You know… I’m damn pissed. I had a really good entry going on here. And Firefox decided to shut down on me halfway, just to come back here and find my draft half gone. WTH?!?! Arrghh!!
Anyway, the gist of it at la, don’t care about my perfect review edi, is that I was invited for Taiz’s sister’s wedding dinner. And I was joking la, on how I congratulated them first for getting married, and second for giving me the opportunity to have a feast on their grand wedding dinner yada yada ughh..
Bah, just look at the dishes la. Damn lazy to desribe edi >(
Now THIS was definitely a favourite in my list! The Wok Fried Prawn in Salted Egg Yolk with Roasted Pine Nuts tasted so divine that I was tempted to eat it whole including its head! Needless to say I totally sucked out the brains
BUT FIRST, let’s tell you about how we went to the meeting point at Lot 10, as described by the organisers through both Facebook and their website (which was revealed only at 11pm, on the 11th of April, how cool is that!) When we arrived about , there wasn’t many people around, but I’d notice guys and girls carrying cameras double their size which clearly shows that they were expecting something to happen.
Then came the “secret message” that we were waiting for, in form of these cute little orange slips..
and the back it says:
So that was how we moved on to Pavillion, KL, our Freeze Point!
Yeap, we being me and Pinkpau! Camwhorerers (wtf) will always unite you know. We take pictures of ourselves because we feel very comfortable about it. Well, in my case it’s also because nobody takes pictures of me also la, so what to do ma take myself lo! My sisters were there too but they fail la, never freeze also. sheesh 😛
If any of you guys read theStar, you’d notice they mentioned some props being used… lemme quote:
The participants had obviously showed up with ideas on how they were going to pose, as some even brought props including umbrellas, ice cream and even Post-It notes stuck on their body promoting their websites.
There was only one group with ice cream as their props, New Zealand Natural to be specific, and that was none other than…
Yours Truly!! XD
Anyway, truth to be told we were lovers having a huge spat on why I seem to be hanging out with this girl that I used to go out with, and I patiently told Pinkpau that I need time to sort it out this complication but she wouldn’t want to listen to a word I say! So beware beware the wrath of a woman scorn especially when your incorrigible lover is holding unto an unfinished ice cream, behold and watch as smashPop sneakily records what happened during the war…
And that would be the end of our story! Actually hor we did continue to argue after that, but everyone was applausing after us and drowned us so what to do lor. That was the only thing I wasn’t satisfied about, but seriously, the whole damn thing was so cool! Thanks to Zain and team for organizing this~!
The Culprits: Chris of Spinzer.uS and Pinkpau of!