Digi and Microsoft finally realised that there IS a market out there for instant messaging via mobile, and with that they cleverly launched a 2 month free promotion subscription that will allow digi users to enjoy being online on MSN wherever they go! (well, so long as there’s coverage, that is :P)
I for one have been waiting for something like this, since I started using Live Messenger on my iPhone not to long ago. The problem was that it was harder typing out messages compared to using the keypad which I’m so used to (I’m sure quite a number of you could type on T9 without looking at the your phone, right?) and this is a godsend feature for me to use with my Nokia N73.
Getting used to it is a matter of starting the application, logging in and then just wait for your friends to contact you, which is the very reason why being mobile on Live Messenger is so practical. I mean, how many people on your Live Messenger contact list actually does have your phone number?
Point taken? Thanks.
Being the clever people they are, they were quick to organize an exclusive outing at Friendster Cafe for a selected bunch of bloggers from Nuffnang. Apart from the interesting presentation they had, we generally had such a great time enjoying the great food there, as well as getting to know other fellow bloggers that we’ve not met before, and testing out the Live Messenger application on selected phones.
![kim ong]()
For me, it was also my first time meeting Kim Ong. It was easy connecting with her since we’ve met each other randomly before but never had the chance to talk. I also had the honour of meeting SaimatKong and the other Chris, Chris Thoo whom many have mistaken our names for each other lol. Kim was obviously the best choice to be the model showing off the phone which we used to try the application out.
![live msn]()
Being a prankster, it’s natural that some of us decided to play a fool with the unknown moderator hiding behind the presentation screen. Out of the 5 to 6 phones going around for bloggers to try out the messenger, some were pretty hilarious as everything could be seen on screen. All in all it was really an easy experience and I can imagine a day when more and more users of mobile phone would get used to instant connectivity without being worried about data charges, which is the current reason why many would not want to touch services such as these.
After the initial free period of 2 months, a flat fee of RM3 is charged every month thereafter and to be honest, that’s a really small price to pay especially if you’re an avid user of Live Messenger. Think: waiting for your girlfriend to do her shopping, you choose a place to sit comfortably, whip out your phone and start chatting with friends. Before you know it, time would have passed by quickly since you’re actually doing something while waiting, and all this for free too! Read more about the promotion by clicking here!
![robb emoticon]()
Robb being crazy, srsly.
Games ensued then straight after we all had a go at the application, and one of them required us to contort our facial expression into the emoticons that we’re used to seeing on Live Messenger! Needless to say the sporting ones went for it knowing they could possibly win one of the following prizes on the table:
- 1. Red Coca-cola hat
- 2. Two different brands of premium sunnies
- 3. Microsoft Webcam
- 4. A set of headphones, and finally
- 5. 3 sets of PSP, which everyone had their eyes on!
![cute emotion]()
Of course these people, like Robb for instance, didn’t know that the PSPs were not actually out as prizes for the games, nor for the lucky draw (which btw, I won the Coca Cola cap from. No thanks to Thomas Yap who jinxed my ticket after winning a cap himself, arrghh!!) meaning that they really did do all their silly faces for the rest of us to laugh at lol! Well some of the prize winners went back with the Microsoft webcam, like Zoe and Kim for instance, so it was worth it to them 😉
![the girls]()
Jamie (was it?), Kate and Zoe with my cap
After the games we over, we were left to our own devices… and when you leave the bloggers to their own devices, you get a mayhem with bloggers going everywhere taking pictures of themselves with other bloggers ie camwhoring, some rushing to the free flow of beer and some finishing off the leftover food at the buffet line (we thought that the Cream Dory Fish and Mutton Curry was AWESOME!!).
![soon seng]()
There was pretty much time to catch up with those who I haven’t met for some time, but then again there are people who you will see wherever you go! One of them is Soon Seng who I’ve been seeing for the last 3 events I have been to, so much so that it got pretty freaky to know that we have quite a number of friends in common. I remember this really well when he appeared at my birthday just end of last year, showing that he’s also friends with my college mates lol.
![the boys]()
Then there’ll be those you know you don’t have to bother to chat up with, because you almost always see them around. Huai Bin will be one prime example of this phenomenon. Chris Thoo is NOT an example, and I’m glad we met at this event! Hope to see more of you dude 🙂
![ladies in hte house!]()
Zoe, Kate, Kim, Carol, Cindy Tey and me
What else can I say? *grin*
![pony tails]()
Kate, Zoe, Yatz (Featured Blogger!!) and Kim doing the cute pony tail pose!
Then there are girls who aren’t really…girls to start with. Spot the odd one out!
Sometimes we use props to continue camwhoring without any reasons whatsoever. In this case, we found the large-sized emoticons particularly amusing!
Andrew, you’re doin’ it rite! LOL!
![page one msn]()
One of the best ideas I’ve ever seen so far, especially when you have blogger events like these, is the thing you see above! The banner itself is HUGE! At first empty, all of us would naturally feel like leaving a mark on it, so instead of the usual signatory thingie, we instead left our Live Messenger nicknames and status! Some were pretty funny, especially David Cheong of Royalshortness, who’s nick says “I’m short so I write down here” which you can find at the bottom corner on the right side LOL why you so funny David!!
![chris 2]()
How could we resist doing the Chris Two thingamagic!!! (like I’ve said, any excuse for camwhoring 😛)
Anyhoo, the night wasn’t over. Why? It’s time to win me my PSP 😉
Stealing the PSP
Operation PSP: Robbing Robb!!!
Accomplices: Zoe, ShitZoe (Zoe’s shit)
Enemies: YapThomas, Robb as Robb
![zoe and robb psp]()
Step one: Get accomplice to distract Robb, using Shitzoe as a bait to beg Robb to take out the PSPs that he kept in his bag
Step two: Robb the PSP from Rob while Robb remains distracted.
Problem encountered: Sissy YapThomas used Shitzoe to slap a piece of shit to Robber of Robb. This created a chance for photographer to take a snapshot as proof of Robbery, who unfortunately failed due to overdose of beer. Problem rectified.
Step 3: Use other accomplice to pose with robbed item, PSP, with a mocking setup (see picture attached) so that Robb will hunt second accomplice down, thus creating a perfect Robbery, whereby the Robber gets way scott free with the PSP without having to split the spoils.
ps- Robb if you still can’t tell, it was ZOE who stole the PSP. Go hunt her down at http://zoeyve.blogspot.com. I’m all innocent (A)
Sigh, I’m such a genius. Now where’s my PSP?