Ibiza @ Spain

I really wanted to talk more about my Ibiza trip, which was the only trip I had this year mainly because it was my final year with project and what nots WHICH I DO NOT EVER HAVE TO SEE AGAIN now that I’ve graduated. Yes, you’ll notice that I’m pretty proud of my graduation. Why? Cause I’ve survived the odds at the University. And I mean real surviving skills here, as some of you may know. As for the others, you’ll just have to hear it from me, won’t you? Not that you care though =P

Anyway, here are some of my favourite pictures taken at the Ibiza trip. More to come la, but this will suffice for now. Just to remind you I went to Ibiza with Hong Lee and Vicky, two pretty hot girls but are taken so too bad youcankeepyourhandstoyourself lol… Here goes:

One of the contestants in the Ibiza Beauty Pagaent 2007, Miss Kong Hong Lee. Her own fav pic taken by me, so now you know where to find a photographer who’ll make you look larger than life *wink*

One of the dead jellyfish we encountered. Macro shot ๐Ÿ™‚ (This is by no means related in any way at all with the picture above =P)

The hotel which we stayed at was pretty awesome, providing luxurious views of the beach… which is unfortunately infested with not-so-friendly jelly-like creatures which you see above. So obviously we went to San Antonio’s famous beach, which is also famed for its surreal view of the sunset.

We didn’t sleep at all for this moment: Ibiza’s famed sunrise view – The Sunken Titanic

Hong Lee, being the adventorous girl she is, found a cliff (freaking dangerous by the way!!) with an awesome view of the sea and sunrise, and together with the help of my tripod, we took a series of pictures, one of which came out like the one above and below. What thinkest thou? Superb? ๐Ÿ˜€ Why Sunken Titanic, I hear you scream. (well, not literally lah) It’s because of my failed attempt in taking this shot: my arms were supposed to be straight, not bengkok!! (that’s “bent” to those who don’t understand Malay =P)

Flying DutchAsian – My supermost favourite pic of all time of 2007

I really wish I can dedicate more time on Ibiza post, but as you can see on the previous post, I’m really, really bloglagged hehe… Maybe next time then!

People I Miss

If there’s anything I’m missing now since I’m back from the UK and after the MSLS, it’s these people… I MISS YOU GUYS!

These guys made the MSLS event all the worth working for. Thank you peeps!! (click on picture for names!)

Here’s the best combination of my best current housemates (two on left) and the best of my ex-housemates (two on right) playing Pro Evo in my house… Miss you guys!!

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Wii… want more!!

Wow. That was an amazing pun. I know it’s been ages since I last updated but it was partly due to the Malaysian Student Leader’s Summit event that took place last weekend. I don’t really wanna waste time uploading pictures so you can view them on my facebook profile, here for part 1 & here for part 2.

I’ve just followed my aunt to buy herself a Wii, hence the title on top! It was fun learning abt the Wii from 4 different vendors in SungeiWang, but in the end it was the one recommended to my aunt that we bought from, albeit more on the pricey side. After selecting a few more accessories and games (which, by the way, were packed in a very dodgy way!) we headed for home (her place). Setting it up was fun, testing the Wii-mote for the first time was fun, accessing menus and the Mii’s were fun too but we weren’t prepared for the lousy game DVDs that we chose; they didn’t work!! Fortunately all it took was some cleaning and bending, and we were on our way to having a Wii-Time hhee ๐Ÿ˜€

Actually, I lazy la to write about it now ho ho ho. Basically we played quite some games, and in the end I loved Wii Sports the most… I’m damn good in Wii Tennis, okay okay in Wii-Boxing and found myself lacking the talent to play Wii-Bowling (which I must inform you I have been practising in real life, scoring average 120 kay!!)

The next post will be, once again, a series of pictures that wouldn’t do any justice to the events I have been to. Let me write here what I’ve been through since the last post in Chronology order, both for my reference and for your kaypohness hehe

Pre-Post Post-Post (no pun intended!)
1. Spring in Hyde Park
2. Projek Amanat Negara IV
3. Dinner in Love Cafe
4. GCC Careers in Africa
5. Fara & Ray’s Salsa Danca!
1. Ibiza Trip
2. Bibimbup
3. Live Earth
4. Summer after Graduation
5. Food Review: Reach @ Damansara
6. Karaoke Session
7. New Addition to the Family
8. Blogger meets!: Clem, Mochii, Kyliemc, Splashmilk, Koyuu
9. Malaysian Student Leader’s Summit

Anyway, here’s a series of photos of my dramatic life to entertain you =P

Ooooh, pick up line of the day:

Male: What about the park?
Female: Cannot, park too hot.
Female: I will melt.
Female: Then you have to pick me up from the ground.
Male: Oh? I just happened to love cheese fondue ๐Ÿ˜€

And finally, look who I met during MSLS! *beams*

I don’t really follow her blog, but she’s popular no? lol… Eksyen man haha… read what she wrote on MSLS here

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Nido Pods: WTH!?

Seriously, have you ever heard of a bunch of students who converted their room into a shisha parlour, fully-equipped entertainment system with PS2, Nintendo DS and 2 TVs, with six controllers (for hardcore Winning Eleven or Pro-Evo freaks), a gambling den on the other side and finally a visual centre for music visuals and/or cinema projector used to watch movies on 5.1 speakers?

We have. Yeap, it’s none other than our old flat (have just moved out) at 88 Queen’s Gate, London. Even then, it was a niche of luxury, the epitome of pure entertainment all combined into a sexstatus symbol that none would even consider in the old times.

In fact, back in the old days there was a time when “a single three-bedroom home could house a small village-worth of smelly, badly dressed, over-opinionated students, while the notion of ‘personal space’ was a nebulous thing, right up there with winning the lottery.” as quoted over at http://uk.gizmodo.com/. Back then, even if they had half the luxury we had at Flat 21, 88 Queen’s Gate, it was enough to bring all the action into our flat (imagine hot girls and naked guys… bleh :grin:). But now, take a look at what’s new in town…:

Nido Pod: Your Fully-Serviced Student Accomodation

What you are looking at above is a Nido Pod, part of the two 16-storey Nido [Nest] tower blocks being built in Kings Cross for students. The pods are cubes with bathrooms, measuring 135 to 184 square feet, and 950 students will fill the blocks.

Around 100 pods will be shared, and cost £120 per week, while singles will cost £180 a week. Pod-students can also avail off a concierge service, free gym and fitness centre, entertainment and games rooms, private study rooms, three shops, 50-seat cinema, bicycles for hire and an underground car-park. – Martin Lynch

Heh… Sounds too good to be true? Take a look here. So there you go, UCLians, Kingsians, maybe LSEians too (but definitely not Imperialites since it’s really too far away lol), what are you waiting for, go and register for your luxury life!

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