by our sides with selections of sushi making their way past us one by one.



At our sides, the warmish colour contained inside what look like a house with a huge rooftop made us feel more comfortable. I particularly loved its clean look and beautiful lights.



The first to come was this Sake Yam (Salmon Yamakake) dish (sake for salmon, not the alcohol) which I ordered because I positively swear I haven’t heard of this dish anywhere else. My date says otherwise, and warned me against it. Looks like her warning did not prove false; the texture of the yam was really… something out of this world.



If I were to explain the texture, I would say it comes across the texture of a saliva of one who just suffered from flu, who’s saliva is still thick and noticeably sticky thanks to the phlegm residues. Have you ever cooked fried rice, stored it in a tupperware immediately and left it inside the fridge? If you were to reheat it the next day, the rice would have been all sticky and left with a weird aftertaste that leaves nothing to be desired. Even the salmon pieces were soaked with that sick aftertaste. Okay I better stop before we all puke.



What came next was our Sashimi Set, which was 5 generous slices of Ootoro (Tuna belly) and this raw clam (Akagai) which was apparently most sought after in this restaurant. Fortunately (either that or we were tricked) for us, there was only one more left and the chef prepared this RM30 delicacy for us. It was served in such a tantalising way, that each morsel we had tasted really, really good.



The Ootoro was slightly thawed from frozen (which explains the slightly cheaper price compared to others) but nevertheless melted in our mouths, giving that sweet, oily flavourful taste that only an Ootoro can give. I loved every bit of it. The clam-y thingie however was a little more unique. It tasted alright, and yet, it did not leave me craving for more. Then again I’m not such a fan of oysters- or anything clammy for the matter, so if this did not throw my tastebuds into a frenzy, I guess it was okay. Definitely not for everyone though.



Next was our Japanese Hot Pot (Kaminabe). We had the broth made a little spicy, but not too much. I found it a little eccentric that they used paper as a “cover” for this meal, honestly it was a little weird. Taste wise however, the broth didn’t disappoint at all.



Of course we had the Hot Pot with slices of beef. Looking just as yummy as the sashimi, I almost put the whole damn slice into my mouth before I was reminded that it should go into the hot pot. The trick was to not have it cooked too much, so that the texture and taste is maintained, giving a truly delicious experience.



Finally we had an assortment of sushi (Hakone Set), one of the expensive sets among others. In this collection we were served Uni (Sea Urchin), Ikura (Salmon Roe), Tobiko (Flying Fish Roe), Unagi (Eel), Swordfish, Ootoro (Tuna belly), Salmon Belly and Hamachi (Yellowtail Fish) and a couple of mini California rolls.



The bill amounted to RM150, which I thought was a lot less than I would have to pay, say, if I’d eaten at Yuzu. We were plenty full by then so the amount was satisfying (especially since I expected the amount to be a lot more!) and I guess if I wanted another round of Ootoro again, I could always drop by since I’m not really fussy when it comes to whether it’s fresh or not, so long as it gives me that orgasmic pleasure again (5 pieces for RM30++ if I’m not wrong)

And that’s it really. Quick and beautiful meal to please both the tastebuds and eyes, this makes a fantastic opportunity for dates and/or catching up.


Sushi Tei, located on the Ground Floor of Tropicana City Mall. Free parking!

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