Post Per Pic:- Currently in Edinburger

Hi guys, will be in hiatus mode for awhile as I accompany my family in the UK for a roadtrip encompassing the whole of United Kingdom. It’s gonna be a blast (and a major pain in my ass too… it’s not easy planning for a family of 4 adults and 2 children!!) while I attempt to remain alive sane alive throughout the 1 week journey.

So far, we’ve left London for Croydon where I successfuly obtained my IGS Visa, then moving up back to my place at Euston before leaving to Cambridge. We met Sui Seng there who gave us a personal tour (albeit a short one) before heading straight to Edinburgh (which was a hell of a drive!!) where I am residing now in the Quality Hotel Edinburgh Airport. I’ll elaborate more on each bolded terms a little later ๐Ÿ™‚

For now, please enjoy this Pos Per Pic episode:

I feel like a warrior going head-on-head with a gang of baddies, but luckily I have great supporters right behind me…

I reflect myself from time to time, wondering what are the steps needed to make now as I’ve proceeded to yet another phase of my life… Many things have changed, and I have to say, it’s definitely for the better.

Leaving student societies and organisations behind, I start to wonder what would be the next step to maintain my youth, but at the same time grow up to be a dedicated, mature man starting with necessary experience and nurtured steps

Life has never been easy, but I’ve been lucky to pass huge obstacles that block my way in every corner: my friends would know about this. However, as small as we all are in this world, we must learn to hope, to know that nothing can be achieved if the set of mind is first not set to see victory as a goal in our lives. We are what we think we are, never let go of what is most important to you.

At times I feel like I’m not only in the dark, but at the center of darkness, the composer of life’s worst enemy, death. Being able to control life, it is essential to manipulate to change the course of nature. But who will determine if the manipulation, be it for good or for bad, deserves justice to anyone at all?

The world is a fast-paced one, what with the coming of internet technology among many other factors. I will certainly be on the flow, to search, to learn, to overcome and to be humble, to prepare myself for a journey I will never regret, one that cannot be restarted nor corrected. Sieze the moment

Imperial College Convocation Ceremony

Coming up next: Finally, the graduates of Imperial College @ Royal Albert Hall appears

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Cheeserland @ Camden Town Part 2

Same ol’ style, continuation from here. Let’s cut to the chase, shall we? Cause I just can’t wait to blog about my graduation yesterday! Man, that 22 seconds of “walking the walk” has never felt infinitismly shorter compared to my whole 4 years of studying. Wait til I sort all my thousands of photos first, though.

Anyhow, puting aside the fact that the Cheeso has now slimmed down so much since she got home, probably with the help of our dear Kenko Diet Plum which I have yet to place my order for, here we have the effects of handing her a set of colourful drinks, like so:

“They’re mine, aaaaaalll miiiiine!” – says Cheesie as she selfishly hugs the drinks to herself, grinning from side to side knowing we can’t do much about it

“Cheesus Peacus, let this drink be-witched!” – chants Cheesie as she tries to use her powers-to-be to change the yellow drink into pure sinful cheese. Little does she know that…

“Finally, finally the time has comeeeee!” – whispers Porkie as he watches Cheesie fall into his trap; he had already BEWITCHED Cheesie’s cheese using his all-powerful lense-wand-ish thingimajig

“Sluuuuurpp” goes Porkie as Cheesie’s brain melts into a skullful of cheese fondue and slowly sucked away into his nether regions. Cheesie could not help but be utterly shocked

“It is done!” proclaims Porkie as he empties the contents inside of Cheesie’s skull, causing her to revert into her original self: an empty, lifeless cross-eyed cheese

“Chuuuuuu… Watashiwa pasocon desu. Suweechi onu kudasai.” – drones Cheesie as a-matter-of-factly, as if she has always been a robot. Die la, die la how somebody save herrrr preaseee!!!

No la. I kid. She’s fine and dandy and still ever a poser in this beautiful sunset picture aaaaaah! The end!

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Cheeserland @ Camden Town Part 1

Okayla since this blog is about me and not the Cheeso, I shall start with a little appreciation note to Shaz for his touching post about the Jazz Festival, for which we had our first accidental meeting! I remember also we reviewed Winter Warmers, and ever since I had their special Garlic Chicken, from this post it looks like he’s loving it and have been having it ever since! Damn, it’s things like this that remind me how great Malaysia is, and it makes me wonder if I should really go back…

Anyway, as I promised ๐Ÿ˜‰
This will be the Cheeso‘s story, written in one sentence TAG-LINE!

“Hi, I’m Cheesie, though I’ve just got bunnyfied in Camden!”

“Look, I’m taking a picture with a bunch of crazily dressed weirdos!” – says Cheesie who has probably received more stares that day; at least more than the number of stares received if there should be a naked Hugh Grant in the middle of Picaddily Circus. I said “if”, so wipe that drool off your face!

“Look at the beaauuutiful riverrrr” – says Cheesie, when in fact the object of attraction tends towards the left side of the picture, no?

“Stop the paparazzi.. *blushes*” – says Cheesie, who continues to pose and bond with the cameras much to our amusement

“I dowan Chris’s semi-atas Camera, I wan only super-atas Camera” – says Cheesie as she notices the sheer difference in the sizes of the barrels and lense between mine and Porkie’s and Claudine’s <-- So click to see even more amazing pictures!

Please Cheese Me Part 2

Coming up next: what does a Cheesie do when given a set of colourful drinks?

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While I haven't been around…

I’ve been busy preparing for my graduation! My whole family (1 pair of parents, 3 little sisters *theshockness!*) will be arriving in another hour ๐Ÿ˜€

Coming out of the sunset… The future looks brighter now more than ever!

Cheese who?

Lookie here! Who have I stumbled upon? Coming up in my series: Cheeserland in London!

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