Following from the first of my series of what I’ll miss in London: the really whacky side of it.
Weird Scene #1: Saw this vehicle taking a stroll down the road from where I was having lunch. Single seater, burning red in colour, even the guy jaycrossing across the road cannot help but stare at it lol. Tell me what you think of it! lol
Weird Scene #2: Walking from Euston station to my flat in Bridgeway, I’ll cross by this Transformation shop almost everyday and wonder to myself what sort of people would actually go in there… In fact, there was a time when *I* was interested to see if I could get free consultation and see what they can say about me haha! But of course I was too cowardly to do it… NOT THAT I WILL OK!
So do you already know what a Transformation shop is? π
Weird Scene #3: This nostalgic room which I call home for only 5 months, since I was back in Malaysia for the rest of the year since end of January. Small-ish room gives the whole cozy feeling and there were many memorable moments in this little room of mine =)
The rest of the pictures are things I was forced to say goodbye to, like…
#1: Krispy Kreme… Malaysia cepatlaaaaaa!!
#2: The traditional phone booth (which looks awfully like Superman’s changing room) which will be demolished by the end of this year, due to graffiti abuse. Bai bai red booth of love π
#3: and finally bai bai to my beautiful housemates. THANK YOU for temaning me all the way and making me all emo ok. You guys made me remember the fun we had during our Christmas dinner together π Our masyarakat majmuk will always remain as fond memories, spreading the muhibah-ness into people all around us. Ben, have a great graduation ceremony with your generation upon generations of your Indian family, and Aimran, I’ll be seeing you very soon dearie.
We’ll need to catch up on some shisha session π

1) the car so kiut i bet u cannot fit inside
2) so a transformation shop is a sex change shop too? but omg why wld i want to look like that! no matter your age… i kenot help but shudder π
3) nooooo the pretty phone booths!! 1 less english icon lo. shrugs.
1) actually i’m more amazed by the fact that people there don’t actually simply park at parking spaces designated for the disabled. or probably at the time of snapping that pic there just happened to be no one using it. >_>
2) so chris.. you want to be christina? wtf.
3) aw that room looks homely.
but your first wife doesn’t like krispy kreme!
interesting responses!
christmas, of course i can fit ok. but it can probably fit 3 of you inside π
clem ah, actually, yes they don’t park in handicap parking! Law abiding citizens, especially in major towns like London…
Police force is something to be reckoned u know, for instance, my father made one illegal u-turn, which wasn’t dangerous at all, and we didn’t even had a second thought about it until I received a fine summons from the town council where we performed that “little” crime! it’s crazy haha
KY, life partners are meant to COMPLEMENT each other, not COMPETE! I give her all my Walker Salt & Vinegar, she gives me Krispy Kremes π
Why didn’t buy back Kripy Kreme for me? Mr. Porky not tasty, too salty.
MMmmmm tranformers….
1st pic –> So small lar the car. I think if I got one here, the thief does not even have to break the glass and drive away the car. They can simply carry the car away *LOL*
2nd pic –> *LOL* I want to be like Chris Tock can?
3rd pic –> I like your orange luggage.. Hehehe..
4th pic –> I’ve seen this somewhere in M’sia. I think Genting has got one fake one.. Hahaha..
5th pic –> Harror to your ex-housemates.. tsk tsk.. got emo pic to show us? tsk tsk tsk..
Simon: Waaaaaah sooo demanding!! haha kena scold edi u π
Oli: u loike? π
ahlost: WHY U WANT TO BE ME? hahahha wah damn kembang ego sia π
emo pics ah? can can i show u next post π
whaaaaaaaaat they gonna demolish the phone booths?! but they’re so cute… π omg better take picture with one soon hahahah.
wat la u make me miss london already π
That car should be called little red riding hub.