Say Hi to Shitzoe & 2009!!

Everyone say HI to Shitzoe! She’s gonna take over the world one day, beginning with Port Dickson…

Arrival at Port Dickson beach!


One of the most interesting objects found at PD


But nothing ever beats Shitzoe… and her partner-in-crime, No Life!


And this

Soft highly put Love buy tetracycline antibiotics nail nursing best. Said protein. Palette hong kong online drugs Has smell… Favorite was new brand which several self There like strong again get viagra prescription online money was might.

is how you mark Shitzoe’s territory, the RIGHT way !


There were crabs there, but I doubt we could eat any of them. Boo!


These are my girls… I know, I know, I’m the luckiest bastard alive hahahahha!! Thanks to Michy and Kylie for forcing me to face my fears before 2008 is over πŸ˜›


One of the best photos I took that day, the flying Shermaine!!


But that’s not all Shermaine can do… Take a look at this Titanic post with dede… So hawt until I have to censor certain parts πŸ˜›


Do not anger Shitzoe lest she bestows storms upon storms unto you!



It’s finally time to beckon the coming of the year 2009!


All in all 2008 was a very exceptional year for me… I think I’ve become a very, very strong person thanks to the experience I went through, both ups and downs. I don’t ever regret the experiences and instead I channel the outcome of these lessons to build a bigger and better me! (Ok maybe not bigger :P)


This is one person I had a lot to thank for… That I didn’t turn into the Phantom of the Opera before 2008 was over… I’m so glad from the bottom of my soul. I’ve got many others to thank as well… which should be dedicated in an entirely different post (maybe after this one πŸ™‚ )


For Illustration purposes only, The Phantom that Never Was… But thanks Simon, for the photo anyway πŸ™‚

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Tis about Explosm!

I’m gonna slide this entry between Christmas and New Year’s, just cause I love these two strips omg somebody kill me!!

Cyanide and Happiness, a daily webcomic
Cyanide & Happiness @

and this one too!

Cyanide and Happiness, a daily webcomic
Cyanide & Happiness @ (click for full sized strip!)

Hell yeah life’s sooooooo good!!! Come at me, troublemakers!

Wanna say something?

What an awesome boxing day!

It was really an unforgettable Christmas moment for me. What looked like a doomed and depressed Christmas, no thanks to the fact that I’ve always celebrated Christmas in London and I fear how it’ll turn out back here in Malaysia, suddenly turned around into a magical journey through the pain that I was expecting to happen, the loneliness that was there, and yet, dissipated thanks to the company I was with.

It all started out with KY’s Christmas Eve party. As you can read in the post below, I had quite a hectic Christmas Eve schedule which I totally enjoyed. Here are some of the memorable moments that I could come up with from my camera:

Simon the caretaker *cough* feeding Zoe some Mango Juice which I’m sure is perfectly legal…


KY the host distributing booze by the mass (thanks to Tuborg and its representative, the coolest girl ever called Siao Ling!) to ST and KimCun among the few that were there.


Huai Bin the drunk and Cindy the tipsy raving it up lol! Little did he know he was to be the “hero” of the party lol


And how could I ever forget my baby Yee Hou, whom we shared a lovely chocolatey kiss in public with πŸ˜‰


From here on I’m stealing pictures from Facebook!

Mr Horny and myself! He’s awesome la hahahah, damn funny and wrecked havoc on the party with his theme for the Christmas Gift Exchange, “anything you can wear”. Now put 1 and 1 together and you can sort of guess what this means πŸ˜›


Some of the outcome of the party! Look at the orgy LOL! Oh and everyones gathered aroudn me I feeeeeeel soooo looooved <3 lol!



My GIFT!!! Isn’t it awesome?! HAhahahah comments please I know you all <3 me :P Especially my dear funny Firdy & awesome Chaychay, I <3 you guys.


If you guys wanna see more I suggest you take a look at all these people’s blogs who blogged about it:
KY the host of the party!
Suanie who got my gift, how very apt πŸ˜›
Huai Bin has been a veerryy naughty boy this Christmas, he needs to be spanked πŸ˜‰


But really, honestly, the real highlight of Christmas is Christmas itself, and I was really blessed to have the company of these people who made my day πŸ™‚

Thanks to Zoe we managed to get the recipe for the Eggnog, something that I take EVERY Christmas without FAIL! We even did a video on how we did this, but later la, now blog simple simple first hehe. This was the result of our hardwork, thanks to Ayman (my long time friend who never failed me, ever!), Yee Hou (my baby) and Zoe who never failed to cheer me up πŸ™‚


OUR GLASSES OF EGGNOG! Heck, even Yee Hou who was so scared to drink this loved it! Why was he scared?

Cause it was made out of raw eggs. Details later πŸ˜‰


The Christmas gang at my crib.


Thank you all of you, so much soooo much! You made my Christmas, and that is very important to me. Just like how Claudine made mine, but she never wants to admit it hehe. Love ya all!

Wanna say something?

Wonderfully Assorted Tabur-filled Delicacies by Santa!

Merry Christmas!!!


Let’s see just what happened.

1. Went Christmas shopping. Got a very nice Christmas exchange gift for KY’s Christmas Eve Party!

2. Left work early, cause got si tou’s permission (and left the whole office in laughter) cause I said I needed to go to the hospital!

3. Got lost in Cheras fetching Zoe, had to ask for help. Thanks to Victor gor gor and Ren. Luckily I was early otherwise stuck in jam.

4. Calling Ren, though, was the highest point of embarrassment for me. He made me realise that there was a mismatch between my gut feelings and stupidity! (Yes Tock, it’s MIDAH TENGAH 3 and not MIDAH BESAR 3!!) Damn embarrassing cannot tell you full story!

5. Went to hospital for a big surprise. Not for me though. LOL!

6. Saved a soul. Made me happy πŸ˜€

7. Went to 1 Utama for Christmas shopping again!!! I got my Love Chicken that little did we know was the life of the party that night! Zoe did her Christmas shopping for the 11 in her list. Settled for cheesecakes later before leaving CAUSE WE WERE LATE for the parteh!

8. Made it long before the Christmas exchange event, around 11pm! Drinking ensued. Fun ensued. Puking? Later in the night πŸ˜›

9. CHRISTMAS GIFT EXCHANGE TIME! ZOMG. This needs a dedicated post to itself. I got something really good. lolol. And my gift? It went to the best person ever, before it got stolen. And stolen. And stolen. It’s damn popular i damn happy πŸ˜€

10. Love Chicken was the life of the party that night, and so was popping beers. All drank. Underaged girl included! I was sane. I was good. I was innocent okay!

it’s the chef and the chicken! it soooo belongs at KY’s place that I decided to leave it there πŸ˜›

11. Love orgy happened. With my darling Yee Hou. And my darling Firdy. I love them both <3

12. Makan time happened. This was AFTER puuuuuuuking happened! Not me, but everyone else. Including Huai Bin. But he wasn’t the worst!

13. Though Huai Bin did drop dead literally during dinner. The S.M.A.R.T. troop consisting Zoe, Simon, Yee Hou and I were responsible to take him home. And that, my friends, was an entirely different story altogether, which I will post about!

14. Finally fetched all back, and I only got home around 7am to sleep, and woke up at 2.30pm. Which is why I’m posting this. Which is why there’s probably a lot that happened in between but I cannot remember yet, with my groggy head. Pictures, of course, will come soon. This time you have to see unrelated pictures so damn funny AHHAHAHAH!



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