Live with Chivalry by Chivas @ Euphoria

Some time back I had the privilege to be invited to Chivas Regal’s grand launch, dubbed the “Live with Chivalry” campaign. It was held at Euphoria, Sunway (brought to you by the Ministry of Sound, UK). The event oozes with exquisite class and so I invited Katherine along, who didn’t even hesitate to pass up this chance. This was also before the next event that I was given a chance to attend, which is by Joanne Kam feat. Daphne Iking, thanks to Zain from RA.


When we arrived, we were greeted by the press, promoter ladies in their sexy outfits, horses with their models sitting like statues on top and the fire breathing clan which I managed to take a good picture of, thanks to my Lumix LX2!



Even the horses look so regal with Chivas stamped over it. I wonder if I should get myself stamped to. Do you think if it would work?



Here you can see the fire-breathing man doing his stunt. Something tells me he’s one of the only few talents out there who can pull of really daring stunts, so when you see his face, he’ll look hauntingly familiar which I believe is because he’s probably being hired everyhere!

David Jong here is our colleague, but he ain’t no ordinary man, no no, he’s one of the 40 CLEO’s most eligible bachelor of 2009! Go vote for him cause he’s all worth it, and I can even set him up to whoever’s interested *winks* Can’t you see the awesome sense of style he exudes while signing the Chivas poster? 😛


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Katherine and I signed as well, and it felt so surreal because others who signed on this are also from the list of the top 100 people you must know in Malaysia. Maybe all three of us will get there soon HAHA



The event was very quiet in the beginning, with people starting to pour in a lot later. I think it was mostly due to the slight drizzle outside, and the jam that was created from it. But when it commenced, we were all caught in awe as the DJ started to spin his hits while the laser lights display mesmerized us.



So who else could we have bumped to if not the happening group consisting of Rachel Haw, Suanie, KY and Horng? These people weren’t only guests for the event, they were invited VIPs hence they get to go upstairs into the VIP area. Cis, beeches. (surprisingly ang moh didn’t go)



But it was okay, I was with stunning Kat who turned lots of heads as she passes through the crowd, and the official photographers could not help but to take her picture. Well then again she attract a lot of that in events I bring her too. Best part is that she’s very humble despite all the attention, and that’s what truly makes her beautiful 😀



My hooligans cum golf kaki, although since one has a girlfriend now and can only be found in Ozzie, while the other suffered a little accident with his car, I’ve virtually stopped golfing and it sucks!



Look at the lights go! You can even see some people trying to reach the lights and the ones on the left managed to break through the horizon!


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Some really talented musicians came up and really outperformed other groups. This particular group consisted of a turntable DJ, an electric guitarist, a native drummer and a voilinist. Needless to say they were uber cool and got the mood really hyped up!



Some weird characters clad in impossible outfits danced along with the crowd, which made it all the more crazier. These people really know how to organize parties, so a great kudos to them!



Unfortunately we had another event to go for so we left around 10.30pm, though very, very trudgingly so. If it weren’t for our souveniers that became at least a compensation to remember this awesome event by, it would have been very hard to leave. This was taken at the hotel where we parked.



Just to clarify, before you comment on how short I am, take a look at the angles okay!



One of our souveniers. 🙂



To Brotherhood!

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You're Unique, so be Unique.

For each one of you readers, thanks for your support despite my busy, busy schedule now with organizing events and the preparation for the launching of my business plan. The above is for you and I mean every single word of it 🙂

Posted via email from spinzer’s preposterousness

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My Elephant @ Happy Mansion, PJ

We are lucky to have an abundance of foreign delicacies here in Malaysia, but I have to say finding good yummy Thai food can still be a challenge in this town we call Petaling Jaya. Back in London, once we found a superb Thai restaurant to eat in, you can safely say that it’s THE Thai restaurant that we will bring our friends to whenever any one of them had a “Thai pang“. Last month I had one of these moments and was taken here to satisfy my urge, and to be honest, since then, My Elephant will now be the only Thai restaurant I’ll be heading to whenever I have “Thai pangs” 😉


My Elephant is located in Happy Mansion, which is at SS17. It is at the third building from the entrance, and if you’re a regular customer of Food Foundry or that nasi lemak place, then it shouldn’t be too hard to find. I love the way they have glasses on the exterior, it does exudes some kind of elegance to it.


waiting area

Once you enter the restaurant, you may find that it’s always packed. We had to make reservations earlier or otherwise would have to wait at the waiting area, which looks like the above. Then again, seeing how classy it was I wouldn’t mind just lying on the sofa cum bed, if only there weren’t a lot of people there to give you the stares.



There’s this really comfy section for group sessions, and it feels like some sort of hearthy area, where you have the fireplace nearby to give you a nostalgic feeling especially if you’ve lived overseas. I’d love to come back if possible to celebrate, say, a friend’s birthday over here. It is, however, a little cramped as there’s not enough space to go around anywhere.


Fish cakes

While waiting for the rest to come (I arrived the fastest) I made the orders upon recommendation by other bloggers which I will include at the end of this post. One of them is the Fish Cake that you see above. Dipped into this sweet sour chilli sauce, I thought the taste sorts of whets my appetite, to prepare myself for the incoming main dishes. Savoury and yet not salty (which I usually find in most fish cakes), it does make one hell of  a good appetizer 🙂


special drink

My Elephant has quirky drinks in its arsenal. I can’t for the life of me remember what you call this flower but I remember having them before, so once again it did brought back some nostalgic feeling. Apparently it’s good for health etc etc but you know, a lot of people would have said that as a gimmick so I tend to just let it all pass, relying just on its sweet yet subtle taste.


