Muar Trip

Anyway… Last summer holidays I made two trips to Muar, and in one of them we went hiking up this mountain… Crazy la. =P

Just thought of putting some photos up right before WOW-ing you with pictures of the BEST New Year’s Eve party EVER! *wink*
As usual, click on the pictures to enlarge it =)

Square patches everywhere in Muar!

Spideyman… Managed to get them still ๐Ÿ˜‰

Hanabi, hanabi O beautiful art thouuuuu

Tongkat Ali, no use for me >D

The best feeling in the world… At the Top!

Thanks for everything, Mr Chua& co!

Continuation of 2007 Celebrations!

Bread & Butter Pudding… YUM!

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The Time Fountain

This is the coolest thing I’ve seen this month… How to make it? If you’re an engineer go here and it won’t be too hard to figure out!!

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Ice Bar – A Trip to Iceland

What’s a New Year without doing some wacky stuff? Besides our New Year’s Eve Party (next post!) we decided to pay a visit to a 12-pounder entrance fee, one-of-a-kind bar called the Ice Bar (how unoriginal) at Oxford Street, London. I believe, once again, pictures will do best in talking *wink*

The Creators of Icebar!

My Cool Buddy n Me *wink*

Colours of IceBar below -6 degrees

Our Cocktail Galore from us 9 (note the orthogonality =P)

Just a few of the group, the rest went CAMWHORING!

Trying to act cool =P (won’t be so vain to say I am hor hehe)

Stuck in the Ice Prison!!

Overall the experience was cool (literally =P) and 12 pounds was worth it… I suppose it was just 8 poundish since we got a complimentary drink which would be worth 4 poundish.. But still, I suppose being a scrooge that I am I won’t be back anytime soon =) Once is enough… wouldn’t risk my camera getting spoilt by the temperature now would I?

Coming up next…

New Year Celebration!

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Darth Kitty!!

I JUST have to show this… I can’t stop laughing XD

Coming up next? New Year’s celebration & Ice Bar 2007 – 2 at one go!


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