House Lovetimeeee

Dear readers,

I’m pleased to announce that once again Imperial has been very helpful to me this year. Applying for Hardship Fund was never an easy decision to make, as obviously there are people in need of the money more than me, and so, I’m never one who expects anything from my application eversince my first year attempt to do so. Fortunately for me, after the Board’s assessment of my situation which involves a whole complicated issue, I’ve been receiving funds from them amounting to about 800 pounds a year. The amount may seem negligible comparing to the hefty internation tuition fee totalling to about 17K pounds a year, but trust me, it really did put off a load of a burden from both mine and my parent’s chest.

This year was no exception: in fact, I’ve never been more surprised myself. Joanne Harding, the woman in charge of the Hardship Fund Trust, wanted to interview me again, which has never happened before. In two weeks time, I received a letter from her, stating:

  • I was granted a total sum of £1,000 for the academic year 2006-2007
  • I was granted a waive off the 4% instalment charge on my tuition fees for dual instalments, equivalent to about £700

Now that’s a whopping total of £1,700, and I’ve never been so shocked in my life. I’m very thankful to my personal tutors, my Senior Tutor Margaret Cunningham and Lynda White for their testimonies, my friends, ever supportive family and granduncle, and of course, God. This is truly a blessing, and with this I then spent my housemates a round of…. SUSHI!
(As usual, *click* to enlarge)

Origami love in Dept. of Computing

Sushi Platter X, looks can be decieving…

Every flesh has a yummy scent to it… *drool*

Not so interesting-looking dish…

Wui Seng & Wen Yen, the Inseparables!! 😀

Jun Hui ready to dig in, it’s free sushi anyway!

Coming Up: Sheffield Games 2007

I have never tasted anything so good, get ready for a good run of SHEFFIELDS!!

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Imperial College Malaysian Night 2007

Need I say more?

The event turned out to be quite a success! But before that I met up with my ex-committee members of the Anime Society, or what’s left of us hehe. We hanged out like the ol’ times, talking about weird stuff while heading towards an Iranian Restaurant recommended by our President himself, Sadegh! So the few of us including Kamilah (the guest member), Kishore (our PR guy) and The Swede (JohanNP) managed to bind together in our own secret little world….

(click on pic to enlarge :wink:)

Feels great to just stroll and be happy!

Johan thinks it was a good idea to receive a shoe from Kishore.. for free! 😀

Group picture at the restaurant by the most courteous waiter I’ve ever met!

Everyone being the weird self that they are!

Look at the juicy skewered lamb, can you already taste it? Goes extremely well with the colourful rice..

I would have to say that the rice was the “thing” of the moment… Simply YAMATASTIC!

Coming Soon Near You

*Slluuuuurrpppp!!! 😀

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Korean Food @ Holborn

There are just times when you feel there’s something special about a place. Good memories. Enjoyable times. Plentiful of emotions running in the air: cunning, relaxed, naughty, sweet, shy, sparking, magical.. the list is inexhaustible.

That was how I felt when I was having lunch at Holborn’s Oasadal. Enough, I’ll let the pictures do the talking. Sparkling moments can never truly be expressed in as many words.

Raw Beef: Bibimbub style. Classic yet tantalizing…

Bibimbub is never complete without these assorted dishes

A closer look at the Kimchi: served in style.

Untainted Rice: Purifying Whiteness enveloping the picture…

My Course: Royal Something, only served to the Royalties in the olden days..

Royalties only receives the best: Orgasmic mix of nutrifying ingredients!

The most blatant way to tell people what type of food they serve hehe..

Decent pricing for such a posh setting, I LIKE!

I love this place. Would love to come back here again! 😀

Coming Up: Merdeka – The Rock Musical

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Roll-up post!

So here I was, suddenly facing one of the busiest weeks of this year 2007. From CNY gathering to International Night 2007, I was kept on toes doing my best juggling between final year and… well, partying =P


Chinese New Year Celebration

Thanks Andy for buying us a bottle of wine! GONG HEI LEI!

As usual, Mazzy and I never left the camera alone! Do we Mazzy? 😀


No food pics though, it was twerrible 😥

Super Dancer Online

I’m so proud of myself, this is the BEST I’ve done on a level 10 song!!

After a healthy dose of SDO, I then proceeded to Ra’s Hawaiian-Style House Parteh, but not before having McDonald’s Chicken Strips!

McDonald’s Chicken Select

For it’s price, I thought it was worth it… Quite yummy!

Does it look delicious to you? Turns out to be quite good, but maybe because it’s new hehe…

Ra House Party

You have no idea: they turned the house into a clubbin’ scene!!! Way COOL!

All smileeee!! (In actual fact, I’m the only person who knows Ra, the rest met her through me lol :P)

How loooww can you gooo! This girl beat us all to smitherins!

[kml_flashembed movie="" width="480" height="376" fvars="mediaId=189209 ; affiliateId=44205" wmode="transparent" /]
The scene at the house parteh!

Next up was International Night, which was just yesterday… I’m proud to announce that the event was a HUGE SUCCESS!! Here’s the brochure I made, together with Charlotte‘s poster design! 😀

International Night 2007

Here’s one of the rehearsal pictures, presenting the Tap Dancers by Dance Company!

Tap Dancing Finale!!

[kml_flashembed movie="" width="480" height="376" fvars="mediaId=189188 ; affiliateId=44205" wmode="transparent" /]
The belly dancerss!

WOW! That was a lot of stuff 😀 Have yet to fulfil my desires to eat in the following places though, so let this be the places to eat list of 2007!

Fifteen – by Jamie Oliver DONE
• UK: £40
• UK: £70
Gordon Ramsay NOT YET
• UK: £100++
The Fat Duck London NOT YET
• UK: £160++

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