Cooking at 2am…

Pork LoinsExpiring on the 23rd of March.
Shiitake MushroomsExpiring on the 23rd of March.

So what do I do? I cook them on the morning of 23rd of March, and to be exact, that’s 1.30AM in the morning! Well, I was planning to slow-cook it anyway, gets the best out of those sweet, woody shittake mushroom flavour ๐Ÿ˜€ Even as I type I’m tasting it, sooooo good!!

Here’s from my mum:

i chop pork into small pieces. fry lots of onions and garlic, put in the pork
cook pork until turn colour, put in black and white sauce and simmer until boiling
then only add water and cover and cook over low heat, add sliced mushroom and simmer
simmer for 1 hour add jagong flour to thicken and eat with spegetti. very nice

Don’t you just adore the way she says it? Makes it seem all the more delicious!

And before I forget, Happy Belated Birthday dear Sandra! My sister just turned 19 (I think) on the 22nd of March 2006. She’s all into cheerleading, until the whole of her CV is filled with them O_o. Oh well, at least she’s representing the country now. I must say, all Tock family are achievers man!

Presenting: The Retarded Family! (as usual, click for larger picture)

ps – Look out for my next post: it’s all about a VVIP “growing” in the office! To quote a colleague, “You can’t go wrong with a Phallic Symbol to represent your company!”. So watch out!

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Knowing Your Place

Have you ever wondered, if you were always at the wrong place, or at the wrong time? You know, when that feeling dawns upon you, and life as you see it won’t be as fair as you may think? Well, I’ve been there, as many of you would have been, except that I have been wonderfully blessed such that I could afford to laugh at daunting problems, or smile at the tiniest issue. A friend of mine told me, that this was a trait that I have, and since I felt touched by that act of sincere openness (trust me, from him, you will rarely, if not ever, received that kind of remark), I want to share these pictures that I took some time ago.

Wings – a beautifully sculptured metal found on the walkway of the City of Angel

These were taken at my grand uncle’s funeral. Although I did not know him very well, on his last few days we had this bond of kinship as we spoke at his deathbed before he passed away. It was during the covering of his coffin that I swore I saw this unique moth flying out of the pit and onto my hand. I honestly felt that his soul was bonded with the moth, as it continued moving on my hand, allowing me to take pictures of it. After awhile, off it flew into the sky, leaving me with warm tears trickling down my cheeks as I rejoiced and reminded myself how wonderful life truly is.

See how plain and ugly it is on the outside, but so beautifully mesmerizing on the inside? That’s how we should view life as: to know that there exist an ugly side of it, and yet choose to seek for a positive viewing of your life. Hope that helps =)

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Imperial College Malaysia Night 2006

Sometimes you wouldn’t admit it. Pride, ego, none of that will give.

But this year, they have created another monster, and with so many talents and organizational power, I have to say this year’s Malaysia Night has yet again raised the bar to a higher one. I would have to say they were VERY ambitious, an element hindered in the past as we already introduced many alien ideas to the already impressive Malaysian Night of 2004. It is amazing what 3 scriptwriters can come up with, 4 Creative Props Crew, 2 Performance Managers, and of course, the Producer himself, a junior while I was at KTJ: Stone (Azril).

I am glad, though, as I think we of the ex-committee did play a major part in the success of this year’s Malaysia Night. Kudos to our team =) Maybe one day I’ll list down everything we pioneered and see how it has impacted the society as a whole…

Publicity for Imperial College Malayia Night? Heck, like I said, even for those you have to make some effort! The Star editor is a friend of mine, Encik Revi Pillai who’s the Press Officer of the High Commisioner, and he wrote an article in the Star, which can be read here. (Ps. Did I tell you I just had dinner with the High Commisioner? We spoke of somethings that I may share one day :grin:)

And just to end with a blast: 2 pictures taken from

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Pin in the Leg

Chris waves to his blog readers.. in a unique way!

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