The Quicksand…

I feel the grounds beneath me quavering, with little tremors that get stronger in every passing minute…
It feels like quicksand, and the more you struggle, the more you get sucked inside that endless bottom…
That once sturdy ground where I place my hopes and efforts, supported by pillars I thought would never crack and covered with pretty flowery petals, has finally shown a few disturbing signs of endless cracking, threatening to pull down my whole road to life along with it.

And not for the first time I feel true fear. Fear for myself. Fear for my friends. Fear for my family.
In that fear I somehow lost myself, seeking for sympathy among others. Looking for encouragement where I might find them. Devouring that disgusting self-pity like a camel would in an oasis hidden between the dry and sunny Sahara.

Problems which I took for granted slowly revealed their crookedness, when I thought there isn’t any to begin with. Listing them one by one, I shudder with terror everytime I think that there isn’t anything I can do about them, with Time being my greatest enemy.

Degree: Will I finally receive my degree? Have I worked hard enough to attain it? True, I’ve worked harder than all my previous 3 years combined, but will it be enough? I’ve come all the way to the final phase of my academic life, and it is none other than my Individual Project, which is due this Friday. Unfortunately, it’s a far cry from being complete, and my mind has already lost half the battle… Will I ever see the light of day?

Career: I’ve lived on a promise. I’ve been hanging on to hope, uncertainty, refusing to think of the worst case scenario. All those backup plans I made are just excuses not to pursue what I’ve always been dreaming of: to work in the UK for at least 4 years and earn back the money I owe. Just last week, I’ve been told otherwise, that my hopes have been destroyed. Other similar attempts have been knocked out as I lack the time and the effort… What are the moves that are to be made now?

Accomodation & Storage: I thought I’ve settled pretty much on the arrangements for my stuffs, but the quaking grounds will not even let me have a single spot of peace… Options are running away, one by one, and I have no strength to grab them by the reins. Will I ever catch up to running opportunities?

Friendship & Power: Helping is my main objective. It makes me happy to see others happy. Everything else comes in a bonus. I’m fine with being alone, because without expectations in this area, you can do so much more things, uninhibited by people around you. However recently I’ve been noticing my dependencies on human interaction increasing to ends that I even wallow on their sympathy for my plights. Is that what I want? NO! Unfortunately, there is no mistaking it: I have become a person in need of people to listen to my rants. Essientially this is another problem I will need to rid off, or I’ll risk people telling me my efforts are to naught, working with UKEC and all that… Will I make it out from this dark hole?

To meet the ends of my solutions I have reviewed myself and made a few conclusions as well as decisions that I will update from time to time on this little blog of mine. At this very moment I will endeavour to do my best in some urgent situations, and also to start planning for the answers to future problems. My chinese name was not given to me for no reason: I will find my way out of this, and hopefully, I will rebuild my path again with stronger resolve and support.

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Post Exam Day 3: Rayani's Open House

There isn’t a day after my exams when I wasn’t filling my stomache with scrumptious and heavenly food! On the third day of Post-Exams Rayani had a cookout session, and how could I resist her infamous Ikan Bakar?! So apart from some UKEC work in the morning and afternoon, I found myself heading to her place at Edgware Road together with Khai and Zarif, thinking how would her place look like and of course, would my stomache be promised a gastronomical experience that night… let’s get the pictures to do the talking, shall we? *grin*

The three of us came an hour earlier to help out… KONON LA! hahaha.. Yani was just about to prepare…

This dish is called Pecal, an Indonesian dish. It contains Tau Fu Pok and Long Beans, topped with this special sauce made of Nuts, Lime and other assorted (hint: secret) ingredients!
Suffice to say, it was majorly yummylicious!

My favourite dish of all… Wait till you see the end result, and unless you’ve actually popped a piece of those lovethings into your mouth, you will never understand the heavenly expression I went through…

Of course, these went with the beef. Can’t you see they were beautifully cut?

The Star of the Show: What can I say? Look at the lovely, shiny skin, well chosen!

The Kitchen: what professionality, what neatness, truly, Rayani can only be the best housewife EVER ={P

I wanted to take a picture of the mirror. HoNeST!

Here’s Yani doing her thang!

Ikan Bakar is never complete without the complimentary bowl of chilli and sauce mmm…

The Stars all lined up, ready to be made into sizzling Ikan Bakars…

Tell me it doesn’t whet your appetite… heck, it’s not even cooked yet and I swear I wanted to take a huge bite off that fish!

While the Fish gets Grilled, I took a picture of her place… Can anyone dispute the loveliness of her abode, situated right at Edgware Road? I JELES!

And hence we kick off and digged in! There were about 12 around, all waiting with their salivas dripping out nonstop ๐Ÿ˜›

That’s Yani for you, constantly making sure we were fed, and provided everything from drinks to snacks and even rented DVDs… What a HOST!

Among the few people around, all enjoying themselves and filling up their stomaches with pure goodness.. Suffice to say I stayed back till late and tar-paued quite a lot of food for my lunch and dinner the day after =P

Man, just writing this post has gotten me all hungry-ed up! Toodloos, am gonna get myself some good dinner ๐Ÿ˜€ Till my next post entry then, which will be on my trip to Birmingham… that’s FOOD and MORE POSING PICTURES with CHICKS *wink*

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Post Exam Day 2: Caryn & Kevin Day Out

In leau with my celebrations, I will post up 2 entries today, Day 2 and Day 3 since my final exams! Suffice to say, I’d been having a lot of fun, eating a lot of food, meeting a lot of people AND spending a lot of money hehe… Let me elaborate in my pictures!

Caryn and I decided to chill at a Morocan Restaurant, having lunch and shisha together although it was still in the afternoon!

After our food, we had shisha to celebrate the Datukship of Uncle Chua lol!

Our poser self shining ๐Ÿ˜› We’re PADI Certified Divers!!

See, even little piggie wants a bit of shisha too ๐Ÿ˜€

Kevin’s Birthday Party

We had Kevin’s birthday dinner later at Kiasu, and it started out with these scrumptious chocs!

Kiasu’s Menu, a Malaysian Restaurant in Bayswater, UK!

One of their specialties, I forgot what you call them…

Fried Rice, delicious looking, no? ๐Ÿ˜€

This could be Mee Jawa, I may be wrong though… was good nevertheless!

Otherwise, pretty much everyone ordered the much loved Nasi Lemak!

The Invited VIPs lol… Mixed batch of Singaporeans and Malaysians ๐Ÿ˜€
Who ever said we couldn’t be nice neighbours ๐Ÿ˜›

There was free dessert for everyone, and ABC was the best choice, no? haha

THen comes the birthday cake! It’s crazy-ass sweet!

One bunch of us posing after the food. Notice we got fatter ๐Ÿ˜›

Some Imperial beauties (yes or no? lol) All from Mech Eng so if you want girls, do Mech Eng!

And you’ll never know when you find out that you’re at the centre of the girls’ attention *wink*

Next post coming up, and it’s gonna be about a Cook-Out Session held at Rayani’s GORGEOUS place at Edgware Road. Think Ikan Bakar yum yum!

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The Prayer…

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