Random Rodeo Quest…

Rodeo: Can you handle it?

A challenge for all of you out there… I dare you to post your marks on my comments. I will reveal my skills in due time. I now await the first challenge: who dares come? 😈

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You know you’re too much into the Imperial College Malaysian Night 2005 : Of Bunga Raya’s and Coconuts when your desktop changes from this:

Click To Enlarge

To this one:

Click To Enlarge

Well, with just 2 more weeks to go I can’t help but feel VERY EXCITED!!

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Cold winter nights

As I walk along the dark roads in London going back to my humble abode, I shiver in cold and frown upon the cold winds threatening to blow me off. London’s weather has no mercy on their occupants, whoever they might be. I guess even the great Reyes cannot even survive the bitterness of it, as mentioned in one of the newspapers I happen to come across the other day..

The weather? This, I repeat to myself several times. Or could it be other things in mind that would cause this coldness to increase day by day? In fact, the first snow fell on the darkest of days I have ever had. A sign maybe? I hope not…

For now, I want to learn to trust somebody. I really need to put on hope on somethings that I though could never be. Maybe I need to rethink on what I am to do. Priorities, some say. I should get one day off planning things ahead, something I have never done before. But this is all before God, and to start of with God will be my first priority.

If anyone is reading this, I would love you to pray for me. I want you to help me ask God for guidance, as well as pray that I will go to church and not be detered in any way. I am aware that I need to help myself too, so that I shall do. Thank you all, from the bottom of my heart.

Christopher, on the 21st night of a freezing cold month of February.

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Linspire – A Linux For Windows users?

I’ve noticed from my colleague’s blog that there is a hype around: the new Linspire. Well, to be honest it’s not very new, but for some reason the fact that it is FREE and it looks like WINDOWS has made it quite popular, or so it seems. All you have to do is to put in “LINDOWS” in the Coupon Code and you’ll get an entire $49.95 off… making it free!

Oh, who am I kidding… It’s the main fact that it’s just FREE with a big F R double-E 😀

See? F – R – E – E!

For those of you who don’t know, Linspire is a stripped down version of Linux, an open-source Operating System that rivals Microsoft Windows. But because of it’s highly geeky interface, it is highly sought after by professional users and less hunted by the rest… I mean, what average guy would replace “simplicity & sweetness” with “complexity & headaches”? Just joking guys =) In any case, introducing Linspire, a hybrid between a Linux system incorporating most of Microsoft Windows’ ease of use. What more could you ask for?

Finally, I add on this little piece of information below for a certain someone who’s an avid debian user… Great, ne? 😉

Notice that it can easily install debian-type packages 🙂

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