2 Posts In A Day Is Worth The Sushi

Yes you heard it right… This day today, as a good friend from Cambridge came down to stay with me, we’ve come across so many things that are likely to be found else where.

Not only did we manage to get our cookies baked, in fact, there can be nothing better to describe such an occasion but to show you by the nook:


Truly, such an occasion is to sigh for, to cry for and to die for. Never in my life have I found my one true love coming in such a price like this… Absolutely astoundingly and amazingly atrocious! This day will be the day that will be forever recorded down in my history of Random Life!

Just for the records, this is how it went:

  • Original Price = 5 x £3.40 = £17.00
  • Reduced Price = 5 x £0.20 = £1.00
  • Money Saved = £17.00 – £1.00 = £16.00
  • Converted Into Malaysian Ringgit = £1.00 == RM7.16590 (Thanks to www.xe.com)

For your information, that’s about the cost of 3 pairs of Salmon Sushi at home… And the quality at Sainsburies is not something you can shrug off (not to mention their high-graded wasabi material too!) I’m munching into one of them right now… and I can’t begin the sweet orgy that’s happening in my mouth…. ๐Ÿ˜ˆ

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Cookie Baking : Not Bad At All!

Guys who bake are sissies

I continue to support this motion till this very day. Fortunately for me, “baking” cookies don’t come any nearer to the term “baking” we used in the quote above. Frankly speaking, we found out the secret to making a perfect cookie was to, in fact, FRY it. ๐Ÿ˜€

Obviously to start with the dough must be in a perfect condition. Simply put, a cookie dough should look *just* like this:

Sui Seng, my partner in crime, shows how it should look like!
(a pile of fresh excrement)

Now then, a perfect timing for oven baking is crucial as well. So is positioning the cookies so that they are evenly spaced. But most important of all, we need to have LOADS of sprinkles on top. That’s OUR way of making cookies ๐Ÿ˜Ž

Notice the grease paper, our secret tool of trade ๐Ÿ˜‰

This picture should give you a fairly good picture of how went our efforts went. With none to no hassle and the usual uncertainty we get from the fairer sex, it is safe to say that in the end, us guys will always overpower them in Cookie Making… I mean, hey, Famous Amos ain’t famous for nothing!! ๐Ÿ˜ˆ

Freshly baked from the oven, crispy and brown and loaded with chips ๐Ÿ˜‰

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Confidence… Where Art Thou?

This blog has always been a part of me when it started, speaking of triumph and victories I’ve went through, and is to be. When I first started this blog, it’s function was to prove to the world how an underdog could overcome impossible situations… something that most think is just a facade of imaginary life. I’ve created the blog to boast of my accomplishments, entertain my friends on certain events that most find quirky (see post on Camping in London ) and even to speak of people who’ve helped me like this one.

It is very different from ones you get in most of the famous bloggers blogs.. or rather, ravers. Yeah, that’s how I term them. People who rave and rant. But that’s how life is, people in general like listening to rants and corelate them to their lives too. That way they can say “Ah, I was there before.” then some would say “I should have done that!” and some, “I think I handled my problem better than you did”, some would go, “ahhh, that was clever ๐Ÿ˜€“, and the rest, “wow this girl has some guts!“.

I guess people want entertainment, and here in cyberspace, they find all kinds of them, in various forms. If anything, I applaud the creators of blogging for introducing something relatively safe and infectious at the same time (tis a rarity to find something safe and YET infectious these days, agreed?)

Well, this posts, going at the same undertone as previous’s ones, would be something I wasn’t expecting to appear in this blog. Slowly sucking away your life, being at the opposite peak of your life CAN bring consequences you’ve never asked for… And this is what I ask from you: please be patient with me, and leave me be.

A friend has once told me that there is a Cycle of Karma, and I believe, if it were true, which incidently I cannot do so as I practice Christianity (although you may argue that they could co-exist), then I would be at the point where it says “You Shall Rise From Here”, so once again I request you readers (who care!) bear with me as I climb my way out of this damned tunnel.

Accomplishments Today: Completed A PS2 Game:
Shadow Hearts II : Convenant

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Today I Feel Like A Man

I guess there are times when you feel you’ve changed. It’s like, you’re a whole new person altogether. Just today I did something that stripped me of my overpowering ego. After that, I took a 5 minute bath in silence, and as I walk out of it, I feel like I’ve changed… matured? I do not know. All I know is that everything between you and I, everything we have together, that will never change.

Cheesy? Indeed, my dear Watson =)

Loneliness is something you seek, not something that comes to you. Be aware, and turn your life around! – The Rigante Wods

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