Brown Rice

When the rest came, we were served. First off we had healthy multigrain brown rice, which had a particular flavour that may not interest some people, but when eaten with savoury dishes it will be totally drowned so it was okay for all of us. A healthy option of course.


Gado Gado lookalike

I ordered an apparent specialty that they have (though I missed their famous  Miang Kum which is a self-service Thai delicacy, sadness) but was a little disappointed. The Yam Mamuang Talay or otherwise known as Mango Salad (Gado-gado look-a-like) was more bland than it is tangy, and the salad isn’t as crispy as I’d like. We actually didn’t finish this dish, but then again, the three of us ordered quite a lot.


kangkung belacan

Of course when eating rice, Kangkung belacan is never to be missed! This was obviously one of our favourites as we started whacking it the minute it was set down (well of course I wouldnt’ let them touch it until I took a decent picture of it lol). Savoury and spicy, definitely a good try to have when you’re here in My Elephant.


salt baked fish

I also had the honour to order  a main specialty of theirs, which is the Salt Baked Siakap Fish. Interestingly enough you’d have thought that it would cost you a bomb, but it is surprisingly moderately priced! It was so interesting as the waiter brought an aluminum foil wrapped fish looking all hard and brittle, then as he proceeded to knock it with an apparatus, peeled off the aluminum foil I swear you could see steam rushing out of the hardened salt baked skin of the Siakap. He then proceeded to take a portion of the skin off like you see above, and there it was; a meltingly delicious looking fresh Siakap meat that had the aroma enough to skin a cow! It was baked in salt just long enough to maintain the right bounciness of the flesh as well as having it marinated just right. Needless to say it was so irrestiable and looked so easy to eat that we basically tore at it without mercy.

Oh and need I mention that to eat the other side of the fish, one just needs to pull of the bones in the middle and snap it off at the rear end? Ah the beauty of it all, it’s certainly a gastronomic experience.


tom yam gong

How could we not order Tom Yum in a Thai restaurant? It would have been an insult worthy to be punished by Heavens above! So here we had Tom Yum Gong which is a clear-based tom yam soup with seafood. It was surprisingly spicy but not to the extent tha would have made you teared. Once again we were not disappointed as we gulped every ounce of Tom Yam there was in this generous bowl.


fried chicken pieces

This dish was delicious as I remembered it, but easily forgettable too, so much so that I forgotten what it was called. If I had to give it my own name, it would be “Fried Spiced strips of Chicken” which had a unique aroma, thanks to the herbs which they used to marinate it. If I can recall we didn’t finish this dish either. But then again, we were only 3 and….



There was at least THIS much of food in front of us. Lol. Talk about being greedy 😛 But then again you have to admit the squarish table coupled with that cute little round banana leaf on top of the plate lent to the aesthatic factor in My Elephant 🙂


nice drink recepit

The total amount came up to just about RM140, which for the amount of food we ate, would be actually quite cheap! Rare it is these days to find cheap but quality food especially in PJ or KL. As you can see, the fish costed RM40 which, for the size of the Siakap, really priced at a great value! 3 of us paid RM46 or so each (which could’ve been less if we were 4 people, since we ordered enough for 4, really, amounting to RM35 each) and left the place in high spirits. Service was par excellent despite the horror stories we heard of My Elephant staffs (and even bosses, I hear!) so I guessed we either hit it at the right time and were lucky enough to be spared, or that these rumours were unfounded to begin with.

How was your experience?


ps- The drink I had was Roselle cordial in herbal tea, called the Krachiap cooler. It’s apparently packed with Vitamin C and reduces cholesterol level! Hahahaha… If only it were so, there’d be less deaths caused by cholesterol now, won’t it? Source taken from here.


Special Announcement

Refer to for more info 😉

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Corntoz Pillow Fight with RandomAlphabets!

New video with Oooomph from!


UPLOADED NEW VIDEO (Thanks to Celine Yap!):


Quick entry. Need to sleep. Work tomorrow. Check out for more photos here (not yet uploaded as of today).

white team!

The white team, with Jules from and Niki who I know alot about from Zain.



Our Pillow Fight Police stickers! (Exclusive stuff, everyone wanted to steal it from us)


white team stickers!

Us White team distributing it to our pillow fighters


random ppl

An event for people to get to know one another. Apparently true for a lot of people who came to find “hot chicks” and “yummy guys”


couch surfers

Even people from Couchsurfers were here. Awesome guys, super sporting.


no racial + shitto

True to its cause, events that RA produces get everyone together regardless of race, status or age!


jules and others

Jules is obviously a celebrity here


all ready

Finally we were all ready to move into our secret gathering location from Curve, 2nd Floor.


going down

We took our team down to the secret battlezone, located at the basement of Cineleisure, with Jules spearheading the war



The crowd gathers around the Priest of Pillow Fight KL to hear the 10 Pillowmends.



And the pillow war started.



Despite us PFPs keeping watch, the fighters never ceased to slow down, all whacking each other until their pillows burst into smitherins.


group picture

After about 45 minutes or so, everyone cheered and went out for a group photograph session



Some people took advantage of the aftermath scene, cause the cottons (too bad no feathers, economic downturn) looked like snow!



Even angels came down from heaven to pose


the priest

Zain of fame, also the guy who brought you KL Freeze in Unison, is our Priest of Pillow Fight KL


prawns corntoz

We had a mini-conference later at Laundry, and we were fed pretty well, thanks to our sponsors Corntoz


zain and shitzoe

Of course, where I go, Shitzoe goes too. Zain and Shitzoe make such a good couple!

Thanks Zoe for providing me such a lovely shit for me to bring around. Even Jules loved my little piece of shit, and there’s not many who’d love anybody’s piece of shit (ok maybe except for 2girls1cup).




View the rest of the album here

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