Alright guys, stay with me here: we’re gonna go back a few months to catch up with AAAALLLL the posts I wanted to post but thanks to our crappy internet back home in Malaysia, I’ve been sorely procastinating…
Let me update you on what’s happening in my life (also so that I can reread this sometime in the future to remind me how lucky I am). On my last night in Malaysia, I went out with Calvin @ Calvism to have dinner at Ajisen in One Utama, practically my last dinner in Malaysia this year. After that I flew on Emirates to London aka my second home for my graduation and to apply for the International Graduate Scheme, whereby a graduate is able to extend his or her visa for up to another year, so long as he or she is intending to work in the United Kingdom. On both occasions it was very succesful, albeit some minor problems regarding the IGS which I will blog about soon.
I also had my WHOLE FAMILY over this time around, to attend my graduation and for our much awaited Roadtrip which is probably the most amazing and exciting thing I organized (leisurely) all around the UK, and I really mean it. Will let you see the map real soon, I’m so excited posting about the roadtrip hehe.
Apart from being happy for successfully obtaining my visa (ie IGS went through), I also had one of the best times in my whole entire life, one that is irreplacable and memories that will always be cherished as long as I still love. Wait, make it even after death hoho okay choi touch wood *touches wood*
Okay okay before I start getting all nostalgic, let me just inform you that meeting up with this particular blogger was one of the turning points in my decision to come back to Malaysia, where I suddenly see a future when I couldn’t before. It was also this particular blogger who took me to the Astro building and personally gave me a tour inside, meeting the strangest people (your local DJs!!) and even more after that (outside the Astro building la). The entire experience was amazing, highlighting this year’s summer holidays to be one of the most useful holidays in my last 4 years studying in Imperial, London.
Somehow the building looked so elegant, and to think it’s in the center where radio and whatever else signal comes in and out… Instant microwave, anyone? lol
I’m visitor no. 1!! Probably cause nobody who’s not working here wants to be microwaved hahaha. Ok maybe I’m just no. 1 that’s why =P
It seemed so surreal to finally meet the Fish Tank eye for eye. I’ve always seen it at SmashP0p’s, but it still gives me that awesome feeling 😀
XFresh studio, the very first studio that I’ve ever been to. Love it, love the surroundings and love the atmosphere!
Looking at the control board stimulates the technician within me… My father used to tell me how I dismantled every electronic item in the house when I was just 5 years old! I sort of have the same feeling right then, too 😀 And speaking of which, that guy sitting there is none other than Shaz himself, producer cum announcer for! He’s the blogger that I mentioned, so go read his blog here!
This is how I would look as an DJ. Vote for me, can?! 😀
Just wanna say again, thanks Shaz, for the awesome experience! He may come back in the next few posts as well, as I continue to write about the amazing things that is happening back home in Malaysia =) (and for the girls *you know who you are*, no, the amazing experience has nothing to do with whatever you’re thinking because he’s NOT gay lol. At least that’s what I think 😛