Everyone say HI to Shitzoe! She’s gonna take over the world one day, beginning with Port Dickson…
Arrival at Port Dickson beach!
One of the most interesting objects found at PD
But nothing ever beats Shitzoe… and her partner-in-crime, No Life!
And this
is how you mark Shitzoe’s territory, the RIGHT way !
There were crabs there, but I doubt we could eat any of them. Boo!
These are my girls… I know, I know, I’m the luckiest bastard alive hahahahha!! Thanks to Michy and Kylie for forcing me to face my fears before 2008 is over π
One of the best photos I took that day, the flying Shermaine!!
But that’s not all Shermaine can do… Take a look at this Titanic post with dede… So hawt until I have to censor certain parts π
Do not anger Shitzoe lest she bestows storms upon storms unto you!
It’s finally time to beckon the coming of the year 2009!
All in all 2008 was a very exceptional year for me… I think I’ve become a very, very strong person thanks to the experience I went through, both ups and downs. I don’t ever regret the experiences and instead I channel the outcome of these lessons to build a bigger and better me! (Ok maybe not bigger :P)
This is one person I had a lot to thank for… That I didn’t turn into the Phantom of the Opera before 2008 was over… I’m so glad from the bottom of my soul. I’ve got many others to thank as well… which should be dedicated in an entirely different post (maybe after this one π )
For Illustration purposes only, The Phantom that Never Was… But thanks Simon, for the photo anyway π