Brighton Post #2

I’m gonna do this at random… Writing a whole post about a trip is as stressing as preparing for exams!! Anyway let’s start by showing you how a short stretch of the beach looks like… And trust me, this picture doesn’t do justice!

Oh, and by the way, we came across this funny trampoline cum bungee jumping thingie which I find damn hilarious! I joked that I’ll scare my little sister (Carol) that if she doesn’t behave then I was gonna tie her up into this contraption and fling her into the air… Bwahahahha! Then again, I think I wasn’t joking 😀

But of course, what’s a trip without FOOD! Here we were at the beach side enjoying seafood… and it’s cheap as well! (We ate a lot of food. You cannot even begin to imagine how much!)

The four of us had this. It was amazing!

If you think such a stoney beach could not possible contain life, think again. We found this sea creature amongst the rocks, and boy was it sm-e-ll-y!

At the Brighton Pier, lots and lots of stalls were selling tidbits from juicy hotdogs, scrumptious seafood platters to sweet belgium waffles, which incidently, is exactly what I’m eating in the picture below. Yum!

Here’s a sample of what’s in the Sand Sculpture World Exhibition, held once a year in 6 different places over the world. Mainly sculpturers from Holland, these people set a theme for the exhibition every year, and last year was Greece. Can you guess what this year’s theme is from the pictures I’ve taken?

This picture won’t help lol… It’s just an eye pleaser for you testosterone-hyped people :mrgreen:

There are lots more pictures to follow… Once I’ve gotten permission from the others to put their pictures up. The last time I did that without informing I kena scolded 😀 Au revoir!

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Brighton Beach #1

Brighton Beach can never be more amazing than what I had expected from the No.1 Top Gay City in the UK! Getting there with the impression of a metrosexual-based city life wasn’t a total lie, but what blew me away was the fact that the scenery there was simply AMAZING and highly unexpected.

For once, the prices here are amazingly lower compared to London, although it has pretty much the same shops as they have in London… which makes it an ideal shopping paradise with beaches to boot. It is ideally a family hotspot as well, with the Annual Sand Carving Exhibition and SeaLife: a marine showcase based right at the beachy area of Brighton.

Have I tweaked your interest? 😀 Come back later for more pictures, it’s late so I’m just gonna hold it up till tomorrow. Daym, Brighton should pay me for advertising them! :mrgreen:

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The Suey Day

A musician has his days, or he has not. There are times when a musician simply has to live in his tunes, in his harmonic world of music. Nothing else could be its substitute, neither a day of fortune nor a day of bliss.

It is the very need of his soul, a life force that has to be triggered, else it will fail him for good.

So one day, the musician and his pet panda decided to replenish the life force that surrounds their very existence. This was on the Friday, 2nd of February 2006. They went into the chamber of harmonics, where instruments of life-giving mana were prepared for other users. They then settled for a classic Clavinova where the panda proceeded to render a heartwarming Pachabel’s Canon in D Major (which, incidently, is not the same as Pachabel’s Canon in D). Halfway through, a disharmonic high-pitched ringing suddenly blasted through the chamber, disorienting the musician, his pet panda and all other users of the Chamber of Harmonics. Lost and confused, all users were to disengage on whatever they were doing and make their way outside the Chamber, only to find a whole crowd of people from other sectors of life gathered into one vicinity.

Alas, the musician and his pet panda attracted unwanted attention, since it was highly improbable to tame a panda, let alone own one, for this one was a honourary panda indeed. Weeding through the crowd, the musician and his pet panda decided that the day wasn’t made for life-regenerating purposes, and agreed that it will have to be postponed to another day since waiting half-an-hour for the intolerable mind-numbing screech to wade off seemed an almost impossible task.

As they walked on the stretch that leads home, the musician and his pet panda hummed Lee Hom’s Kiss Goodbye, for it would have to be sufficient to keep their lives going on while waiting for the sun to set beyond the horizon, as if bading farewell to yet another day in its infinite lifetime.

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LengMou, to be continued!

They say a way through a guy’s heart is by their stomach… So it’s no joke when 3 freshly roasted ducks became the source of reason as to why the lengmous’ (aka Boss Stewie & Boss Lepton) decision to continue blogging for the world!! Three cheers for the Bosses!

Initially I really wanted to beat Boss Stewie’s record of 5 ducks for 4 people… That’s a whopping 1.25 duck per person! Unfortunately Qi Zhen decided that he doesn’t want to spend so much money we decided against it and settled for 3 ducks instead, to feed 5 people. That’s just 0.6 duck per head, not good, not good at all 🙁 Still, we had 2 tau foo dishes and vege to go with it which makes a very yummy dinner!

That’s Qi Zhen saying “Me no money for ducks, but if Boss Lepton chiang then lai lai ducky ducky I wanna eat youuu!

So here we were, at Four Seasons (again!) and having the time of our lives eating ducks, which turned from this:

to this

in less than 20 minutes… hence we thought that we should proceed to order another tau foo dish (a boss stewie favourite) and another whole roast duck! Crazy? I know!

To commemorate this highly auspicious event, I even presented the Bosses with free tickets to any movie at any VUE cinema, for anytime and day! Perfect for a little “catching-up” ya know? That is, with Boss Stewie’s gay tendencies I mean 😀

We finally ended the day (and effectively my last outing with the Bosses EVER in London) with a group picture, consisting of (from L to R): Boss Stewie (fatty), Boss Lepton, Me, Zhon Wei & Qi Zhen.

Life is certainly very good these days :mrgreen: I can’t wait to see what’s in store for the future… although it may be riddled with problems and whatnots, I will always cheer up thinking of these silly things that happened in my life (which incidently, one of them, I found out, was that Boss Lepton has a very scary way of walloping oranges like yam-ing sui only… we had to fight the oranges off him!! :wink:)

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